Scott Larock
Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mr pride comes before anything else. Date and marry who your comfortable with. The community ain't there when you broke only you.
I no longer have a romantic view of marriage. It's more than feelings.
This isn't about welfare. Why do you keep using that word? Because it's associated with black women?
If you have a baby moms it's a wealth transfer if you married it's a joining of wealth and future earnings etc.
I think that's why black people don't take marriage seriously. You don't know why it exists it's purpose it's function etc.
At the coli marriage is having sex with only one woman and or potentially losing money in a divorce. What a stupid ahistorical view of marriage.
Grow up bro
You are on team #GPB?
Mr pride comes before anything else. Date and marry who your comfortable with. The community ain't there when you broke only you.
Not gonna lie, some of the responses in here hurt.I was never asking for what I should do, just interested in people's reactions because I'd rather have the convo here than in real life.
But yeah... I have to CHOOSE. Damn. People calling me a c00n and shyt in reps.Like I've never dated black women or turned down black women of similar value just due to blackness. I underestimated this section of the site.
Some of y'all are really willing to forsake love/happiness for the cause. A part of me respects that but a part of me doesn't understand it. Just hope you're as about it in other facets of life.
Mixed offspring is a tool of white supremacist mindsets used to cause division and create classes of black people. You do not get to label yourself as "aware" with "black" children when you are playing right into the destruction and confusion of our people.
I'm glad you've found happiness though. Be happy. Just don't label yourself as conscious of the tactics of white supremacists mindsets when it's clear that you are not.
In what way did white supremacy manipulate this situation? And not in some vague sense because a LOT of things we do support white supremacy inadvertently.
For hundreds of years, interracial sex has been used by Europeans against non-whites to divide and conquer non-white nations; to dilute (destroy) their genetics, culture, and heritage, and to introduce mulatto “advocates” that will be white-identified and bred to serve the needs and the whims of the white supremacists. The English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French destroyed entire nonwhite populations by introducing selected white females to the non-white male “natives.”
Two things happened:
1. Biological warfare in the form of STDs and sexual epidemics by having sex with Europeans.
2. Social stratification by the elevation of the mulatto (half-white/ half-black), which led to conflict and division among the native populations. Through this use of sexual manipulation by Europeans, entire non-white societies were destroyed, because the family was the extension of the nation and all that it stood for.
Since black males are more likely than black females to date and marry whites, black males are more likely to break the traditional covenant between the male and female of EVERY ethnic group. When the Unconscious Black Male uplifts, protects, and provides for the white female – at the expense of the black female — he foolishly alienates his ONLY TRUE ALLY in a white supremacy system: the black female.
Try To Imagine The Following Scenario:
Palestinian males – who are engaged in a life and death struggle with the Israelis – bringing home Israeli brides when 45% of the Palestinian women are single, and where 70% of the Palestinian children are fatherless. Would any self-respecting Palestinian man who was fighting for the survival of his people put a bullet in the heads of those Palestinian men who put the welfare of their enemies above the welfare of their own women and children?
Would those Palestinian females respect a Palestinian male who ignored the SUFFERING AND MOUNTING CASUALTIES OF HIS OWN PEOPLE to bond with the women of his enemies? Or would the Palestinian women resent – even hate — these Palestinian men for their dangerous and foolish betrayal?
When the black male uplifts the white female by offering her MORE emotional and financial support (benefits) than he offers the black female, the black female has no incentive to be loyal to the black male OR his agenda because she is NOT receiving the emotional OR financial benefits she rightfully deserves. She will then focus all her attention on her grievances with the black male.
In addition, the black female loses respect for black males collectively because they have FAILED TO FULFILL the role that ALL MEN must fulfill to be RESPECTED AS MEN: to protect AND provide for the women and children of their ethnic group.
Do not misunderstand the definition of “benefits.” This has nothing to do with gold-digging, materialism, fancy cars, jewelry, expensive homes, or “bling-bling.” This is about economic, social, and cultural SURVIVAL.
What is thatYou are on team #GPB?
This gets at what I have an issue with. Race isn't a binary. What say you when the Palestinian man marries an Asian woman? Or a black woman? See my point? shyt's not black and white.