Ladies of the Coli, please talk to your girlfriends

Apr 11, 2013

People who get married between 20-24 have the highest divorce rates.

You post this as if it make ANY DIFFERENCE in things I have said in this thread. :rudy:

Again, look at "their" community and look at yours. :rudy:

Do you see a difference? I do!

Marriage in itself is a failing institution so I need you to rationalize your obsession with black men not getting married within your ideal timeframe. Besides tax benefits and such, what is the glaring reason for people to get married? Because its tradition?

Tell me, if marriage in itself is such a failed institution why are people hell bent on denying the right to marry to gay couples??? Why do people (read: non-black American people) STILL MARRY?

People with functional communities (i.e., those composed of nuclear families) still see value in marriage. Even if they don't stay marriage they still see the value in it.

You sound incredibly misguided trying to tie black men to some anti-marriage campaign. I know plenty of black men who are married, and plenty of white dudes who aren't. I also personally know more white dudes who have been divorced before their marriage is a few years old. (just two people, lol, but still)

I don't need to tie black men to some "anti-marriage campaign" you have done that yourself by way of the out of wedlock rate in the black community.

No, what I am is educated on the reality that men, who wish to have functional communities MARRY and create nuclear families.

Do you men understand that functional communities are composed of NUCLEAR families. Does that reality just go over your phucking heads???

Men who desire to leave behind legacies MARRY. Some of you delusional men on this site ask why do rich men marry? Well, it's not rocket science. Take a hard look at the legacy those men have built. Even if they don't STAY MARRY, they do in fact establish a marriage to a woman and hold their children in high regard because those children will carry on what they have BUILT.

Y'all anti-marriage black are not going to convince me that marriage is a bad thing. No sane rational black person can look at the black community today with its high out of wedlock birthrate and lack of marriage and tell me that the black community looks better than it did when the marriage rate was HIGH.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012

I need something to laugh at, while scrolling past the 5-6 baby daddy having Super Christian's :stopitslime: and the attention whore's.

It's all about balance :yes:


Best After Bobby
May 26, 2012
You post this as if it make ANY DIFFERENCE in things I have said in this thread. :rudy:

Again, look at "their" community and look at yours. :rudy:

Do you see a difference? I do!

Tell me, if marriage in itself is such a failed institution why are people hell bent on denying the right to marry to gay couples??? Why do people (read: non-black American people) STILL MARRY?

People with functional communities (i.e., those composed of nuclear families) still see value in marriage. Even if they don't stay marriage they still see the value in it.

I don't need to tie black men to some "anti-marriage campaign" you have done that yourself by way of the out of wedlock rate in the black community.

No, what I am is educated on the reality that men, who wish to have functional communities MARRY and create nuclear families.

Do you men understand that functional communities are composed of NUCLEAR families. Does that reality just go over your phucking heads???

Men who desire to leave behind legacies MARRY. Some of you delusional men on this site ask why do rich men marry? Well, it's not rocket science. Take a hard look at the legacy those men have built. Even if they don't STAY MARRY, they do in fact establish a marriage to a woman and hold their children in high regard because those children will carry on what they have BUILT.

Y'all anti-marriage black are not going to convince me that marriage is a bad thing. No sane rational black person can look at the black community today with its high out of wedlock birthrate and lack of marriage and tell me that the black community looks better than it did when the marriage rate was HIGH.


First off, you don't know me, nor my views on marriage so don't use "y'all" when addressing me and your purported views on how black men feel about marriage.

Second, you can't fully attribute out of wedlock birthrate to marriage. I could just as easily attribute that to the usage of birth control in the black community.

Third, leaving behind a legacy is not dependent on your kids. :russ: It's dependent on YOU. So what if that rich person raises a fukk up of a kid (e.g. Jerry Buss, and his idiot son Jim) Does this mean your legacy is tarnished? Well then why even have a kid.

And people obviously still get married because its tradition and there are government benefits, as well as it being seen as some ultimate declaration of love. But you're not going to tell me I don't love you just because I won't marry you.


a man who MAY get married in the future :mjpls:


Jun 19, 2012
Am I shytting on black men or am I pointing out the TRUTH in the reasoning skills of the ninjas on this site???

