Yet you post here more than any other subforum. Carry on.
Gee another attempt to slight my blackness from "blackking."

I'm not sure why you're talking anyway. Aren't you some mulatto light brite ass nikka? I'm probably darker than you.
Your views are very authoritarian.. Every time you spell out your views, it's predicated on what how you think society and individuals should comport themselves in some nationalistic vision of yours, as opposed to say the principle of natural, inalienable rights or Kant's categorical imperative, or some variation of the Golden Rule, which is omnipresent in some form throughout every religion and system of morality and organization since the beginning of human civilization.
Since you love talking about homosexuality so much and it is your favorite topic under the Sun, we'll use that as an example.
Someone like me would be in favor of gay rights and equality because I generally believe in
natural rights of men and women and to pursue life,
liberty, and happiness, and I believe in tolerance and empathy for others, to be very short and truncated. I'm basically all for people expressing themselves freely and being happy and as long as they're not harming anyone else.
You say you're against gay rights and think gay people should be frowned upon because you have some authoritarian vision of how "normal" society is supposed to function and how you think people should act, and you think gay people are nasty and acceptance of them by society at large would somehow be deleterious for the society you envision. That's an authoritarian viewpoint...a expectation of obedience to an arbitrary standard of behavior that is its own justification.
Throughout this whole thread and others, you're talking about how gay people should comport themselves, how they should not act in a certain way, how gay black people should care more about "black issues" (i.e. following your ideology) than gay issues. As if anybody has the moral authority to tell another adult how they police their own personality, actions, experience, and beliefs, and idiosyncrasies in how they express and view themselves, much less someone like you who doesn't even like them.
And you're always talking about how black people should act, as if black people should all be this monolithic group with stifled expressed and no diversity of thought. And you diss and try throw shade on anyone who doesn't act or think in the manner you want them to. You make up these struggle arguments to try and categorize and explain anybody who diverges from your vision as somehow being defective or substandard, but that's just more a reflection of your personal insecurities than anything else. I remember you were in a thread talking about how great it would be if all black people were Muslims. thanks.
Black people are diverse and heterogeneous as fukk not only in genetics, but personality, experience, ideology, socioeconomic status, and culture. But you seem to think we should all be Khalid Muhammads with IT certs and tae kwon do black belts.
It's no surprise that societies generally function better and attain higher standards of living the more free they are in terms of social and economic freedoms. Having a multiplicity of ideas, experiences, personalities, thoughts, and expressions to draw from strengthens a society because it allows people to maximize their tools and talents and provide us a broad net to draw from.
But you don't seem to value that diversity and freedom at all. If you were ever in a position of power, you would probably cancel democracy on some Vladmir Putin/Robert Mugabe shyt and start oppressing all the "undesirables."