Lets put the whole "starting a business is the best/jobs are always for suckers" lie


Dec 9, 2012
Washington, DC
I'm sayin. I love when cats come in here talkin about how much money they make doing next to nothing, being a boss, while barely working, yet can't even provide any detail of how they got to be :win: like that.


I don't understand the barely working part. I put in 12 hours a day. Sometimes 16. Flew from East Coast to Seattle this week for a meeting. Will be in California Monday-Wednesday next week for a conference.

Portfolios, research and meetings breh. Presenting good investment opportunities etc. I'm doing okay and once I reach a certain level I will have a decision to make because my small business will be growing shortly. PM if you have further questions.


lord of the idiots
Jun 11, 2012
Jerrys place
You sound like an MLM pitchman.

Nigerian - You can make 80,000 a week, working 30 minutes a day selling Molly Water! :blessed:

Potential Sucker - Great, now tell me how. :sayword:

Nigerian - It's obvious you're not cut out for this. :scusthov:

this is pretty much this entire thread paraphrased in one post lol.


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
I don't understand the barely working part. I put in 12 hours a day. Sometimes 16. Flew from East Coast to Seattle this week for a meeting. Will be in California Monday-Wednesday next week for a conference.

Portfolios, research and meetings breh. Presenting good investment opportunities etc. I'm doing okay and once I reach a certain level I will have a decision to make because my small business will be growing shortly. PM if you have further questions.

that's the part I'm curious about. cuz I can understand making all this bread, and busting your ass, but from what I read, cats are making all this bread while bossing a bunch of other cats around and chillin at the crib posting on this forum. :yeshrug:

but if there's a job where u can barely work, rake in the money, and be your own boss why not share it? I was not aware these jobs were in abunance.


Jan 7, 2013
Actually he does. You can't go into a corporation and say, "Hey, I do this, gimme gimme gimme." His pitch sounds impressive, but any potential client is going to ask why should I get YOU to do this instead of someone else? Stop getting high off your own supply breh.

I don't pitch anymore. We get most of that business from refferals from other satisfied clients. We charge a hefty fee and 5-20% ownership in the company to weed out the "tirekickers" and it's best for them since we'll both have a vested interest in their success. it's kind of :laugh: when they try and debate or stiffle our process

"My customers are different!" :mjpls:

"My business is different!" :mjpls:

"That won't work!" :mjpls:

I'm not talking about going into a mainstreet :flabbynsick: business, I'm talking about a medical instrument manufacturing companycalling you up asking for help to generate $5mil in revenue so they can raise 30 mill from investors/go public :steviej:

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
I don't pitch anymore. We get most of that business from refferals from other satisfied clients. We charge a hefty fee and 5-20% ownership in the company to weed out the "tirekickers" and it's best for them since we'll both have a vested interest in their success. it's kind of :laugh: when they try and debate or stiffle our process

"My customers are different!" :mjpls:

"My business is different!" :mjpls:

"That won't work!" :mjpls:

I'm not talking about going into a mainstreet :flabbynsick: business, I'm talking about a medical instrument manufacturing companycalling you up asking for help to generate $5mil in revenue so they can raise 30 mill from investors/go public :steviej:
These are simple people, breh. You're speaking Greek to them.


Dec 9, 2012
Washington, DC
that's the part I'm curious about. cuz I can understand making all this bread, and busting your ass, but from what I read, cats are making all this bread while bossing a bunch of other cats around and chillin at the crib posting on this forum. :yeshrug:

but if there's a job where u can barely work, rake in the money, and be your own boss why not share it? I was not aware these jobs were in abunance.

I don't doubt @Cynic words. Sometimes in doing what you love and making a pretty penny, it doesn't feel like work.
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Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I don't pitch anymore. We get most of that business from refferals from other satisfied clients. We charge a hefty fee and 5-20% ownership in the company to weed out the "tirekickers" and it's best for them since we'll both have a vested interest in their success. it's kind of :laugh: when they try and debate or stiffle our process

"My customers are different!" :mjpls:

"My business is different!" :mjpls:

"That won't work!" :mjpls:

I'm not talking about going into a mainstreet :flabbynsick: business, I'm talking about a medical instrument manufacturing companycalling you up asking for help to generate $5mil in revenue so they can raise 30 mill from investors/go public :steviej:

Not being facetious in the least here, would you invest in Molly Water? :sayword:


Jan 7, 2013

I'm on my phone so I can't make out the picture. May I ask, what kind of vehicle you sitting in :myman:

It's a porsche I rented when I visited Jersey breh. I don't even like the car but the dealer didn't have any lambos or range rovers.

Looked stupid as hell, stepping out of such a small azz car

that's the part I'm curious about. cuz I can understand making all this bread, and busting your ass, but from what I read, cats are making all this bread while bossing a bunch of other cats around and chillin at the crib posting on this forum. :yeshrug:

but if there's a job where u can barely work, rake in the money, and be your own boss why not share it? I was not aware these jobs were in abunance.

That job doesn't exist. I'm my own boss today because I bust my ass, failed, failed again, failed some more ...best believe at one time crushing failure was a b!tch I couldn't stop sleeping with :sadcam:

You have to take initiative breh. I've told family members and friends how to stack money ..most of them didn't bother doing it. People are comfortable like that.

