Ladies of the Coli, please talk to your girlfriends


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
Look at the white man's community and then take a look at yours. Even if his marriage/nuclear family doesn't last his community still reeks the benefit of his effort to establish nuclear families (for the slow folks....functional communities in the western world don't typically last without nuclear families...please visit your local black community).

See my comment above


But go ask your white counterpart (white women) how they feel about that.

But as to your comment earlier about the days are coming where black women will hold black men accountable for their short comings all i can say is : what took ya'll so long to smarten up?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Look at the white man's community and then take a look at yours. Even if his marriage/nuclear family doesn't last his community still reeks the benefit of his effort to establish nuclear families (for the slow folks....functional communities in the western world don't typically last without nuclear families...please visit your local black community).

To be fair that's a result of history not marriage rates. We have never had a time when we could cultivate strong communities through marriage and family. At times when our marriage rate was very high our communities were worse off than they are now. History has created a precident of white privilege that allows them to have things like failed marriages (amongst plenty other failures) yet the communty still thrives. Black people on the other hand have their efforts and successes undermined by American society so our failings are multiplied. This is why you should be working on building up black men/black woman relations instead of tearing them down.
Apr 11, 2013
She's "married" because she wants to have a pretend marriage to hide behind so people don't call her bitter for making all of these posts. :laff:

Question: Weren't you QUICK to tell me you are MEXICAN when I mistakenly thought you were black? :usure:

Remember you did that as a way of saying "Hold the hell on...don't group me with these stupid BLACK men on this site. I'm not apart of the black community."

So, please remember your lane as a MEXICAN and stay in it.

You need to opt out of this conversation because clearly, as YOU were quick to point out, you are NOT a member of the black community! :childplease:


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
Question: Weren't you QUICK to tell me you are MEXICAN when I mistakenly thought you were black? :usure:

Remember you did that as a way of saying "Hold the hell on...don't group me with these stupid BLACK men on this site. I'm not apart of the black community."

So, please remember your lane as a MEXICAN and stay in it.

You need to opt out of this conversation because clearly, as YOU were quick to point out, you are NOT a member of the black community! :childplease:
Again, you are the one that made this an ethnic thing my dear. Granted the person whos FB post prompted me to post this is half black american half bahamian herself but my post never even mentioned that. You took the opportunity to shyt on your own kind rather than handle your community's business among yourselves behind closed doors.

Again i'm Haitian born and raised there so it's not my fight but just pointing it out. :manny: I hate it when i see this happen in any black community.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Question: Weren't you QUICK to tell me you are MEXICAN when I mistakenly thought you were black? :usure:

Remember you did that as a way of saying "Hold the hell on...don't group me with these stupid BLACK men on this site. I'm not apart of the black community."

So, please remember your lane as a MEXICAN and stay in it.

You need to opt out of this conversation because clearly, as YOU were quick to point out, you are NOT a member of the black community! :childplease:

Uh, I absolutely did NOT do it for that reason. I did it because people come on this site all the time pretending to be black and I know that the people that lurk here resent that. I'm very clear about my ethnicity because I try to be as open and honest as I can about who I am. Don't be so anal-pained over the fact that you can't answer my questions, demanding that I "opt out."


Jun 23, 2012

I can see why you would say that, but i'm Christian so that's the "ultimate commitment" to me. With that, that's the most important relationship one can have, imo. If I was to marry, my wife would be a close second. She would be a woman who understands that - and would feel the same way toward me.

...and there ain't too many women out here feelin' that...

Oh ok, so to make sure we're on the same page your relationship with Christ is the ultimate commitment and then the relationship with your wife comes second? I get that and highly respect it. I really hope you meet a woman that thinks that way too.


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
You know which ones. THe ones that are single but be on facebook sharing those "relationship advice" type memes 7 days a week. :comeon:

Please explain to them that while they think they are doing their "girls" a service with those PSA's(Public Service Announcement), the rest of the world is really laughing at them.


Sincerely yours, Men's Council

It's kind of pretentious if you are in a relationship spouting off unsolicited "advice" too, If you think about it.
Apr 11, 2013
:dwillhuh: then why are you so bitter? I'm happily married and I don't even see all these "problems" y'all like to talk about on here. If you are married you should be talking to other women about how to participate in a successful marriage, and you should be telling men what they need to do to secure a quality woman. All this negativity and divisiveness makes you come of as a bitter, scorned, black man hater.

Right...I must be "bitter" for pointing out the reality that a whole bunch of "aint shyt ninjas," who stay shytting on black women who have out of wedlock kids, are ANTI-MARRIAGE and therefore PROMOTE the situation of out of wedlock kids! Shame on me!

I must be "bitter" to point out that ^^^these ninjas don't have any business telling black women who to take advice from because they aren't doing jackshyt themselves! Again, shame on me.

And again plenty of black man know and understand the value of marriage and community. I am one of them, there are plenty others on this site, and I am personaly acquainted with a bunch of happily married black couples.

*Blank stare*


But go ask your white counterpart (white women) how they feel about that.

But as to your comment earlier about the days are coming where black women will hold black men accountable for their short comings all i can say is : what took ya'll so long to smarten up?

Despite what some of "pawg" lovers might believe white women are NOT about to let WHITE MEN go. These men have establish a functional community for them. These men EMPLOY them. These men have put them on a pedestal. These men provide them a quality of life that other races of women can only gawk at from the outside.

Do some of you honestly believe white women would switch MEN with any other race of women out here??? Hell no!

As for black men's shortcomings...I said their ECONOMIC shortcomings.

Before black women were going along with the same old tired bullshyt line we've been feed from phucking the cradle:

"It's not really the black man's fault. He is not responsible for his condition. It's the white's fault."

Now more and more black women are asking themselves, "How the hell is the white man forcing this ninjas to drop out of school and live in their mama's basement until they are damn near 30??"

To be fair that's a result of history not marriage rates. We have never had a time when we could cultivate strong communities through marriage and family.

Please feed this bullshyt to someone with a G.E.D.

Black people married and created communities in DROVES post slavery. Even during slavery black people VALUED family and community. After the Civil War black folks actually made an effort to find their family members who were sold off during slavery.

There were more inventors during Jim Crow than there are today.

This marriage decline is a MODERN (last 40-50 years) phenomenon. So please kill this noise about never being able to cultivate strong communities. Old black people can tell you that is a LIE.

At times when our marriage rate was very high our communities were worse off than they are now.

:what: What history book are you reading???? The black community TODAY has deteriorated more in the last 40-50 years than ever during Jim Crow :merchant:

History has created a precident of white privilege that allows them to have things like failed marriages (amongst plenty other failures) yet the communty still thrives.

So, white privilege is the reason why white men are able to sustain their communities despite the decline of marriage???

So how exactly do you explain Asian men's ability to sustain their communities (yes, most Asian Americans still marry each other)? They aren't white.

Black people on the other hand have their efforts and successes undermined by American society so our failings are multiplied. This is why you should be working on building up black men/black woman relations instead of tearing them down.

I'm not tearing down a thing. I'm just giving a voice to the other side that's rarely heard on this site.
Apr 11, 2013
Again, you are the one that made this an ethnic thing my dear. Granted the person whos FB post prompted me to post this is half black american half bahamian herself but my post never even mentioned that. You took the opportunity to shyt on your own kind rather than handle your community's business among yourselves behind closed doors.

This shyt is funny. Have you read the threads on this site??? We, black women, should "handle our community's business among ourselves behind closed doors" when the threads on this site do NO such thing! GTFOH. The whole damn message board is full of ninjas airing the community's so-called "dirty laundry" (albeit one-sided)

There have been plenty of threads on this site that didn't have jackshyt to do with black women but they turned into diss threads to black women. Tell me, how does it feel to get the bullshyt served back to you in spades. :smugbiden:

Uh, I absolutely did NOT do it for that reason. I did it because people come on this site all the time pretending to be black and I know that the people that lurk here resent that. I'm very clear about my ethnicity because I try to be as open and honest as I can about who I am. Don't be so anal-pained over the fact that you can't answer my questions, demanding that I "opt out."