Too many of y'all try to take YOUR issues, which are clearly central to the counterproductive culture that surrounds you BLACK AMERICAN MEN, and deflect those issues on ALL men, when CLEARLY their communities and families don't look jackshyt like yours. :wtb:

fukk wrong with you girl? :heh: I don't do any of that shyt. In fact I'm the first one to throw on the cape and defend black women when dudes on here get to shytting on them. You hate black men so much yet you're on a site compromised of about 90% black men? Does that make any sense? :laff:


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Why don't y'all fukktards just remove the chicks from your Facebook or something if it annoys you so much? What are y'all so scared of?

Y'all are the only people I know who come on an anonymous message board to gossip and talk shyt about the real life people you chose to surround yourself with.

shyt makes 0 sense and says more about you than it does them.
Apr 11, 2013
Your bitter because you try to apply those negative attributes to all black men, when in reality most black men are not that way. It's the same as when one of these coli c00ns point to a ratchet chick in a worldstar video and try to attribute that behavior to black women as a whole.

Most black men aren't that way....yet the black out of wedlock rate is not solely the product those "negative" black men right? :beli:

They made the effort, but that does not mean they were successful. Like I said there has never been a time when we were able to. Regardless of intentions the "black family structure" has ALWAYS been fukked up in America. Your assertion that black people's attitude torward marriage is the cause of the problems in our community is totaly incorrect, because like I said before our communities were worse off when our marriage rates were higher. Y'all like to treat the lack of marriage as the cause of the problem, when in reality it is one among many symptoms of the problem.

The black family structure hasn't always been phucked up and any reputable sociologist who has studied the black community can tell you that. Stop spewing this bullshyt. It is not factual.

At one point the black NUCLEAR family was MORE stable than white families.

And I never said lack of marriage was the SOLE problem. My point is it is one of the MAJOR problems.

Again, the black community has deteriorated MORE in the last 40-50 years than at any point during Jim Crow. When marriage was common in the black community the shyt that is happening now was not as bad.

What does this have to do with black people, marriage rates, or Internet memes ?

I meant to type a whole rant about black businesses and inventors who came out of these nuclear families but then I decided it is pointless.

Marriage =/= strong communities. More people were married yet the communities were more fukked up. We were never able to cultivate strong communities due to a lack of social/economic opportunity.

Again, where the hell are you getting this information??? Post some links.

If you are saying black communities were more phucked up based on RACISM, I agree.

If you are saying black communities were more phucked up based on the SELF-INFLICTED nonsense we see today from black folks I beg to differ.

In slavery times black families were broken up on purpose. In civil war times, our communities were in disarray, just trying to not die. After civil war time Jim Crow laws made it impossible for black communities to acquire and cultivate wealth and unity.

Again, none of the above stopped black people from MARRYING post slavery.

From then till about 40 years ago the only/best opportunity a black man had to take care of himself and his family was to leave them and join the armed forces.

And we'll just ignore those northern blue color jobs that spurred the great migration. :beli:

Again they were married but they were unable to build a strong community.

And we'll just ignore Harlem in early 20th century and Detroit in mid 20th century. :beli:

After that drugs were introduced into black communities which tore them apart, then in the 80s till now the "war on drugs" has placed millions of black men behind bars where they can't take care of their families.

Right and all these "innocent" black men who were the "victims" on this war on CRIMINAL DRUG DEALERS were forever criminalized for just trying to support their families with big screen TVs, rims, cars and clothes. They were just out cracking out their own damn communities all in an effort to take care of their families, which at this point consisted of out of wedlock children...some by multiple women? :beli:

In reality only now have we made it to a point where we can cultivate a strong community and from what I can tell plenty of black people are rising to the occasion and making our communities better.

And this is evident to you despite the reality that all signs point to regression...not progression.

quit reading the lies told in history books and look at reality.

I live around the Atlanta area (the so-called modern black mecca). I see reality everyday and it don't look like the prefect picture you are trying to paint in these comments.

Today black people's economic/educational achievment is at an all time high. Drug use and violence are at an all time low. Our communities are much better off now than they were back then regardless of a marriage rate.


This is what better looks like you...

Recession widens the wealth gap by race - Jun. 21, 2012

Please take off those rose-colored glasses.

White privelage is the reason white people in general can make plenty of mistakes, and not really try that hard, yet still make it to success. White privelage makes it so black people who do try hard and who don't make any mistakes, still don't find the success of their white counterparts

I can agree with this but NOT based on the things we CAN control (i.e., MARRIAGE and FAMILY).

If you are talking about America there aren't very many Asian communities, they are pretty much mixed in with everyone else, and they conform to the attitudes of their communities just like everyone else.