I don't understand the barely working part. I put in 12 hours a day. Sometimes 16. Flew from East Coast to Seattle this week for a meeting. Will be in California Monday-Wednesday next week for a conference.

Portfolios, research and meetings breh. Presenting good investment opportunities etc. I'm doing okay and once I reach a certain level I will have a decision to make because my small business will be growing shortly. PM if you have further questions.

Is that for your own business or ?

Not being facetious in the least here, would you invest in Molly Water? :sayword:

If there's a market for it ...yup. I don't know if the FDA will approve MDMA laced beverages though
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TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Since I've started this I've gotten two consulting gigs and I have more money than I've ever had in my entire life. Not only that, but I have freedom. I spend my days as I wish and I'm happy.

It beats busting my ass for the approval of some sh!thead with a vanity title. Living under the constant threat of a PIP or a meeting with HR. No bullsh!t conversations about the weather, network TV, or sports. No Chatty Cathy's yammering on about their gluten free diets. Ugh. All that nonsense to get taxed at 50% and told that despite beating your number, you're still not qualified for the promotion. Fvck that.

I mean, I don't really care about getting promoted. If the situation isn't right, I bounce. But I am trying to create my own situation. So to a large degree I feel what you're saying. But for right now my situation is OK, job and all. Just a stepping stone.
Not sure if you read my post correctly. Mitt Romney falls into the rare category of exceptional individuals who have the ability to demand top salaries and positions within an organization...and even then, he still broke out.

Mitt grew up the son of a Governor, went to the a top boarding school, graduated from BYU and obtained an MBA from Harvard. At this level, you can essentially create your own legacy in any number of endeavors. He is exceptional whether by legacy, or by drive/intellect.

Point is, providing examples of exceptional individuals who have thrived within certain institutions does not help prove your point that this path provides a better way of life than working outside of an institution. You're essentially employing the exact same logic that you're arguing against, namely that most startups fail and only the really exceptional/lucky thrive. You're countering a one-in-a-million shot with a one-in-a-million shot.

I guess that begs the question, what is your point? :shaq2:

My point is, either way can work for you, and a lot of it is what you make of it. If you have it in your head that a job sucks, then you will make the job sucks. If you start a business w/nothing but the desire to not be in an office, odds are def not on your side. Most successful businesses start w/services people want or ideas that will make money. A lot of brays, like the dude below, want to start a business because their jobs make them feel inadequate + not in control of their situations. But a business won't necessarily solve that. I am just trying to tell brays its not all sweet. My pops opened a medical office that failed.... he opened + closed it in 3 months, maybe saw 3 patients in it the whole time. And he had another office that had thrived for 15 yrs.

So my point is don't believe the hype.... be honest with yourself... and don't jump off of emotion.

:whatever: Another champion for corporate droneship I see

:whoa: The major problem most entreprenuers/biz owners is they lack scale/magnitude in their businesses.

This is not necessarily something you can control. If uppong the scale of a business is easy why doesn't everyone's business grow to Google size overnight?

Jobs aren't guaranteed, if your firm lays off your division or your skills become obsolete - you have to go back to school, get more debt so you can return to working for some else
Again... most small businesses fail over time :ld:

I've been laid off twice ... both times I had another job in a month :yeshrug: Meanwhile I've seen businesses shut down... shyt hurts way more than losing a job because you have to put money into it to get it running. So thats 1 legit strike against businesses

The rewards of business far outway having a job ... Unless you are high commission salesman or private equity/hedge fund manager earnings millions from a job is almost impossible :birdman:
Its equally impossible to earn millions from a business... most businesses fail, the ones that don't fail rarely crack a million in revenue, and much of that gets eaten up by overhead and taxes :50holmes:

Customers become your bosses? Depends on the product/service sold. :birdman:
If you have customers, they are your bosses, period. They are paying you for a service, you have to do what they pay you to do. And there is no HR or other protective structure for if they screw you over or try to hurt you like there is in a corporation. Strike two

What I like about business is having other people working 30-40 hours a week, doing exactly what I say, following my policies and answering to my PA...while I do nothing but read, workout, bullsh!t on here, travel, talk to investors, network etc....

I can even turn down their requests for a raise

So in other words, you just like to have power over other people, to the point that you don't even realize how much power you give up in pursuing it. This is the emotional logic I was talking about. Anyone who starts a business just so they can boss people around is an idiot and prob won't see much success in the business world.

Me personally, I'm about the bwuead :steviej: I hate people... if my business takes off I will deal with as few people as possible. I dont like to manage people because they are generally incompetent and I can do things better myself. But you can continue in your power struggle

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
If there's a market for it ...yup. I don't know if the FDA will approve MDMA laced beverages though
Laced? I think you got it twisted, homie.

MOLLYWATR was created exclusively to satisfy the hydration needs of EDM fans in clubs, concerts and festivals world wide. It's ultra crisp natural spring water that’s been ozonated to insure that you get exactly what you’re looking for. Make sure to supercharge the bottle underneath a black light to enhance your visual experience. MOLLYWATR keeps the party going. Please hydrate responsibly.

If you are who you say you are, feel free to shoot me a PM and we can exchange info.