Lincoln was fixing to deport all the black people to south america

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Man Argentina is literally at the pit hell of South America but I get it

You don't want to deny your skin tone and be on some "me no black papi" type shyt.

Any and every form of the origins of black power movement of the diaspora came from Black Americans, Haitians, and Jamaicans, if you think about it.

The D-List Vet

Being in a recommendation system.
Apr 25, 2014
Not true. We knew what he wanted. Lincoln started deporting slaves from America to Panama as early as 1861. He commissioned black representativeS to start the process. He started moving black people there in segments but the resources and mining opportunities weren’t thriving and Costa Rica laid claim fo the land. Basically Lincoln was trying to force black slaves out of America with whoever would take them. By 1862, “The next area considered was a small island off the coast of Haiti. About 450 blacks were sent to the island, but after only a year, nearly 25% had died due to poor nutrition and disease. The remainder were returned to the states”.
This is history i didn't learn or look into :ohhh: maybe i need to look back in history more now. Also Nicole :mjgrin: need you in that other thread.

Stir Fry

Dipped in Sauce
Mar 1, 2015
The republican party was formed by and home to many abolitionists of the day.
Lincoln himself who held men in slavery but had to realize that there was no hope for expansion of the United States economy with slavery present. Moral and economic reasons were enough to motivate large groups of cacs

The south had alot of land mass controlled by fewer, with less means of manufacturing, employing less people.

They damn near avoided manufacturing just to grow and sell crops and this is where the guap came from. There were enough wealthy and dangerous people to allow them to make their folks dangerous.

The United States had to grow and they were in the way with their enslaving ass

:pacspit: I never understood Brothas that wanna wrap themselves on that piece of shyt flag

This just makes it even weirder when broke cacs find pride in the confederacy. The wealthy elites have never gave af about them, to the point that instead they stole people from a distant foreign land for labor rather than pay their own :mjlol:

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
Not true. We knew what he wanted. Lincoln started deporting slaves from America to Panama as early as 1861. He commissioned black representativeS to start the procIess. He started moving black people there in segments but the resources and mining opportunities weren’t thriving and Costa Rica laid claim fo the land. Basically Lincoln was trying to force black slaves out of America with whoever would take them. By 1862, “The next area considered was a small island off the coast of Haiti. About 450 blacks were sent to the island, but after only a year, nearly 25% had died due to poor nutrition and disease. The remainder were returned to the states”. At one point, he was like fuk it after a series of trials/ error and said “just move all the slaves to Texas” . Check the National Archives - Lincoln is quoted as saying “I can hardly believe that the South and North can live in peace, unless we can get rid of the negroes … I believe that it would be better to export them all to some fertile country…”

Which complicates the issue bc you have Panamanians and Costa Rican black
People who are on paper - African Americans born in America with black American heritage but who have Panamanian and CR citizenship bc Lincoln decided to deport them.

I never knew this...this is very interesting.
Do you know what the name of this island was, and what became of the people who were deported there who managed to survive? I wonder who their descendants are now.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Hell Nah. Black folk would be better off in a non Europeanized Carribbean country, or somewhere in West Africa. South America was still doing slavery till almost 1900. On top of self hatred, it would have been curtains for pro-black way of thinking.
But in a way there are those In the population who got came to America bc of tribalism in African countries who decided to sell out their own. It’s like returning us to people who don’t want us there and contributed to slavery through slave labor to the white “invaders”. What’s the worse of two evils for american black people who are seen as “damaged goods”- racism or tribalism :hula:
No one was giving us out little piece of land abs leave us alone. Lincoln deported black people to these scrap Pieces of land that were barely fit for human survival with his adapt or die policies.