Sweetie Asians own the business in YOUR community. They take YOUR money and send their children to MEDICAL SCHOOL. If you want to sit around and believe ASIAN people aren't out here about their business (money and family wise) go right ahead, but I know better!


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
This shyt is funny. Have you read the threads on this site??? We, black women, should "handle our community's business among ourselves behind closed doors" when the threads on this site do NO such thing! GTFOH. The whole damn message board is full of ninjas airing the community's so-called "dirty laundry" (albeit one-sided)

There have been plenty of threads on this site that didn't have jackshyt to do with black women but they turned into diss threads to black women. Tell me, how does it feel to get the bullshyt served back to you in spades. :smugbiden:
But this wasnt one of them but YOU turned it into one.

Again, we have a search feature on the forum. Find me post threads where I am degrading black women or even calling them b!tches. Highly doubt you'll find any. So why would you assume this thread, created by me, was just another black woman bashing thread?

Let's be honest dear. Nothing personal, but you have a serious problem with black men (on this site and on the outside world) that you need to address. Coming in here passing judgement on people isnt gonna help. You yap about black men on this forum and their treatment of black women but yet you are still referring to them as "ninjas" as if we dont know that what you really mean is "nikka". So if that word is always at the tip of your tongue what makes you any different? You obviously love the word so i would not be surprised if you're the type that refer to other black women as "b!tches" either since "nikkas" and b!tches" seem to go hand in hand in some peoples arsenal.


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
Despite what some of "pawg" lovers might believe white women are NOT about to let WHITE MEN go. These men have establish a functional community for them. These men EMPLOY them. These men have put them on a pedestal. These men provide them a quality of life that other races of women can only gawk at from the outside.

Do some of you honestly believe white women would switch MEN with any other race of women out here??? Hell no!

As for black men's shortcomings...I said their ECONOMIC shortcomings.

Before black women were going along with the same old tired bullshyt line we've been feed from phucking the cradle:

"It's not really the black man's fault. He is not responsible for his condition. It's the white's fault."

Now more and more black women are asking themselves, "How the hell is the white man forcing this ninjas to drop out of school and live in their mama's basement until they are damn near 30??"
Like i said: What took you so freakin long?

I personally have no tolerance for lazy people you mentioned. I am a black man who moved to this country @ 15, had to learn English as a third language, put myself through college with my own money (not a single penny of grant from Financial Aid) and worked myself into an Engineering degree.

I can never understand when I see black women find themselves in relationships and having children by men who think finishing H.S. was the biggest accomplishment that they ever needed
Apr 11, 2013

First off, you don't know me, nor my views on marriage so don't use "y'all" when addressing me and your purported views on how black men feel about marriage.

Again, just like the other retards on this site your marriage views are pretty damn evident in YOUR COMMENTS.

Second, you can't fully attribute out of wedlock birthrate to marriage. I could just as easily attribute that to the usage of birth control in the black community.

Try to follow me here (I know some of you simpletons have a hard time but TRY to keep up)...


Wedlock means the state of being MARRIED.

^^^ Do you see the correlation between those two things???

Third, leaving behind a legacy is not dependent on your kids. :russ: It's dependent on YOU. So what if that rich person raises a fukk up of a kid (e.g. Jerry Buss, and his idiot son Jim) Does this mean your legacy is tarnished? Well then why even have a kid.

*Face palm* You don't know any rich people do you?

Have you ever truly examined WHY/HOW white supremacy is able to CONTINUE to exist??? Do you think it would exist without functional white communities???

I'm not going to force feed you the information.

And people obviously still get married because its tradition and there are government benefits, as well as it being seen as some ultimate declaration of love. But you're not going to tell me I don't love you just because I won't marry you.


a man who MAY get married in the future :mjpls:

You are dumb as bricks. DO you see the contradiction in this statement and your pissed off response to my comment pointing out the reality that your views on marriage read as ANTI-MARRIAGE ??? :heh:

fukk wrong with you girl? :heh: I don't do any of that shyt. In fact I'm the first one to throw on the cape and defend black women when dudes on here get to shytting on them. You hate black men so much yet you're on a site compromised of about 90% black men? Does that make any sense? :laff:

What the phuck is wrong with you boy???

I don't hate black men. I hate ignorant ninjas...that's what's on this site. Believe me, for the most part this is entertainment for me. Just something to kill time, while setting the bullshyt straight.

