Let's talk about it.... Is it really social conditioning if men prefer light skin women?

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
SO you made this thread to confirm colorism is real but saying it is natural instead of saying we were conditioned:dahell:?
Colorism has existed for too long for you to make such a crazy assumption.
if a tall and short guy are equally attractive,which one would the woman choose? likely the taller guy.
So if you acknowledge that more men would pick an equally attracive lightskin woman,over an equally attractive darkskin woman you are basically admitting they are doing this because they prefer the light skin:mindblown:
That don't sound like some c00n shyt and a problem to you:martin:?

Ok so in the discussion of beauty and attraction why is colorism more of an issue than what I just bolded here? :jbhmm:

Oh I tell you why, because it effects women. Colorism in regards to beauty is only an issue to "us" because it effects dark women. So what, should we just act like we're not attracted to light skin women who are attractive because of colorism? Do women pretend like they don't like tall men to spare the short brehs feelings? fukk no. They give two shyts how a 5'6" nikka feels about "heightism" if that's a word. So why we sitting her making excuses calling shyt colorism and conditioning just cuz there are men who would jump for the light skin girl and want lighter babies? Are mixed babies not cute ? Are we supposed to down play their attractiveness to keep everything on an even keel?

Colorism and conditioning in regards to crime and police is one thing. But beauty is another. I don't care how many anorexic Vogue models TV and magazines tell me I should like, I like em brown and thick. Social conditioning does not control what my dikk gets hard to. And I think majority of men can agree to that.

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
That's a different subject fam. This don't go hand in hand with what I'm talking about. There's conditioning when it comes to police and race. But we're talking about beauty here. Doesn't gold stand out more than silver? Don't diamonds stand out more than any other gem? The shinier and brighter something is, the more attractive people find it. It's not necessarily conditioning that's just nature. Aren't most kid toys shiny and bright? Why is that?

And that's not to say lighter skin automatically makes someone more attractive. But it helps initially attracting someone at first glance.

It's all conditioning and they are related learned behaviors. It's like the first thing you learn in psych 101


Oct 30, 2017
And yet majority of black men still marrying black women. Still prefer black women. Still would settle with a black woman after they experience other women. That's why I don't believe it's conditioning. Most black men aren't "pawging" or swirling. Facts. Guys that date out their race maybe are trying something new and if it works for them it works for them. Has nothing to do with conditioning. Maybe a breh just has bad experience with black women so he goes somewhere else. Again, not conditioning.
That point can be literally made for every race. Breaking news races mostly tend to date within their own races!! :ohhh: At 12 we’ll tell you how water is wet, back to you ghost. Weak ass argument


Mar 11, 2015
Ok so in the discussion of beauty and attraction why is colorism more of an issue than what I just bolded here? :jbhmm:

Oh I tell you why, because it effects women. Colorism in regards to beauty is only an issue to "us" because it effects dark women. So what, should we just act like we're not attracted to light skin women who are attractive because of colorism? Do women pretend like they don't like tall men to spare the short brehs feelings? fukk no. They give two shyts how a 5'6" nikka feels about "heightism" if that's a word. So why we sitting her making excuses calling shyt colorism and conditioning just cuz there are men who would jump for the light skin girl and want lighter babies? Are mixed babies not cute ? Are we supposed to down play their attractiveness to keep everything on an even keel?

Colorism and conditioning in regards to crime and police is one thing. But beauty is another. I don't care how many anorexic Vogue models TV and magazines tell me I should like, I like em brown and thick. Social conditioning does not control what my dikk gets hard to. And I think majority of men can agree to that.

Because one has been an issue for alot longer,and dark skin people have cried out for help and acknowledged they are hurt by this:dahell:
If short men want to tell their stories and express they pain then let them do that.
If all of a sudden I start seeing tall nikkas everywhere,and tall nikkas being the only ones women are calling attractive then maybe I too will start to take that seriously.
Get that isolated bullshyt out of here in the mean time:camby:
At the moment I have seen plenty of women showing loved to short,tattooed,malnourished,feminized men of all sizes:martin:
I see plenty of those nikkas at the forefront,and plenty of short men have been at the forefront and considered sex symbols.
So you wanna try again telling me how thats the same in the case of dark skin women?
Its not even the same for dark skin men though they face issues,this is mainly a problem for dark skin women specefically!
Why? because of nikkas like you.

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
Low Quality Posting
Because one has been an issue for alot longer,and dark skin people have cried out for help and acknowledged they are hurt by this:dahell:
If short men want to tell their stories and express they pain then let them do that.
If all of a sudden I start seeing tall nikkas everywhere,and tall nikkas being the only ones women are calling attractive then maybe I too will start to take that seriously.
Get that isolated bullshyt out of here in the mean time:camby:
At the moment I have seen plenty of women showing loved to short,tattooed,malnourished,feminized men of all sizes:martin:
I see plenty of those nikkas at the forefront,and plenty of short men have been at the forefront and considered sex symbols.
So you wanna try again telling me how thats the same in the case of dark skin women?
Its not even the same for dark skin men though they face issues,this is mainly a problem for dark skin women specefically!
Why? because of nikkas like you.