Aug 3, 2013
Another fun fact: The Iberian Peninsula (Spain, Portugal) was trying to expand their empire and wanted to conquer The Union Territories in the northeast, and the Confederate Southeast like the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, and even Alabama, if the Civil War lasted even 6 more months. It was a good thing the Civil War ended, cause everyone in America would have been speaking Spanish as the main language.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I never knew this...this is very interesting.
Do you know what the name of this island was, and what became of the people who were deported there who managed to survive? I wonder who their descendants are now.
There’s so much information. I started out reading New York Times articles which contained snippets of testimonials and articles from the national archives and opened up a whole rabbit hole of information and going to speaker panels, researching, studying the origin of laws/policies 10 yrs ago
Lincoln to slaves: go somewhere else

-Today’s post comes from National Archives Office of Strategy and Communications staff writer Rob Crotty.

DC Emancipation Act, April 1862 showing money to be set aside for deportation (ARC 299814)

DC Metro Events

Abraham Lincoln Saved the Union, But Did He Really Free the Slaves? - Ashbrook

Why Did Lincoln Move So Slowly to Abolish Slavery? Because He Was a Racist, This Book Argues.

Lincoln's Panama Plan
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The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I never knew this...this is very interesting.
Do you know what the name of this island was, and what became of the people who were deported there who managed to survive? I wonder who their descendants are now.

Abraham Lincoln and the Politics of Black Colonization

Black Caribbean Labor Radicalism in Panama, 1914-1921 on JSTOR

While the role of Caribbean immigrants in the "New Negro" movement in the United States is now weil established, the concurrent militancy of black Caribbean workers in Panama is much ¡ ess understood. The present article examines the rise and fall of Afro-Antillano militancy in both the U.S.-controlled Canal Zone and the Republic of Panama from 1914-1921. The presence of black people in the Panamanian isthmus went back centuries; West Indian migrants were especially discriminated against because they were English-speaking and Protestant. The Canal Zone authorities instituted Jim Crow style segregation (under the "Gold" and "Silver" system) to divide the work force, leaving black Caribbean workers paid less, discriminated against, and oppressed. In the face of this, these workers were not so passive or -Briúsh as they are often depicted. Instead, there was an outpouring of labor militancy in this period, including two massive strikes. However, the defeat of these strikes undercut the development of a united-workingclass movement in Panama, caused many black Caribbean migrants to leave Panama, and made many of those remaining wary of labor radicalism. The Universal Negro Improvement Association of Marcus Garvey—the most prominent black Caribbean organization in Panama at the time—had originally sympathized with the labor militancy, but in the wake of working-class defeats, became increasingly anti-labor.

On June 13, 1863, for example, Lincoln approved a plan proposed a year earlier that allowed British agents to recruit black emigrants for the colonies of Honduras and Guyana. See James Mitchell to Lincoln, June 14, 1862 (with Lincoln's endorsement of June 13, 1863), Records of the Secretary of the Interior Relating to the Suppression of the African Slave Trade and Negro Colonization, Library of Congress, reprinted in Black Abolitionist Papers, 1830–1865, ed. George E. Carter (New York: Microfilming Corporation of Ameri
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Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
True. It was best for Black people to go to a place where coining was not a part of their culture. South America took forever to end slavery and that would be sending black people BACK to the institution of slavery. Lincoln wanted power by not freeing the slaves, but he had to cripple the Confederacy.

Tribalism could be reeducated and mapped out a bigger picture of Africans vs Europeans as a while, amd that was a better alternative than dealing with Hispanic supremacists in South America, and white supremacists in North Amerixa.
But in a way there are those In the population who got came to America bc of tribalism in African countries who decided to sell out their own. It’s like returning us to people who don’t want us there and contributed to slavery through slave labor to the white “invaders”. What’s the worse of two evils for american black people who are seen as “damaged goods”- racism or tribalism :hula:
No one was giving us out little piece of land abs leave us alone. Lincoln deported black people to these scrap Pieces of land that were barely fit for human survival with his adapt or die policies.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
True. It was best for Black people to go to a place where coining was not a part of their culture. South America took forever to end slavery and that would be sending black people BACK to the institution of slavery. Lincoln wanted power by not freeing the slaves, but he had to cripple the Confederacy.