While you "cape and defend" black women and entertain yourself doing it...I shyt on the people who shyt on black women and entertain myself doing it. :lolbron:


Best After Bobby
May 26, 2012
Again, just like the other retards on this site your marriage views are pretty damn evident in YOUR COMMENTS.

Try to follow me here (I know some of you simpletons have a hard time but TRY to keep up)...


Wedlock means the state of being MARRIED.

^^^ Do you see the correlation between those two things???

*Face palm* You don't know any rich people do you?

Have you ever truly examined WHY/HOW white supremacy is able to CONTINUE to exist??? Do you think it would exist without functional white communities???

I'm not going to force feed you the information.

You are dumb as bricks. DO you see the contradiction in this statement and your pissed off response to my comment pointing out the reality that your views on marriage read as ANTI-MARRIAGE ??? :heh:

What the phuck is wrong with you boy???

I don't hate black men. I hate ignorant ninjas...that's what's on this site. Believe me, for the most part this is entertainment for me. Just something to kill time, while setting the bullshyt straight.

While you "cape and defend" black women and entertain yourself doing it...I shyt on the people who shyt on black women and entertain myself doing it. :lolbron:

I rarely say this, but you're an idiot.

My views aren't obvious by my comments because for all you know I could be playing devil's advocate. I could just be amused by your complete lack of a formidable point of view that getting you riled up is fun.

When I mentioned birth control
Second, you can't fully attribute out of wedlock birthrate to marriage. I could just as easily attribute that to the usage of birth control in the black community.

that obviously flew over your head. Many young people in the black community have unprotected sex which leads to a higher birthrate. Marriage has little to do with that. I'd say not using birth control contributes more than your weird view of marriage solving that problem.

And white supremacy is going to exist with or without marriage, it's so deeply rooted in the fabric of our culture and world that despite some black folk "leaving a legacy", it'll continue to go on. You're going to build a legacy like the Rothschild's, huh? :ohhh:

Just raise your kids right and stop worrying about leaving a legacy. Worry about your own damn footprint on the world.

And you've never seen me shyt on black women on this site, sooooo ... :kidfinger:

I also think its quite retarded how you substitute y's for i's when you type 'shyt' and so forth. LOL, you think you're half-classy huh? :heh:
Apr 11, 2013
But this wasnt one of them but YOU turned it into one.

Again, we have a search feature on the forum. Find me post threads where I am degrading black women or even calling them b!tches. Highly doubt you'll find any. So why would you assume this thread, created by me, was just another black woman bashing thread?

Because for the most part that's what's on this site. Why would I assume your thread is different? :merchant:

Let's be honest dear. Nothing personal, but you have a serious problem with black men (on this site and on the outside world) that you need to address. Coming in here passing judgement on people isnt gonna help. You yap about black men on this forum and their treatment of black women but yet you are still referring to them as "ninjas" as if we dont know that what you really mean is "nikka". So if that word is always at the tip of your tongue what makes you any different? You obviously love the word so i would not be surprised if you're the type that refer to other black women as "b!tches" either since "nikkas" and b!tches" seem to go hand in hand in some peoples arsenal.

No, let's be honest. My words are too damn truthful for most of you sensitive NINJAS who can dish it out but can't take it (and no, I'm not addressing you personally).

You're not used to black women being so honest about the things that many of us sit around and think.

It hurts your feelings to know that deep down when SOME black women look at SOME of you we feel like vomiting. :scusthov:

It kills your self-esteem to know that SOME of the women you consider "lower" than yourselves on the social hierarchy, actually are equally if not more, repulsed by you.

It kills your self-esteem, which SOME of you measure based on your d1ck and the supposed undesirability of black women (and how phucking pathetic).

That's why ninjas are :sadbron: in this thread. That's why I'm being called "bitter." I had the nerve to tell you ninjas the unfiltered truth.

I'm done for the day. I've said my two cents. You fellows have a nice day. :pachaha:

P.S. The only reason I type "ninja" is to prevent my words from being filtered. I do the SAME thing when I replace the "i" in words like "bullshyt." I call a ninja a ninja. That's all I see on this site. Ignorant ass ninjas. So I call it like I see it. Believe me, it is not a term of endearment.


The black men in my life are awesome. Alot of black men on this site are COOL and awesome.

A lot of the black men on this site ain't shyt...and that's the way I'm going to treat those of you who I deem ain't shyt.

Again, if you can't take it, don't dish it.

I'm done. Good day!

