Lets talk about there's going to be a Cyborg movie and no Black Panther!

Won Won

Sep 11, 2012
Right... and the whole Batman vs Superman easter egg from I AM LEGEND meant that they had it every intention of making it in 2016 too. :stopitslime:


Is this real life?


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
I was being sarcastic to say easter eggs do not ALWAYS mean something it will automatically lead to that.... most of the time, easter eggs are just easter eggs.

2nd of all, RDJ's contract was definitely up in the air and Marvel themselves stated they will not announce ANYTHING unless there's a confirmation on contractual agreements. The only reason Civil War was announced was due to RDJ agreeing to sign on. If it wasn't going to happen, then Marvel and EASY go another route with Captain America we with ANY of these films. What amazes me is the fact you really BELIEVE that they have a strict direction going up to 2029.

Also, again, I PERSONALLY thought that the Civil War story arc could happen, however, the biggest issue people in general was saying was the Spider-Man inclusion which Marvel HAVE and possibly STILL trying to work with SONY to get on board with the crossover which would be AMAZING if it happens. But the point YOU are missing is Marvel is FLEXIBLE enough to adjust and DC is still their direct competitor. There's TOO MUCH coincidences for all this to come out NOW instead of just a random day.

2029? No....but given their track record why is it so hard to believe they have an over arching plan?

They said they were putting together The Avengers back in '08 before they had a single successful movie.

They had the Infinity Gauntlet in "Thor". A year later in 2012 Thanos made his first appearance, when he's not a featured villain until 2018.

So yeah, I do believe "Civil War" was gonna happen one way or another totally independent of DC. Why would Marvel be worried about "Superman V Batman" when "Iron Man 3" made as much money as the last Nolan Batman? Marvel is straight regardless.

Matter of fact, remove "Civil War" from their roster. That's not even the biggest movie they have, "Infinity War" is....so why would they be sweating DC?


Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
What is ALL that has anything to DO with DISNEY green lighting Black Panther NOW? Disney OWNS Marvel know and have done so for the past 2 plus years. And nobody isn't speaking about PHASE 1, BTW... so deuces out this thread :camby:

:skip: You said "But best believe Disney was holding back or we would of gotten our Black Panther a WHILE ago" so it has everything to do with it :comeon:

Marvel announces a slate of films that runs until 2012 in 2008. In 2010 Disney buys Marvel, the slate of films to be released do not change and are in tandem with Marvel and Paramounts original lineup. All are released bar Ant-Man which gets delayed due to Edgar Wright doing another movie.

The films that were all on the first slate are successful and garner inevitable sequels which are released between 2013-2015.

Only one new property is announced with them; Guardian of The Galaxy. Something they had been looking at since 2009. They were also only doing two movies a year.

So how exactly were Disney "holding back" on a Black Panther movie? what did they change?