Lets talk about how pro-black but anti-gay, anti-science, and pro-religion the coli is


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Religion does not have to be dogmatic and superstitious...

It needs to be 1) sensible to the people of the time and 2) unifying by creating a proud identity for the people, and addressing the people's psychosocial concerns...

Only when people are united under one common identity will anything else ever be successful...

Sun Tzu calls it the "way"...

Name a great civilization that did not have a strong religious base...?

Why do you have to add supernatural tenets to it?

Nefflum nigga

Bred from insolence
Jun 17, 2012
I disagree bro...I just had a dude report me on here :russ: because I was calling a known racist poster a cracker ass cracker

no problem yet right??

ok so while this clown supposedly was talking his shyt ...saying how its wrong to use cracker....he's saying fakkit left and right....

that shyt makes no sense...everyone should be treated equally....

basically how you gonna come to the defense of a racist white poster and say its wrong to use cracker..and we should treat people equally ...AND turn around and say fakkit left and right...

what sense does that make???

:russ: :russ: he reported you? That's fukked up

Thread woulda been cool if it was one of us sayin that shyt, not a white man

Domingo Halliburton

Handmade in USA
May 8, 2012
Brooklyn Without Limits
if he saying nothing wrong with being gay then that is one thing if thats what you believe in, but you cant even act like he isnt attacking beliefs if he is going to go against their scripture and call it hate speech, some of the other lyrics of that song

right here he is saying god loves all his children is forgotten and suprisingly referencing treatment as a possible jab at science? didnt catch that the first time

if he knows it says that than why does he act like he doesnt know all any sin leads to death? there is no bias against sin, hes making a play on words to insinuate being gay is permanent and something people are born with untreatable by religion or science alike as if to say its not ment to be treated, and then there is this

if he is fighting for gay rights what rights do gays not have besides being able to be recognized as a couple in a union of marriage in some states? or better yet what rights are "stolen" from gays?

I see what you're saying but if we're going to take every verse at face value we could find some crazy ones that make no sense. Like not eating shell fish and weird shyt about slaves.

And I think the whole song is about gay marriage and how words like "gay" get thrown around as an insult. They don't have the same rights as others like marriage and he views it as a right that all people should have. So they have been robbed of some basic rights that should be afforded to all people.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
I made a suggestion about how I Think the agenda could get passed easier... not telling gays what to do... and I'm not the only one that called it a defect - the gay rights supporters on here said it more than once - of course focus in on me though when you should be grateful for opposing opinions on what is by far the weakest subfourm. Even JBO is better, lol.

Yet you post here more than any other subforum. Carry on.

And about black people.... I'm confused about you choosing the word "we"....:huh: but anyway "we" are the most diverse people with views and culture.

Gee another attempt to slight my blackness from "blackking." :snooze: I'm not sure why you're talking anyway. Aren't you some mulatto light brite ass nikka? I'm probably darker than you. :heh:

IT's my opinion that black people should focus on black economic empowerment. There are niche issues I personally care about - I speak to economics regardless if it's my main thing because that's what we need. Trust me - I have some other person topic that hit home with me before that. It seems strange to me that a black person would actually speak to and promote gay issues -- and rarely even speak to and promote pro black issues -- but that's just how I feel about it. I don't have an authoritarian vision because I'm not an authority. I quit the military instead of going for bangin ass retirement and recently quit my job - went independent, because I don't even like authority...or slavery ... so miss me w that shyt. You're confused... hell yea I like some of the NOI ways, but I don't subscribe to their belief, I just support their efforts because they are about empowerment of blacks, even the weakest and lost amongst us. I go to church, all my friends and main bish are weak ass agnostics... so my shyt isn't stuck in a box. my fam isn't muslim... but I do love Islam though and predict that I will always believe in that. The NOI is great though and your black ass, lol, shouldn't diss them just for the sake of dissing them.

I never said atheist should shut up... you should know that - debate =/= not wanting to hear other opinions. I post in HL for Jesus Christ sake. I'm one of the most pro women on this site - what are you talking about?? I probably know the most about women as well... how many female posters have backed me up cuz I backed them up on the women hating tlr forum. My opinions about race are just what they are - but none are baseless.

