I was perfectly fine in this thread before dudes like you came in here for Marvel movies for no good reason. Every one of your posts is just seething with fanboy rage that everyone isn't sucking Marvel dikk and dares to criticize them for their lame excuses for not having Black Panther on the schedule.And not shytting on WB/DC at every turn is different than aggressively rooting for them. I want all these movies to be successful because I am a comic book fan not some assclown who acts like stanning for one over the other actually gets me something personally. All your cheerleading doesn't change the fact you have to pay full price at the movie theater just liek ther est of us.You DC stans can't even own it. Don't act like you enjoy both equally. I see you on here rooting hard for DC/Warner, it ain't no mystery. You only play Devil's Advocate when you perceive Marvel getting too much praise.
Feige is a white male, I don't expect him to be sensitive to diversity. It's not hope it's reading articles/watching videos about Marvel studios future plans. He has said he definitely plans to bring him into the MCU, why would I believe otherwise? He's lying for what? To jerk people around or something?
lol @ no evidence, straight from him he said it will happen. Black Panther is an Avenger, he has fans, the MCU needs more heroes, vibranium is already in the MCU, Chris Hemsworth has said vibranium is part of the Ultron story line. But there's no evidence?! Wow.
lol @ it being confounding to Feige's mind. Your dissing of him like Marvel can't do Wakanda even though they did Asgard just shows the contempt you have. You claiming to be some impartial Devil's Advocate is laughable.
And all of your "evidence" is hilarious. fukk them mentioning vibranium...how about mentioning Wakanda. Or even better just announce that the movie is being made and giving it a release date. Fiege never commits to a BP movie in any fashion. he always makes it seem like it is something that is mentioned but not in his power to get done.
And I didn't make up the Wakanda quote...I did attribute it to Fiege in error though. It was actually said by Marvel Studios co-president Louis D'Esposito who said in response to a question about why there had been no movement on a BP movie:
But it's a little more difficult, maybe, creating [a world like Wakanda]. It's always easier basing it here. For instance, 'Iron Man 3' is rooted right here in Los Angeles and New York. When you bring in other worlds, you're always faced with those difficulties
And that was after they had made Thor and already put Guardians of the Galaxy on the schedule.