Ladies of the Coli, please talk to your girlfriends

Apr 11, 2013
See my dear,

YOU made this a racial (or shoukld I say Ethnic)thing. Compile all the data you want but until you have lived in these cultures you will not understand it. Marriage in these cultures are not like typical marriages in the USA.

Marriage is Marriage. No matter how you try to spin it, two people make a commitment to each other. It is the same across culture and racial lines. While other cultures might allow multiple spouses the word MARRIAGE still ultimately carries the same pros/cons for almost all of them.

Also, Who said i was anti-marriage? You dont know me like that.

I suggest you read YOUR comments...they speak of ANTI-MARRIAGE. Furthermore, anyone with two eyes can see what the REAL issue with the "Get Married Brehs" (sarcasm) crew on this site:

There are a whole bunch of NON-TRADITIONAL BETA BLACK MALES on this site who want TRADITIONAL black women. However, because they are sub-par men and can't possibly measure up to society definition of TRADITIONAL MEN (i.e., protectors, providers and builders) they try to belittle the word "marriage" in an effort to cover their obvious inferiority complex.

They try to shame black women for being "thirsty" for white men and men with MEANS by using words like "Gold digger" when the reality is every woman on the face of the planet who isn't gay wants a man carrying some weight.

Again, this language is all used to mask THEIR inferiority complex.

Can you imagine what would happen if black women collectively began OPENLY comparing black men's economic status to that of other races of men? Ninjas would lose their phucking mines.

Black women, for the most part, keep quiet about it because we know how sensitive y'all are about that very REAL issue. But those days are coming to an end. I believe it the coming decade we will see a generation of black women who will frown down on black men's socio-economic status the way so many of you frown down on black women's inability to look for more non-black women. It is coming... you can believe that.

And God forbid if black women start looking out for themselves and each other by giving each other advice. Then you anti-marriage ninjas lose your phucking minds because you're afraid of the consequences that will come from such unity amongst black women.

Personally I value marriage because my parents were married for a very long time. But I refuse to get married just to be married thus why I am not yet married. I have to be in sync with my mate on many level.


Honestly I dont think I could marry an American because of cultural differences and where I live there are few women of my ethnicity. Unless of course she was open minded enough to appreciate and understand other cultures (which most American women arent). Mind you, a few are and I love them for it. And before you go there this is not about being submissive at all. I hate women that are submissive, period.

See my comment up above about NON-TRADITIONAL BETA MALES.

I feel American get married just to be married whihout truely testing their compatibility and then 2-5 years later they divorce. In other countries like mine divorce is VERY frowned upon so when you get married you better be sure. In American culture marriage followed by divorce is just another transaction like changing bank accounts.

Again, I suggest you look into the reason WHY women are likely to file for divorce. I can assure's not because their husbands are great men holding it down.


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
Some truth here, but it doesn't fall along the lines of race as you put it. Plenty of black men value marriage and plenty of non-black man are against it. In my opinion it has more to do with age. Younger men don't see the value in it, and people are staying in that "younger men" phase for longer theses days. The entire country is moving away from marriage and/or getting married later in life.
@MurderSheWrote propably is scorned talking about non-black men

I'm Haitian and in my lifetime I've dated:

  • American women who say American men aint shyt because ....
  • Haitian women and they say they hate Haitian men because (long list of garbage some true some not)
  • Jamaican women say they hate Jamaican men because they are all players and long list of garbage.
  • Costa Rican women who think Costa Rican men should be shot in the head at close range and dumped by the roadside

You see where i'm going with this? Every ethnicity has a beef with their own men and swear the other is better.
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Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Marriage is Marriage. No matter how you try to spin it, two people make a commitment to each other. It is the same across culture and racial lines. While other cultures might allow multiple spouses the word MARRIAGE still ultimately carries the same pros/cons for almost all of them.

I suggest you read YOUR comments...they speak of ANTI-MARRIAGE. Furthermore, anyone with two eyes can see what the REAL issue with the "Get Married Brehs" (sarcasm) crew on this site:

There are a whole bunch of NON-TRADITIONAL BETA BLACK MALES on this site who want TRADITIONAL black women. However, because they are sub-par men and can't possibly measure up to society definition of TRADITIONAL MEN (i.e., protectors, providers and builders) they try to belittle the word "marriage" in an effort to cover their obvious inferiority complex.

They try to shame black women for being "thirsty" for white men and men with MEANS by using words like "Gold digger" when the reality is every woman on the face of the planet who isn't gay wants a man carrying some weight.

Again, this language is all used to mask THEIR inferiority complex.

Can you imagine what would happen if black women collectively began OPENLY comparing black men's economic status to that of other races of men? Ninjas would lose their phucking mines.

Black women, for the most part, keep quiet about it because we know how sensitive y'all are about that very REAL issue. But those days are coming to an end. I believe it the coming decade we will see a generation of black women who will frown down on black men's socio-economic status the way so many of you frown down on black women's inability to look for more non-black women. It is coming... you can believe that.

