Lena Dunham Describes Opening Her 1 Yr Old Sister's Vagina & Masterbating In Front Her + Kissing

cole phelps

Nov 11, 2013
Well...just got done blogging on tumblr...

You wanna hear something funny brehs and brehettes?

The black womens I follow on there have been calling Lena Dunham out on my dash and making sure this shyt doesn't get swept under the rug.

Meanwhile all of the self-proclaimed white "feminists" I follow have not said one word about this...not one peep, reblog, or text post. Nothing.

I'm pretty sure they just realized Lena just made their movement look like a complete joke. Basically (white) feminism at this point is saying that you can be mediocre, below average, dirty, not shower, not shave your pits or pubes, have tons of acne, be racist, be a child molestor, be a sexual predator, be a classist, culture vulturing, gentrifying piece of shyt, and in all essence be the worst type of human being possible and get a pass for your behavior simply because you're white and female and playing the victim card cause you don't want to own up to your actions like everyone else is forced to when the shyt hits the fan.
:banderas:could this be the beginning of the fall of white feminism


Apr 30, 2012
Someone on Grantland just posted a book review....didn't mention ANY of this. LOL how does that happen

Family Man

May 5, 2012
:ohhh: She is the a living embodiment of mediocrity. I swear anyone can be a "star" now.

I have not seen "Girls" but it looks dumb as shyt. Scust :aidisgust: in every. fukken. way.

bytch kinda look like Stewart from Madtv :scust:

andre patton

All Star
May 2, 2012
Since the start of this thread I have:

Re-read the passages in the greater context of the book (meaning the couple of paragraphs before/after)

Watched the first season of "girls" to better understand her writing.

Upon further review, I think the passages are made up. I think she was a kid curious about sex stuff, and a teenager curious about sex stuff, and she tried to write some quirky comedic scenarios that she thought would come across as funny and relate-able. Obviously failed miserably. But I no longer believe the scenes played out the way they come across.

Do I think as a 7 year old, she looked at inside another childs vagina? Yes. Do I think she ever masturbated while another child was in the room? Yes. Those 2 facts are deplorable in themselves, so I'm definitely not cape-ing for this cave bytch. The shyt just doesnt add up for me. Doesnt sound like a genuine play-by-play of what happened. Sometimes her "sister" sounds like a composite character.

:yeshrug: and her show is actually not that bad. She's a decent show writer.


Aug 30, 2013
Since the start of this thread I have:

Re-read the passages in the greater context of the book (meaning the couple of paragraphs before/after)

Watched the first season of "girls" to better understand her writing.

Upon further review, I think the passages are made up. I think she was a kid curious about sex stuff, and a teenager curious about sex stuff, and she tried to write some quirky comedic scenarios that she thought would come across as funny and relate-able. Obviously failed miserably. But I no longer believe the scenes played out the way they come across.

Do I think as a 7 year old, she looked at inside another childs vagina? Yes. Do I think she ever masturbated while another child was in the room? Yes. Those 2 facts are deplorable in themselves, so I'm definitely not cape-ing for this cave bytch. The shyt just doesnt add up for me. Doesnt sound like a genuine play-by-play of what happened. Sometimes her "sister" sounds like a composite character.

:yeshrug: and her show is actually not that bad. She's a decent show writer.

:dahell: Cac alert!! You are capping for her though.

It is kind of vile how much privilege this bytch has. Both gawker and jezebel are capping for her. Talking about how they got some child therapist on the phone, and he is like " yeah that aint abuse".

This whole situation is so :aidisgust:to me.

bytches over at Jezebel talking about I touched myself too when I was little.
Jun 8, 2012

Jezebel with the expected Puff piece going all out to defend this beluga.
First they attempted to discredit her critics with the usual ad hominem attacks (far right loons etc...). Right because only conservatives find this shyt disturbing.:camby:.
Then they focus specifically on what she did as a 7 year old and justify it because you know kids will be kids (more like deranged privileged cacs will be deranged privileged cacs):camby:
Of course they conveniently omit talking about the decades of abuse following that incident.:camby:
The comment section though shockingly seems to be anti Dunham. Feminists turning on feminists:blessed:
It's time to sit back like:sas1: and let these motherfukkers implode from within
Here's what I wrote in the Jezebel article...I'm copying and pasting this cause it's "pending approval" tee hee...

*B*O*N*E*S*Jia Tolentino
Just now
*Slow Clapping*

Well done, Jezebel. Well done Jia Tolentino. You've finally reached a new low. You are now defending a child molester and a sexual predator. And hiding this abuse under the guise of "a right to a sexual narrative" and blaming everyone else but the person involved. This is truly sickening...but I can't expect more from a yuppie empowering website. When you are championing people who commit deviant, immoral, and criminal acts and saying that they are somehow brave and heroic for admitting, you're just digging a deep hole for yourself that will be impossible to get out of. I don't even check this site out, but this, and all of the delusional people that are so incapable of self-analysis or a deep reality check, truly boggles my mind. But this is now the sum amalgamation of what (white) feminism is now. When you cape and rush to defend the rights of your fellow white sisters no matter how wrong they may be and demonize people of color (especially Black people...for whom your types have reduced to a talking point at best or worse...a target like the white patriarchy you supposedly resent and are "fighting" against) for doing the same thing or less. And let's not forget...Lena Dunham has been appointed as one of the (many) faces of white feminism. Is this who you want representing you? Is this with whom you place your faith? If so, you really need to take five minutes out of your day to go under a SERIOUS moment of self-reflection.

This woman, admitted in her memoirs, that she would "do what a sexual predator would do" to her younger sister. She admitted IN PRINT that she did UNSPEAKABLE and DISGUSTING things to her from the age of 1-years old to god knows when and ruined her life in the process. But you're going to defend her cause 1) she's white 2) she's comes from generational wealth and privilege 3) she's female. Some things are not worth defending...this is one of them.

I could give two fukks or shyts about all of the pseudo-intellectual women's studies dictionary talk employed all throughout the article...this is NOT worth defending. By doing so...you have lost any respect I've had for this site (which is; NONE). But what can I expect? You white feminists don't see anybody else as human or worth a damn. Rather than be for the rights of all people...you're for the rights and defense of first world white men and women who don't really need any more help or assistance in a society that already gives them the upper hand. Basically, by making Lena Dunham (a beneficiary of nepotism, white privilege, and not hard work and determination) a pariah of sorts for something that would end her life if she didn't have any of those things in her corner is saying that (white) feminism is all about playing the victim card even if you admitted that you are the perp. What do you want to be if this is the case? Who do you want to be? Cause it's just looking like you're slowly turning into the women's version of the "good ol' boys club".