i wouldnt be surprised if they deviated from the source material

but i dont see the point in pump faking us, judith has to die eventually
If it's a "pump fake"...it's purely a plot device.We got to see Rick and Carl react...and they will certainly go into the second half at the lowest point in their lives. But it may also lead to a triumphant reunion. Drama is drama....

Babies are *supposed* to be plot devices.
The whole "unlikely parent must take care of child" trope can also be put to use. Imagine if the second half of the season starts with Tyrese, Judith, and a bunch of kids trying to find everyone....
Or maybe Beth and Daryl scooped her up and they bond over taking care of her. This would thematically make sense...Daryl is clearly extremely fond of little "ass-kicker" and Beth seems like she's basically been the main one taking care of Judith anyways.
Michonne also had that scene earlier in the season where niccas said she was playing the "mammy" and Judith hit her with the


Scenes like that are often little nuggets trying to establish something for later. We also know that Michonne took care of and nurtured Andrea in the past so we know that she DOES have that motherly instinct in her.
They could even throw a curve ball and have Tara and Lilly end up with her.....imagine the drama resulting from THAT!
Many places they could go with Judith.
Of course, like I said, *could* be completely wrong. I'll definitely have to watch the episode again...but that just didn't feel as dramatic as I would have expected it to be....after how they played Lori's death, Judith's seemed more like a minor occurrence. Of course, Rick and Carl are far more hardened now, and they also didn't really have time to grieve at that moment ("don't look back, just keep walking")....still...I would suspect that Judith's death would be more than just "she got lost in the scuffle".
I dont think he is dead. He is either a walker or she missed and let them eat him as someone else said. They got to drag it out. It would be pointless to kill the baby. They killed Herschel. The baby 's absences is to create suspense. But they gave subtle clues as to the fate of the child.
Governor is definitely 100 percent dead. They acknowledged it a couple of times during
Talking Dead. While most of the episode was about Hershel and his actor, they did have a quick segment with Rick talking about how much he's going to miss Governor and how he had grown to like him so much.
Robert Kirkman even went through a step by step process as to why they killed the governor in the way they did. They made it so that Rick and Michonne both got some, but that Lilly finished him off as she did in the comics. He talked in decent depth about why he liked a somewhat "unknown" character to kill him off. There was no hint of coyness...they aren't even trying to swerve people on him.
This is actually another reason why I think Judith is alive....they were coy as shyt about her, talking bout "well, you'll just have to tune in to find out". Once again, it could just be that she's dead and they were being coy for coyness sake...but Kirkman didn't seem like he was making a definitive statement either way. BTW, Judith also didn't get mentioned in their "Goodbye" segment....this could be because she's a baby and they just aren't trying to talk about an infant dying in such a joking manner...but it could also be a hint that she's alive.
Don't stop belieeeeving, hold on to that feeeeliiiiiing....