I think we have a lot of millennials here and millennials see the console world as it was when we were growing up. There really isn't much of a prize for winning the console wars. The reality is Sony and Microsoft were fighting for a piece of the same 180 million or so customers and a market where the only real growth is coming from microtransactions and charging people more for games and hardware.
The walled gardens millennials grew up with instead of bolstering the companies are now limiting them. Granted failure pushed them there but Microsoft realized this and kicked the walls down. Sony fanboys might mock them today but as time goes on expect Sony to do the same. It's not that they'll abandon home consoles it's just that there's limited growth to be had there. I don't think Sony can acquire much from Xbox customer base. Many will go straight to PC, many will stay with whatever Xbox becomes, and a decent portion of them probably already own PlayStation consoles anyway.
That last part is me 100%.
Console wars make sense when you're in middle school and the parents can only get you one console + games.
As an adult, if you've got decent disposable buy both consoles and enjoy what each offers. My wife is a PS5 diehard and hates Xbox. I like aspects of both consoles, so we own both. People act like it's an "either/or" proposition.