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Marriage is Marriage. No matter how you try to spin it, two people make a commitment to each other. It is the same across culture and racial lines. While other cultures might allow multiple spouses the word MARRIAGE still ultimately carries the same pros/cons for almost all of them.

I suggest you read YOUR comments...they speak of ANTI-MARRIAGE. Furthermore, anyone with two eyes can see what the REAL issue with the "Get Married Brehs" (sarcasm) crew on this site:

There are a whole bunch of NON-TRADITIONAL BETA BLACK MALES on this site who want TRADITIONAL black women. However, because they are sub-par men and can't possibly measure up to society definition of TRADITIONAL MEN (i.e., protectors, providers and builders) they try to belittle the word "marriage" in an effort to cover their obvious inferiority complex.

They try to shame black women for being "thirsty" for white men and men with MEANS by using words like "Gold digger" when the reality is every woman on the face of the planet who isn't gay wants a man carrying some weight.

Again, this language is all used to mask THEIR inferiority complex.

Can you imagine what would happen if black women collectively began OPENLY comparing black men's economic status to that of other races of men? Ninjas would lose their phucking mines.

Black women, for the most part, keep quiet about it because we know how sensitive y'all are about that very REAL issue. But those days are coming to an end. I believe it the coming decade we will see a generation of black women who will frown down on black men's socio-economic status the way so many of you frown down on black women's inability to look for more non-black women. It is coming... you can believe that.

And God forbid if black women start looking out for themselves and each other by giving each other advice. Then you anti-marriage ninjas lose your phucking minds because you're afraid of the consequences that will come from such unity amongst black women.


See my comment up above about NON-TRADITIONAL BETA MALES.

Again, I suggest you look into the reason WHY women are likely to file for divorce. I can assure's not because their husbands are great men holding it down.


Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Because for the most part that's what's on this site. Why would I assume your thread is different? :merchant:

No, let's be honest. My words are too damn truthful for most of you sensitive NINJAS who can dish it out but can't take it (and no, I'm not addressing you personally).

You're not used to black women being so honest about the things that many of us sit around and think.

It hurts your feelings to know that deep down when SOME black women look at SOME of you we feel like vomiting. :scusthov:

It kills your self-esteem to know that SOME of the women you consider "lower" than yourselves on the social hierarchy, actually are equally if not more, repulsed by you.

It kills your self-esteem, which SOME of you measure based on your d1ck and the supposed undesirability of black women (and how phucking pathetic).

That's why ninjas are :sadbron: in this thread. That's why I'm being called "bitter." I had the nerve to tell you ninjas the unfiltered truth.

I'm done for the day. I've said my two cents. You fellows have a nice day. :pachaha:

P.S. The only reason I type "ninja" is to prevent my words from being filtered. I do the SAME thing when I replace the "i" in words like "bullshyt." I call a ninja a ninja. That's all I lsee on this site. Ignorant ass ninjas. So I call it like I see it. Believe me, it is not a term of endearment.


The black men in my life are awesome. Alot of black men on this site are COOL and awesome.

A lot of the black men on this site ain't shyt...and that's the way I'm going to treat those of you who I deem ain't shyt.

Again, if you can't take it, don't dish it.

I'm done. Good day!

What black man hurt you? You seem to be comin from a hurt place :manny:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Most black men aren't that way....yet the black out of wedlock rate is not solely the product those "negative" black men right? :beli:
The high "out of wedlock" rate is more a result of married black women NOT having kids than any behavior of unmarried black people.

The black family structure hasn't always been phucked up and any reputable sociologist who has studied the black community can tell you that. Stop spewing this bullshyt. It is not factual.

At one point the black NUCLEAR family was MORE stable than white families.
Your having a real problem grasping this concept. Marriage rates do not indicate the quality of a communty or a "family structure" they are mutually exclusive concepts. A person can be married and have a fukked up family structure, just like a person can be not married and have a good family structure.

And I never said lack of marriage was the SOLE problem. My point is it is one of the MAJOR problems.
It is a symptom of the problem. If everyone in the hood decided to get married today, it will still be the hood tomorrow.

Again, the black community has deteriorated MORE in the last 40-50 years than at any point during Jim Crow. When marriage was common in the black community the shyt that is happening now was not as bad.
Out of wedlock rate =/= quality of community.

I meant to type a whole rant about black businesses and inventors who came out of these nuclear families but then I decided it is pointless.
You would have been wrong just like everyone else who spews that line of garbage. There are more educated black business owners now than there ever was back then.