This coming from an individual who tried to call me a troll and someone else's name on this very thread.

Your anti-marriage rants aren't worth addressing. IF you Mexican arse decides not to marry it is of no consequence to MY community. :birdman:

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
This shyt is funny. Have you read the threads on this site??? We, black women, should "handle our community's business among ourselves behind closed doors" when the threads on this site do NO such thing! GTFOH. The whole damn message board is full of ninjas airing the community's so-called "dirty laundry" (albeit one-sided)

There have been plenty of threads on this site that didn't have jackshyt to do with black women but they turned into diss threads to black women. Tell me, how does it feel to get the bullshyt served back to you in spades. :smugbiden:

This coming from an individual who tried to call me a troll and someone else's name on this very thread.

Your anti-marriage rants aren't worth addressing. IF you Mexican arse decides not to marry it is of no consequence to MY community. :birdman:


This thread started out as something that was pretty racially/ethnically neutral. Then you decided to go on your anti-black man rant. Thing is, is that the gender issues that plague the black community are intensified symptoms of gender issues that plague every community in the United States. You can't answer people's questions because you don't know what you're talking about, or you're trolling and don't really care to get into any kind of meaningful discussion about this. If you were trolling, I'd think that you were an @electric_fur alias, but it really wouldn't make that big of a difference who you were because in any case, you're full of shyt. And I'll still keep commenting where I damn well please on this site. I'd love to see what you'd try to do to stop me.

I'm waiting. :smugdraper:
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Best After Bobby
May 26, 2012
Like I said, I'm not going to do the research for you. Hit Google and READ the information for yourself. It's out there. Just like the study in my signature that shut down the bullshyt some of y'all like to spew about single black mothers.


People who get married between 20-24 have the highest divorce rates.

Those who marry when between the ages of 20 to 24 have the highest rate of divorce. These couples are nearly twice as likely to get divorced as those who get married between the ages of 25 to 29 years old.

Marriage and Divorce Statistics -

So it fares well to reason the older you are before getting married, the better chance you have at not getting divorced. That's #1 .

#2 .

White people get divorced at a 5% higher rate than black people.

Divorce Statistics

#3 . Marriage in itself is a failing institution so I need you to rationalize your obsession with black men not getting married within your ideal timeframe. Besides tax benefits and such, what is the glaring reason for people to get married? Because its tradition?

You sound incredibly misguided trying to tie black men to some anti-marriage campaign. I know plenty of black men who are married, and plenty of white dudes who aren't. I also personally know more white dudes who have been divorced before their marriage is a few years old. (just two people, lol, but still)
Apr 11, 2013

This thread started out as something that was pretty racially/ethnically neutral. Then you decided to go on your anti-black man rant. Thing is, is that the gender issues that plague the black community are intensified symptoms of gender issues that plague every community in the United States. You can't answer people's questions because you don't know what you're talking about, or you're trolling and don't really care to get into any kind of meaningful discussion about this. If you were trolling, I'd think that you were an @electric_fur alias, but it really wouldn't make that big of a difference who you were because in any case, you're full of shyt. And I'll still keep commenting where I damn well please on this site. I'd love to see what you'd try to do to stop me.

I'm waiting. :smugdraper:

And you can keep waiting!!! WTF I look like addressing YOUR (a Mexican man's) issues with marriage?

Once again, if your arse doesn't see the value in marriage or you don't want to marry, the black community is NOT affected. If anybody should have an issue with you it is women who share your ethnicity.

On the other thread, once you told me you were Mexican I dropped the conversation with you. Why? Because I will not discuss the black community's issues (or my issues with members of the black community) with folks who are NOT apart of the black community. No thanks! It's not your business or your place.

I would feel the same way if you were a white male/female or an Asian male/female. Your issues with marriage is YOUR community's problem...not black community's problem.

