I never got this line of thinking. These are grown adults. Sittting there unrestrained watching a grown man take off his clothes and then jerk off to completion. They bare some responsibilities.
Roy Moore, Alabama Senate candidate, denies inappropriate relationships with teensThink about what these demons on Capitol Hill be doing.
i might just stay and watch. And I'd tell my niccas over a Corona the next weekend
Deez heaux see opportunity and grab it by the cojones
Well, unless you're a female comedian, then you'll be seeing more of him than you ever wanted to see.Yeah there’s a lot of Louis you’ll be not seeing soon breh
Nah man, unless CK asked them to his room for sex which he clearly didn't, and they walk in and he whips his dikk out that's sexual harassment, your also not a female so you have to imagine it as you partying with Mike Tyson, he tells you to come to his room, you think it's all cool I'm hanging with Tyson, you walk in and he whips his dikk out and starts jerking off lookin at you like, I know you think you're tough in your mind, but in that situation you freeze and fear for your butthole. Bottom line is its 2017, if a woman hasn't confirmed that you gonna be banging, don't be pulling your dikk out in front of her, or do it and face the consequences
Yea it just makes no sense to me. They even say they sat there laughing and shyt. If u can laugh u can also get tf up and walk out. The assault has already taken place once he's gotten nude without u asking. U don't have to watch him sit and then start jerking and then watch him buds before u leave. If this shyt was in a movie the whole audience would be like "why the hell are y'all still there watching?Yeah it makes me wonder how someone can sit there through the whole thing and not do anything unless it takes him seconds to nut.
Actually if you read the account some of them have been telling folks for over a decade. Think about that. It takes a major Hollywood scandal for people to believe folks who have been talking for years. And the length of time it takes most people to come forward about sexual abuse or assault is 22 years. The reactions here show why.