Again, where the hell are you getting this information??? Post some links.
Life in the 50's.... Were We Better Off? - Yahoo! Voices -

50% of black families lived below the poverty line

Wife-beating was not really considered a crime. Many psychologists explained that battered wives were masochists who provoked their husbands into beating them. A husband raping his wife was not a crime at all, but a sign that the woman was deficient in fulfilling her marital obligations.
More people were married, but that doesn't mean they had "quality family structures"

If you are saying black communities were more phucked up based on RACISM, I agree.
Racism is still alive and well today.

If you are saying black communities were more phucked up based on the SELF-INFLICTED nonsense we see today from black folks I beg to differ.
The self inflicted nonsense isn't what makes our poverty levels high. It's not what makes the wealth gap so large. Self inflicted nonsense just gives people like yourself ammo to point fingers and simplify the problems that face our community by demononizing our people. When in reality the black community has no more or less "self inflicted nonsense" than any other community.
Again, none of the above stopped black people from MARRYING post slavery.
Again, being married isn't the silver bullet you are making it out to be. More people were married and more people lived miserable lives. Marriage has nothing to do with it.

And we'll just ignore those northern blue color jobs that spurred the great migration. :beli:
There you go with your CaCified history "facts" wasn't no damn great migration. Black families didn't have very many opportunities at all, and when they did get a job they were paid scraps. Millions of black men signed up for the armed forces because it was their only opportunity. It didn't matter that they were married because they were not able to cultivate a good family structure while overseas fighting.

And we'll just ignore Harlem in early 20th century and Detroit in mid 20th century. :beli:
No we won't ignore it, but we won't misrepresent the conditions either.

Harlem gangs from the 1920s and 1930s — A Brief History — Crime Library on

Americas returning black soldiers were sure they now would be treated as equals, having bravely proved their worth by serving honorably overseas...... The hope was that they all would find better paying work, better housing and equality. It did not take long for them all to realize that America had not changed. The whites only system was still solidly in place, and was steadily growing worse on a daily basis. The only work they found available were low-paying, menial jobs as janitors, servants, bootblacks, cooks, houseboys and baggage handlers; to name a few. These positions hardly paid them enough to live on and much less than any white person was paid for doing the same work.

A few enterprising people did manage to open some nightclubs, restaurants and taverns that catered to Harlems black population....... Money flowed in like water and the Mobs power grew. In the midst of all that was occurring, black artists, intellectuals and social activists flourished throughout Harlem in what is now called The Harlem Renaissance. Most Harlemites benefited very little from all that went on. They were given the menial jobs of waiters, doormen, cleaning crews, dishwashers and washroom attendants; the only positions made available to them

Right and all these "innocent" black men who were the "victims" on this war on CRIMINAL DRUG DEALERS were forever criminalized for just trying to support their families with big screen TVs, rims, cars and clothes. They were just out cracking out their own damn communities all in an effort to take care of their families, which at this point consisted of out of wedlock children...some by multiple women? :beli:
Some black men fall into this category some don't. But we are ALL subject to the unfair treatment of the justice system.

And this is evident to you despite the reality that all signs point to regression...not progression.
In what alternate universe does LESS crime/drugs/poverty equal "regression"?

I live around the Atlanta area (the so-called modern black mecca). I see reality everyday and it don't look like the prefect picture you are trying to paint in these comments.
Never said it was perfect. Black people in Atlanta today are much better off than black people in Harlem in the 20s there is no debating that fact.


This is what better looks like you...

Recession widens the wealth gap by race - Jun. 21, 2012

Please take off those rose-colored glasses.
This is where your logic breaks down. When talking about our failures you compare us to a supposed better time in our past. But when talking about our achievements you compare us to a standard that we have never been even close to meeting. Compare us to ourselves and you will see that black people as a whole are much better off today than we ever were in the past. The wealth gap is widening for EVERYOBODY on the planet not just whites and blacks in America. But you study facts and statistics so you should know that.

I can agree with this but NOT based on the things we CAN control (i.e., MARRIAGE and FAMILY).
Marriage and family won't change that situation, it didn't in the past and it won't do it today.

Sweetie Asians own the business in YOUR community. They take YOUR money and send their children to MEDICAL SCHOOL. If you want to sit around and believe ASIAN people aren't out here about their business (money and family wise) go right ahead, but I know better!
They are still just as broke as anyone else and black people are sending their kids to college as well. What's your point?