Now if any black man here wants to address my comments on marriage, come with it. But you sir, are dismissed! And to make it official, I'll go ahead and add you to my ignore list.
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May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Right...I must be "bitter" for pointing out the reality that a whole bunch of "aint shyt ninjas," who stay shytting on black women who have out of wedlock kids, are ANTI-MARRIAGE and therefore PROMOTE the situation of out of wedlock kids! Shame on me!

I must be "bitter" to point out that ^^^these ninjas don't have any business telling black women who to take advice from because they aren't doing jackshyt themselves! Again, shame on me.
Your bitter because you try to apply those negative attributes to all black men, when in reality most black men are not that way. It's the same as when one of these coli c00ns point to a ratchet chick in a worldstar video and try to attribute that behavior to black women as a whole.
Please feed this bullshyt to someone with a G.E.D.

Black people married and created communities in DROVES post slavery. Even during slavery black people VALUED family and community. After the Civil War black folks actually made an effort to find their family members who were sold off during slavery.
They made the effort, but that does not mean they were successful. Like I said there has never been a time when we were able to. Regardless of intentions the "black family structure" has ALWAYS been fukked up in America. Your assertion that black people's attitude torward marriage is the cause of the problems in our community is totaly incorrect, because like I said before our communities were worse off when our marriage rates were higher. Y'all like to treat the lack of marriage as the cause of the problem, when in reality it is one among many symptoms of the problem.

There were more inventors during Jim Crow than there are today.
What does this have to do with black people, marriage rates, or Internet memes ?

This marriage decline is a MODERN (last 40-50 years) phenomenon. So please kill this noise about never being able to cultivate strong communities. Old black people can tell you that is a LIE.
Marriage =/= strong communities. More people were married yet the communities were more fukked up. We were never able to cultivate strong communities due to a lack of social/economic opportunity. In slavery times black families were broken up on purpose. In civil war times, our communities were in disarray, just trying to not die. After civil war time Jim Crow laws made it impossible for black communities to acquire and cultivate wealth and unity. From then till about 40 years ago the only/best opportunity a black man had to take care of himself and his family was to leave them and join the armed forces. Again they were married but they were unable to build a strong community. After that drugs were introduced into black communities which tore them apart, then in the 80s till now the "war on drugs" has placed millions of black men behind bars where they can't take care of their families. In reality only now have we made it to a point where we can cultivate a strong community and from what I can tell plenty of black people are rising to the occasion and making our communities better.

:what: What history book are you reading???? The black community TODAY has deteriorated more in the last 40-50 years than ever during Jim Crow :merchant:
quit reading the lies told in history books and look at reality.

Today black people's economic/educational achievment is at an all time high. Drug use and violence are at an all time low. Our communities are much better off now than they were back then regardless of a marriage rate.

So, white privilege is the reason why white men are able to sustain their communities despite the decline of marriage???
White privelage is the reason white people in general can make plenty of mistakes, and not really try that hard, yet still make it to success. White privelage makes it so black people who do try hard and who don't make any mistakes, still don't find the success of their white counterparts

So how exactly do you explain Asian men's ability to sustain their communities (yes, most Asian Americans still marry each other)? They aren't white.
If you are talking about America there aren't very many Asian communities, they are pretty much mixed in with everyone else, and they conform to the attitudes of their communities just like everyone else.

I'm not tearing down a thing. I'm just giving a voice to the other side that's rarely heard on this site.
That's the exact justification the black woman haters use for their nonsense.


All Star
Mar 27, 2013
And you can keep waiting!!! WTF I look like addressing YOUR (a Mexican man's) issues with marriage?

Once again, if your arse doesn't see the value in marriage or you don't want to marry, the black community is NOT affected. If anybody should have an issue with you it is women who share your ethnicity.

On the other thread, once you told me you were Mexican I dropped the conversation with you. Why? Because I will not discuss the black community's issues (or my issues with members of the black community) with folks who are NOT apart of the black community. No thanks! It's not your business or your place.

I would feel the same way if you were a white male/female or an Asian male/female. Your issues with marriage is YOUR community's problem...not black community's problem.

Now if any black man here wants to address my comments on marriage, come with it. But you sir, are dismissed! And to make it official, I'll go ahead and add you to my ignore list.