I'm dead at your impassioned attempt to put me in a box and really not contribute or make a post about the thread topic. About gays showing their sexuality in public.... we all have that freedom, but my point is valid - how do you make the case that all that shyt is normal when you are over the top? I feel the out of control ones hurt the cause of the normal acting ones--- and I'm not talking about just speaking soft of seeming a lil sweet.. you know what I'm speaking on. But no I don't agree with over representation in the media.. .transgender locker room sharing.. or calling it natural and not a mental defect at the same time ----- but I don't believe those things are intolerant.

Your views are very authoritarian.. Every time you spell out your views, it's predicated on what how you think society and individuals should comport themselves in some nationalistic vision of yours, as opposed to say the principle of natural, inalienable rights or Kant's categorical imperative, or some variation of the Golden Rule, which is omnipresent in some form throughout every religion and system of morality and organization since the beginning of human civilization.

Since you love talking about homosexuality so much and it is your favorite topic under the Sun, we'll use that as an example.

Someone like me would be in favor of gay rights and equality because I generally believe in natural rights of men and women and to pursue life, liberty, and happiness, and I believe in tolerance and empathy for others, to be very short and truncated. I'm basically all for people expressing themselves freely and being happy and as long as they're not harming anyone else.

You say you're against gay rights and think gay people should be frowned upon because you have some authoritarian vision of how "normal" society is supposed to function and how you think people should act, and you think gay people are nasty and acceptance of them by society at large would somehow be deleterious for the society you envision. That's an authoritarian viewpoint...a expectation of obedience to an arbitrary standard of behavior that is its own justification.

Throughout this whole thread and others, you're talking about how gay people should comport themselves, how they should not act in a certain way, how gay black people should care more about "black issues" (i.e. following your ideology) than gay issues. As if anybody has the moral authority to tell another adult how they police their own personality, actions, experience, and beliefs, and idiosyncrasies in how they express and view themselves, much less someone like you who doesn't even like them.

And you're always talking about how black people should act, as if black people should all be this monolithic group with stifled expressed and no diversity of thought. And you diss and try throw shade on anyone who doesn't act or think in the manner you want them to. You make up these struggle arguments to try and categorize and explain anybody who diverges from your vision as somehow being defective or substandard, but that's just more a reflection of your personal insecurities than anything else. I remember you were in a thread talking about how great it would be if all black people were Muslims. :deadmanny: Sorry...no thanks.

Black people are diverse and heterogeneous as fukk not only in genetics, but personality, experience, ideology, socioeconomic status, and culture. But you seem to think we should all be Khalid Muhammads with IT certs and tae kwon do black belts.

It's no surprise that societies generally function better and attain higher standards of living the more free they are in terms of social and economic freedoms. Having a multiplicity of ideas, experiences, personalities, thoughts, and expressions to draw from strengthens a society because it allows people to maximize their tools and talents and provide us a broad net to draw from.

But you don't seem to value that diversity and freedom at all. If you were ever in a position of power, you would probably cancel democracy on some Vladmir Putin/Robert Mugabe shyt and start oppressing all the "undesirables."
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May 4, 2012
Yet you post here more than any other subforum. Carry on.

Gee another attempt to slight my blackness from "blackking." :snooze: I'm not sure why you're talking anyway. Aren't you some mulatto light brite ass nikka? I'm probably darker than you. :heh:

Your views are very authoritarian.. Every time you spell out your views, it's predicated on what how you think society and individuals should comport themselves in some nationalistic vision of yours, as opposed to say the principle of natural, inalienable rights or Kant's categorical imperative, or some variation of the Golden Rule, which is omnipresent in some form throughout every religion and system of morality and organization since the beginning of human civilization.

Since you love talking about homosexuality so much and it is your favorite topic under the Sun, we'll use that as an example.

Someone like me would be in favor of gay rights and equality because I generally believe in natural rights of men and women and to pursue life, liberty, and happiness, and I believe in tolerance and empathy for others, to be very short and truncated. I'm basically all for people expressing themselves freely and being happy and as long as they're not harming anyone else.

You say you're against gay rights and think gay people should be frowned upon because you have some authoritarian vision of how "normal" society is supposed to function and how you think people should act, and you think gay people are nasty and acceptance of them by society at large would somehow be deleterious for the society you envision. That's an authoritarian viewpoint...a expectation of obedience to an arbitrary standard of behavior that is its own justification.

Throughout this whole thread and others, you're talking about how gay people should comport themselves, how they should not act in a certain way, how gay black people should care more about "black issues" (i.e. following your ideology) than gay issues. As if anybody has the moral authority to tell another adult how they police their own personality, actions, experience, and beliefs, and idiosyncrasies in how they express and view themselves, much less someone like you who doesn't even like them.

And you're always talking about how black people should act, as if black people should all be this monolithic group with stifled expressed and no diversity of thought. And you diss and try throw shade on anyone who doesn't act or think in the manner you want them to. You make up these struggle arguments to try and categorize and explain anybody who diverges from your vision as somehow being defective or substandard, but that's just more a reflection of your personal insecurities than anything else. I remember you were in a thread talking about how great it would be if all black people were Muslims. :deadmanny: Sorry...no thanks.

Black people are diverse and heterogeneous as fukk not only in genetics, but personality, experience, ideology, socioeconomic status, and culture. But you seem to think we should all be Khalid Muhammads with IT certs and tae kwon do black belts.

It's no surprise that societies generally function better and attain higher standards of living the more free they are in terms of social and economic freedoms. Having a multiplicity of ideas, experiences, personalities, thoughts, and expressions to draw from strengthens a society because it allows people to maximize their tools and talents and provide us a broad net to draw from.

But you don't seem to value that diversity and freedom at all. If you were ever in a position of power, you would probably cancel democracy on some Vladmir Putin/Robert Mugabe shyt and start oppressing all the "undesirables."



Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast


Did I say black people never had dogs?no.this new sudden obsession black ppl in America with dogs has come about with in the past five to ten years where black people are not only kissing those filthy things in the mouth but also dressing them up like many white people do with their dogs.

The bottom line here is this if you want to be a fakkit then be a fakkit.. just stop trying to normalize your behavior and get people to accept you because people who stand by their values and morals that have been passed down from many generations will not accept a deviant lifestyle or deviant behavior patterns.

Bunch of fags on here
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Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast

Edit:Are you a fakkit?

why are you trying to change the minds and moral standards of black people?

You will fail my friend.nature isagainst you.
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Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
Please don't talk to me.
Your homo agenda will fail.

You can't normalize something that the world and nature looks at as deviant. It has nothing to do with hating gay people. it has to do with behavior patterns which leads to zero population growth for black people. You fags will stop at nothing to push your agenda by any means necessary even on to our kids in the Boy Scouts.

You will fail my friend.


Apr 30, 2012
Yeah stop :cape: for ignorance and wrong-headedness just to try an establish some nonexistent middleground. You will inevitably look like a fool when you get tangled in a web of illogical devil's advocacy like you did .in this thread.
It's not even about that. The type of people I described seem much more representative of my generation than anything I see on here. Most people genuinely don't care, whether or not they are repulsed by people being gay. You would think that a message board composed largely of people of color and where the average age is around late 20s would reflect that demographic. But I guess not, or maybe that group just doesn't bother to post in these sorts of threads. I give everyone in the world the benefit of the doubt, but it seems that people either have actual hate here (and I was their cover) or they're trolling. I'm not interested in any of that. This shyt is stupid.


Jun 4, 2012
Yet you post here more than any other subforum. Carry on.

Gee another attempt to slight my blackness from "blackking." :snooze: I'm not sure why you're talking anyway. Aren't you some mulatto light brite ass nikka? I'm probably darker than you. :heh:

Your views are very authoritarian.. Every time you spell out your views, it's predicated on what how you think society and individuals should comport themselves in some nationalistic vision of yours, as opposed to say the principle of natural, inalienable rights or Kant's categorical imperative, or some variation of the Golden Rule, which is omnipresent in some form throughout every religion and system of morality and organization since the beginning of human civilization.

Since you love talking about homosexuality so much and it is your favorite topic under the Sun, we'll use that as an example.

Someone like me would be in favor of gay rights and equality because I generally believe in natural rights of men and women and to pursue life, liberty, and happiness, and I believe in tolerance and empathy for others, to be very short and truncated. I'm basically all for people expressing themselves freely and being happy and as long as they're not harming anyone else.