And God forbid if black women start looking out for themselves and each other by giving each other advice. Then you anti-marriage ninjas lose your phucking minds because you're afraid of the consequences that will come from such unity amongst black women.


See my comment up above about NON-TRADITIONAL BETA MALES.

Again, I suggest you look into the reason WHY women are likely to file for divorce. I can assure's not because their husbands are great men holding it down.

If men and women cheat equally, why do women initiate divorce so much more? :dwillhuh:
Apr 11, 2013
Some truth here, but it doesn't fall along the lines of race as you put it. Plenty of black men value marriage and plenty of non-black man are against it. In my opinion it has more to do with age. Younger men don't see the value in it, and people are staying in that "younger men" phase for longer theses days. The entire country is moving away from marriage and/or getting married later in life.

I don't think so. I recently read a study. Non-black men in this country get married in their mid-late twenties. These men don't wait until they are 35+ to settle down and marry. And they sure as hell don't have a flock of out of wedlock before doing so. :huhldup:

You should work on having a brighter attitude

Why? Because my words hurt your eyes and phuck up your head? No thanks...I will pass.


You really shouldn't consider your opinions as fact.

Like I said, I'm not going to do the research for you. Hit Google and READ the information for yourself. It's out there. Just like the study in my signature that shut down the bullshyt some of y'all like to spew about single black mothers.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
She obviously is scorned talking about non-black men

I'm Haitian and in my lifetime I've dated:

  • American women who say American men aint shyt because ....
  • Haitian women and they say they hate Haitian men because (long list of garbage some true some not)
  • Jamaican women say they hate Jamaican men because they are all players and long list of garbage.
  • Costa Rican women who think Costa Rican men should be shot in the head at close range and dumped by the roadside

You see where i'm going with this? Every ethnicity has a beef with their own men and swear the other is better.

As they say "The grass is greener..."

Problem is once people make it to the other side they realize the problem lies within theirself, not with a entire race/ethnicity


Jun 19, 2012
Oh please!

We got all these single unmarried, been married multiple times black men, and ninjas who don't even date black women writing relationship books for black women yet when black women talk to each other and give each other advice (whether single or not) it's a problem?!?!? :wtf:

The "Men's Council" can have a seat.

The advice coming from these women is no more insignificant than the bullshyt advice coming from you. :steviej:

I think the thought of black women taking advice from other black women and disregarding the opinion of black men, a group that treats MARRIAGE like the AIDS virus, THREATENS some of you. Oh the hell well...that's your problem.

Laugh now, but beware, the chickens almost always come home to roost.


The Bullshyt Slayer


You're the female version of Chris B.


Instead of shytting on black women you shyt on black men.


From now on you will be called Christina B.



SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
As they say "The grass is greener..."

Problem is once people make it to the other side they realize the problem lies within theirself, not with a entire race/ethnicity

Then you just proved my point here. :huh:

And again, I dont dispute all the things you said. I'm tell you that you dont know ME like that to conclude that i am anti-marriage. I just refuse to treat the shyt like a business transaction like yall. maybe it's because i was raised catholic and to us marriage has a certain sacredness to it but the way i see these "christians" marry this year and divorce the next is weird to me.

The other thing i dispute is you saying non-blacks have it better. The only ethnicity that truely treat marriage as like the sacred union that it is is hispanics, hands down. Whites marry and divorce like it's nothing. Walk up to the average white man in his 40's/50's and ask them how many times they have been married. Typically the answer is two or 3.

To them marriage is like leasing a car. The moment the newer model is out they opt out and jump ship. But nooooo.. It's black men thats the problem.

But i'll let you shyt on american black men all you want because like I said: I'm not american so why should i be the one defending them? :manny:
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May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I don't think so. I recently read a study. Non-black men in this country get married in their mid-late twenties. These men don't wait until they are 35+ to settle down and marry. And they sure as hell don't have a flock of out of wedlock before doing so. :huhldup:
Don't want to get in the black men vs. black women argument with you because we all need to improve ourselves. If you were up on statistics and studies like you say you are you'd know that marriage is at an all time low for EVERYBODY and people are getting married and having children much later in life.

Stop with the black man vs. black woman divisiveness and go find yourself a quality black man. You're just missing him cause you're to busy concentrating on the shytty ones.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Then you just proved my point here. :huh:

And again, I dont dispute all thenthings you said. I'm tell you that you dont know ME like that to conclude that i am anti marriage. I just refuse to treat the shyt like a business transaction like yall. maybe it's because i was raised catholic and to us marriage has a certain sacredness to it but the way i see these "christians" marry this year and divorce the next is weird to me.

:whoa: you must got me confused with someone else. I never disagreed with you. I was merely adding to your point. I never said you were anti marriage. I'm not Christian. And my marriage is not a business transactions. It is one of the things I'm most proud of in my life.


Jun 23, 2012
MurderSheWrote would be ok with all of you if she were a man and her rants were against (black) women. Let's be real here.