All I'm gonna say is that there are plenty men of all races who would love a dark skin woman. The problem is dark skin women don't want those men. You must not know about the white men who travel to Africa to get black women. Most successful white men who swirl go for darker sistas. That's an advantage if you're a dark skin woman. So I'm not gonna feel sorry or sympathetic because they have the option to be set for life and simply choose not to. fukk I look like? Lol


Mar 11, 2015
All I'm gonna say is that there are plenty men of all races who would love a dark skin woman. The problem is dark skin women don't want those men. You must not know about the white men who travel to Africa to get black women. Most successful white men who swirl go for darker sistas. That's an advantage if you're a dark skin woman. So I'm not gonna feel sorry or sympathetic because they have the option to be set for life and simply choose not to. fukk I look like? Lol

So you are saying dark skin women should feel lucky because there are plenty of white men out there who would love to fetishize them and use them in slave fantasies:martin:. Let me just report this c00n shyt since your obviously trolling here.


I'm a woman.
Sep 16, 2015
Put a 10/10 lightskin girl next to a 10/10 darkskin girl and the lightskin one will get pulled more.
In school the most popular girl was always lightskin. Sure she was pretty but many times she wasn't the MOST pretty. Hell in middle school we had twins. They were identical but one was darkskin and the other was lightskin. Dudes went bananas over the lightskin one and paid the darkskin one dust. How when they were facially identical other than skin tone??


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Can you go more in-depth into this?

Here's an attempt :

So basically in general men are attracted by what is "exotic", in the sense of different. Given Europe's position and history, the closest "Other" has always been and will always be Arabs. So that's a first point, and it's the same reason why white european women were highly coveted as sex slaves way back when in the Arabic world.

Now you add to that the colonial history of Europe, especially France, which conquered Morocco, Tunisia, and actually made Algeria an official part of France. All western colonialism does two things : animalize the men, and over-sexualise the women. That's the same everywhere. But here's the twist : Arab/North African are far enough to be exotic, but close enough to not be called "monkeys" (like Black African women were), and cultural exchanges over centuries means there's actually lots of common stuff. So they are the "perfect other", close enough, yet different enough. And due to the colonial heritage, there's still the domination factor. Latinas too, in a sense, but they're far less numerous here for obvious reasons.

That's a twist in the whole veil debate here in France, some feminists (muslim/arab or not) see in this obsession with the veil deep fantasies about the Arab woman. An Algerian friend of mine (woman) showed me propaganda posters during the colonial era that basically said "You're so beautiful without the veil". And "beurette" is a term that exists here, it comes from slang for "arabe", with the aded -ette, that is kind of belittling.There's some debate over this term but iIt's basically a north african woman that is sexy and that people lust over, it's even a porn category on some sites.

EDIT : I use "Arab", but that's actually the wrong term for Northern Africans, most I know do not recognize themselves in that term and don't like it. But using it here for "convenience" purposes. The term in itself would be a whole other debate.


Aug 6, 2015
The Coli kills me with this denial brehs.

Yall are hard core militant when is comes to exposing any other form of WS brain washing.
Yall have no problems rejecting, Christianity, liberalism, the idea that their institutions are better, ect.
but yall cant shake the idea that white women and women with proximity to whiteness are more attractive.
Lol wont even acknowledge the problem and get mad when people point it out.

Shorty K

Aug 3, 2017
Nah it's just some shyt ugly dark skin girls tell themselves because the light skinned men they want would rather date light skinned women than them. You let these angry ugly bytches talk, nikkas pushing Gabby Union out the way to get to Tiny because Tiny skin complexion. Only women allow society to dictate what is attractive to them in the first place. That's why they like pre-selected men:martin:
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Ni**as Still Weird - Me
Apr 12, 2017
And here it is....nikkas just wanna pawg and #foreigngang in peace and black women (in particular darker skinned women) not wanting to fukk with white boys and other "exoticals" makes it harder on you nikkas because you then called out for being the colorist, fetishizing, thinking with your dikk, simple minded nikkas that you are.

It's wild because for a long time I really used to think women would lowkey just be complaining about shyt. That maybe they were jealous or bitter or whatever but after listening to what they say and what some of you dumbass nikkas say I lowkey feel bad for some of these broads. In 2018 nikkas are still denying colorism and social conditioning all because they don't wanna own up to the fact that some of the ways they think are fukked up and reinforce harmful bullshyt....all so that they can fukk lightskin and white girls in peace. The worst part is nikkas like you get used as the representation for all of us.

I hate you nikkas.

Yup, and to the average breh who grew up around black women, they aren't exotic to him. It's natural to want something different or new that you never had or normally can't find. Don't nikkas go hunting the world and back for exclusive kicks? Don't rich people buy exotic cars cuz they wanna stunt and not drive the same thing everyone else is? I don't think that's conditioning. That's just nature. And as black folks we so used to each other cuz we grew up around one another, so when we get money and can travel and move up in the world we're exposed to stuff our regular brehs back at home can't find or don't know about. I just don't think it's conditioning. Something foreign and new is always going to peak our interests. It's not mens fault most women ain't trying to do the same. There's so many white guys out there that love dark skin men. If the women loved them back no one would be complaining about "conditioning" period.

Shorty K

Aug 3, 2017
Colorism = female projection. They project how sexuality works for them onto men because they too dumb for the most part to understand we are biologically different and our brains handle sexual attraction entirely different. Women allow society to dictate what is and what is not attractive to them and can be programmed into thinking x is attractive. Men don't really give two fukks about what society says is attractive and can't be programmed into thinking something is physically attractive.