Tribalism could be reeducated and mapped out a bigger picture of Africans vs Europeans as a while, amd that was a better alternative than dealing with Hispanic supremacists in South America, and white supremacists in North Amerixa.
that was tried back in 1820, return of slaves Back to Sierra Leone- they either died through clashes with local tribes or from famine or disease within 2 yrs. that was decades before Lincoln’s emigration plan.
-1820, the first organized group of emigrating freed slaves departed from New York to Freetown, Sierra Leone, in West Africa.

The enterprise was organized by the American Colonization Society, founded in 1816 by Robert Finley (1772-1817) with the mission of returning freed American slaves to Africa.

“In 1819, Congress had authorized the return of freed black slaves. The lawmakers appropriated $100,000, a large sum at the time, to be used in returning displaced Africans who had been brought to the United States illegally after the abolishment of the slave trade in 1808. The widespread trade of slaves, particularly within the South, continued. Children of slaves automatically became slaves, thus ensuring a self-sustaining slave population for Southern cotton growers.

With congressional approval, the American Colonization Society in 1821 founded the colony of Liberia, south of Sierra Leone, as a permanent homeland for freed U.S. slaves.

In many respects, the American program traced British efforts to resettle freed slaves in Africa following that nation’s abolishment of the slave trade in 1772. In 1787, the British government settled 300 former slaves and 70 white former prostitutes on the Sierra Leone peninsula. Within two years, however, most members of this settlement had died from disease or in clashes with local tribes.”

Then there was this failure with this Haiti expedition - Lincoln sent everybody to their death. Like the idiots did to Roanoke.
Just after the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect (1 Jan 1863) Abraham Lincoln signed a contract with two New York capitalists to transport 500 newly-freed ex-slaves to Ile-a-Vache, Haiti, where they would, under company supervision, found and maintain a colony. From the start, little went right. Failure was due largely to mismanagement and chicanery on the part of the company. The emigrants lived (and died) miserably on Ile-a-Vache for nearly a year, until they were returned to the U. S. on a government transport ship in March, 1864.
"Abraham Lincoln & the Colony on Ile-a-Vache" by Robert Bray

The Île a Vache Colonization Venture, 1862-1864 on JSTOR


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
True. It was best for Black people to go to a place where coining was not a part of their culture. South America took forever to end slavery and that would be sending black people BACK to the institution of slavery. Lincoln wanted power by not freeing the slaves, but he had to cripple the Confederacy.

Tribalism could be reeducated and mapped out a bigger picture of Africans vs Europeans as a while, amd that was a better alternative than dealing with Hispanic supremacists in South America, and white supremacists in North Amerixa.
I also wonder how much of this is facts v propaganda
Did African Americans Enslave Liberian Africans? • Brightwork Research & Analysis

The Americo-Liberian settlers did not relate well to the indigenous peoples they encountered, especially those in communities of the more isolated “bush“. The colonial settlements were raided by the Kru and Grebo from their inland chiefdoms. Americo-Liberians developed as a small elite that held on to political power, and indigenous tribesmen were excluded from birthright citizenship in their own land until 1904, in an echo of the United States’ treatment of Native Americans.[10]

the Americo-Liberians replicated the only society most of them knew: the racist culture of the American South. Believing themselves different from and culturally and educationally superior to the indigenous peoples, the Americo-Liberians developed as an elite minority that held on to political power. They treated the natives the way American whites had treated them: as inferiors.

Liberian social problem: the division between resettled African-Americans and their descendants, known as Americo-Liberians, and native Africans, whom the Americo-Liberians relentlessly exploited and derisively called “aborigines.” Citing the charges of near slavery in Liberia and reports that Liberian soldiers, under command of an American black, had massacred Kru tribesmen in Liberia, Britain demanded that the League of Nations take over Liberia as a mandate.