You say you're against gay rights and think gay people should be frowned upon because you have some authoritarian vision of how "normal" society is supposed to function and how you think people should act, and you think gay people are nasty and acceptance of them by society at large would somehow be deleterious for the society you envision. That's an authoritarian viewpoint...a expectation of obedience to an arbitrary standard of behavior that is its own justification.

Throughout this whole thread and others, you're talking about how gay people should comport themselves, how they should not act in a certain way, how gay black people should care more about "black issues" (i.e. following your ideology) than gay issues. As if anybody has the moral authority to tell another adult how they police their own personality, actions, experience, and beliefs, and idiosyncrasies in how they express and view themselves, much less someone like you who doesn't even like them.

And you're always talking about how black people should act, as if black people should all be this monolithic group with stifled expressed and no diversity of thought. And you diss and try throw shade on anyone who doesn't act or think in the manner you want them to. You make up these struggle arguments to try and categorize and explain anybody who diverges from your vision as somehow being defective or substandard, but that's just more a reflection of your personal insecurities than anything else. I remember you were in a thread talking about how great it would be if all black people were Muslims. :deadmanny: Sorry...no thanks.

Black people are diverse and heterogeneous as fukk not only in genetics, but personality, experience, ideology, socioeconomic status, and culture. But you seem to think we should all be Khalid Muhammads with IT certs and tae kwon do black belts.

It's no surprise that societies generally function better and attain higher standards of living the more free they are in terms of social and economic freedoms. Having a multiplicity of ideas, experiences, personalities, thoughts, and expressions to draw from strengthens a society because it allows people to maximize their tools and talents and provide us a broad net to draw from.

But you don't seem to value that diversity and freedom at all. If you were ever in a position of power, you would probably cancel democracy on some Vladmir Putin/Robert Mugabe shyt and start oppressing all the "undesirables."
you wrong on everything you stated. I want to stay away from creating entire paragraphs about you.. but this is the second one about me in a row... you should chill out. I clearly stated that it was only my opinion... I said imo like 7 times regarding this. I said I'm not sure why someone would focus on gay issues before black issues if they are black.... I'm not understanding why that bothers you so much.

Every single thing you said about me is a lie - but if you must lie and attack someone because your overall points are weak as fukk - be my guess. Some people have to do shyt like that.

Everyone black speaks about the things black people should do, lol, what's wrong with that? And you speak about me and Islam almost as much as I speak about black people and Islam. You can't say that black people are diverse in ideas then write essays about me because I have an opinion that is different. I state my views I dont push them. I don't write or come of authoritarian, but you're coming off obsessive. And you should chill out.

I mentioned you using the word 'WE" in reference to black, because I know it bothers you. You see friend, I look black, I am black, I care about black issues and people - so anything you say to me in that regards could never bother me. Clearly the reason it bothers you is because you don't look black, don't care about black issues (certainly not more so than gay and liberal issues), are supposedly half black, look Indian, and on and on..... I'm an alpha and ur essentially a beta so I see your identity crises as a weakness so I will mention it because it's funny as shyt to me. And both my parents are black... I posted my pic, I'm probably as dark as you, but I'm not really dark, but what can I do about that, I'm not as far removed from cac rape as I would like to be. I'm not a Khalid Muhammad type of dude - your reaching for the stars... and not Tae Kwon Do .. ask your fellow Indian brotha on here what MA I am... then ask him to explain it to your soft ass. And gay threads come up one here.... I have a different opinion than some people on here/ my opinion is even different than the people who just hate gays -- so what? ? Speak about those points, no need to speak about me.

I hope you get yourself together. If you have an opinion about the topic at hand I'm open to hearing it... because as far as I can see gay people can be happy and be free etc... I know gay people and they live life to the fullest (it seems). Who are these oppressed, depressed, people banned from pursuing their financial and educational goals - that need you to ride for them??

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
It's not even about that. The type of people I described seem much more representative of my generation than anything I see on here. Most people genuinely don't care, whether or not they are repulsed by people being gay. You would think that a message board composed largely of people of color and where the average age is around late 20s would reflect that demographic. But I guess not, or maybe that group just doesn't bother to post in these sorts of threads. I give everyone in the world the benefit of the doubt, but it seems that people either have actual hate here (and I was their cover) or they're trolling. I'm not interested in any of that. This shyt is stupid.
I think there's a silent majority here that does reflect that. The people that have an axe to grind are just the most repetitively vocal.
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