Let's have a nuanced discussion: Do passport bros have a point or are most American women great and PB's are just a bunch of lames


Jun 6, 2012
New York
What reality is that? Many brehs have their weight up and bw still look at them as a lesser man and are held up to different expectations than their white male counterparts. OP is correct. A lot of BW don't respect BM and nitpick at every imperfection while dating a Kyle who looks like he hasn't bathed in two months. You expect us to take a black woman like this serious?

I have been pro black relationships all my life but in 2024 with the game being the way it is my message is simple. Black man, go where you are embraced and respected. Whether its America or overseas.

I could paint a picture out of the blue to that backs up my point to but what's the use? Choose more respectable women who know your value. But it sounds like you go in jaded.

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
Passport Bros are right. Many American women aren't interested in taking on the emotional, physical and mental labor for a pat on the head and fake "love" like they use to.

Bros gotta got impoverished women to get that now.
Of course because men are 80% of the problem. Women are completey stable and put together. Its always the man that needs to address his emotional and mental shortcomings to get on the woman's level. Never the other way around.

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
There is a legitimate problem with dating in the west. People on average have less friends than before social media , making it harder to meet women through social networks. Everything is much more expensive as well due to stagnant wages and inflation. Weirdly enough standards have also raised in that time (due to social media) , so being a young guy in your 20s having to deal with unrealistic expectations while barely making it is frustrating as hell. Today, women are very vocal about their frustrations with men, so it can feel like anything you do will be interpreted as predatory and leaving you open to social shaming and clowning

All of that being said the vast majority of passport bros I’ve seen are obvious lames and crybaby woman haters. Fat, high pitched voices, whiny, entitled, poor fashion sense, creepy, unintelligent and many other pejoratives. Dating abroad is one thing but going online to gloat and try to get back at ‘American Women’ is another. It’s a bunch of 30+ year old men trying to live out a wrinkly revenge of the nerds fantasy, extremely cringeworthy. I also despise how alot of black passport bros put foreign women on a pedestal. Breh’s who have been around Spanish people know how anti-black a lot of them are. So it makes me embarrassed and angry to see lame black men beast them. Loser shyt all around

Passport bros are not the men for the job to date single mothers, entitled women, women that have mental health problems and women that are past their prime. The only people that hate on them are gay men/men that worship women and women that are feminist and this post keeps giving passport bros a reason why American women are trash. Yes, foreign women are better

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Of course because men are 80% of the problem. Women are completey stable and put together. Its always the man that needs to address his emotional and mental shortcomings to get on the woman's level. Never the other way around.
You know what's funny? Ya'll have been living under the crutch of patriarchy so long you really think that's how the world is supposed to function.

In no other species on the planet do the majority of the males get to mate. None. Only ya'll...because of a system specifically created to baby ya'll and you still complain. Lol

Relationships don't work because they aren't natural.

On top of that, what ya'll required from relationships is just a bad deal for women; babies, labor, emotional support, control over her body, wanting her to give up her interests to follow your "dream," contant sexual access etc. While she gets the fantasy of "love" and a roommate in return. Lol

With it being unnatural and just a terrible exchange, it's common sense why women are opting out when they get the opportunity.

Maybe ya'll need to go back to the drawing board and rethink how you approach this because crying for your unnatural lopsided system to be upheld ain't gonna do it.

If you want women to want you maybe you should make the deal appealing and realistic instead of acting entitled.


Old Master
May 11, 2012
Lames can still have a valid point...

Passport Bros have a point, there is a massive shortage of wifeable women in America...

That said most passport bros are lames that need to pay for p*ssy and go discount shopping overseas...
Are Passport Bros “wifing” women overseas? Seems like it’s most just casual flings.


Sep 15, 2014
Ive grown tired of this rabble

Plenty of women opt for this life style as a choice.

Its foolish women like you that convince women to pursue ways that arent natural to them thereby creating greater psychological dilemmas.

You are not married and you do not have children. Any woman foolish enough to take advice from you is only seeking to make their life harder.

You know what's funny? Ya'll have been living under the crutch of patriarchy so long you really think that's how the world is supposed to function.

In no other species on the planet do the majority of the males get to mate. None. Only ya'll...because of a system specifically created to baby ya'll and you still complain. Lol

Relationships don't work because they aren't natural.

On top of that, what ya'll required from relationships is just a bad deal for women; babies, labor, emotional support, control over her body, wanting her to give up her interests to follow your "dream," contant sexual access etc. While she gets the fantasy of "love" and a roommate in return. Lol

With it being unnatural and just a terrible exchange, it's common sense why women are opting out when they get the opportunity.

Maybe ya'll need to go back to the drawing board and rethink how you approach this because crying for your unnatural lopsided system to be upheld ain't gonna do it.

If you want women to want you maybe you should make the deal appealing and realistic instead of acting entitled.

High Art

👑King of The Salon👑
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
You know what's funny? Ya'll have been living under the crutch of patriarchy so long you really think that's how the world is supposed to function.

In no other species on the planet do the majority of the males get to mate. None. Only ya'll...because of a system specifically created to baby ya'll and you still complain. Lol

Relationships don't work because they aren't natural.

On top of that, what ya'll required from relationships is just a bad deal for women; babies, labor, emotional support, control over her body, wanting her to give up her interests to follow your "dream," contant sexual access etc. While she gets the fantasy of "love" and a roommate in return. Lol

With it being unnatural and just a terrible exchange, it's common sense why women are opting out when they get the opportunity.

Maybe ya'll need to go back to the drawing board and rethink how you approach this because crying for your unnatural lopsided system to be upheld ain't gonna do it.

If you want women to want you maybe you should make the deal appealing and realistic instead of acting entitled.
Black men too? Yeah, I love all the lynchings and being stopped and shot by the police more than any other group. shyt is so cash. :beli:
In any case, I can't take the opinion of someone who is on wax for saying black men are no better now than they were 200 years ago, aka under slavery and is a whole mind-broken used up washed up sex worker stripper and former divestor who was so stupid she couldn't divest properly and went from hating black men to all men since even broke down white boys wouldn't give her play and is only kept around because the mods are scared she'll off herself if she is banned. :what:



Nov 22, 2016
:mjlol:That sounds like a regular vacation. How do you conflate that with being a rapist? I don't see the correlation here.

:mjlol:Most people travel to see the world. If you get some bytches along the way so be it.
Prob cause I got invited to the party on a yearly basis so I know exactly what I was being invited to

Yeah bruh :stopitslime: They went to the Dominican republic every year leaving they wives at home and invited me cause they wanted to see the world so they never even went to another country and bragged about cheap dominican p*ssy even though they had wives at home which is damn sure something all married men do on vacation am I right:stopitslime:

And there is no absolutely no correlation between traveling outside the country explicitly for cheap p*ssy and my former friend catching a rape charge. Absolutely no lead in or gateway activity. It's not like traveling for cheap p*ssy changed up his mind state towards women. It's not like he didn't hit a rough spot financially and couldn't travel when he caught the charge...oh wait that's exactly what happened :stopitslime:

I guess your right bruh, doesn't everyone get sentenced for 10-15 yrs for sexual assault on a minor after getting back from vacation? Just a regular sight seeing trip what was I thinking :stopitslime: