KKK get stomped out in South Carolina

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
These two statements seem to contradict one another. If whites have already won the game enough for them to rig it in their favor then how can you say they can't compete with us? Seems as though they already have competed and won. You also spoke of economics. I feel like THATS where we need to be as a people. Creating our own jobs, keeping money flowing through our communities, being dependent on one another!!! We've done it before with much much less opportunities than we have now. Black Wallstreet is what I'm referring to. This whole race war people keep talking about is another game rigged in THEIR favor. We would surly lose. We need to get out of the streets, and into libraries. Street life is NOT the way to go. I'm sorry but I just disagree with you, and other posters with similar opinions.

Yeah they've already kicked our ass and fukked our women on the dirty ground. Sold our babies or fed them to gators. Completely emaciated us to the point where very few of us can feed our families without seeing them.

That said, they achieved this due to our laxadasical attitude. We don't take them or life too serious. So we let them get a big head start and need to catch up.

Physically and talent wise we dominate them when focused. THEY know this, it's why they take measures to keep us down. We've allowed them to make weapons of mass destruction now, own all the resources.

Excelling economically is only viable if Africa stands up and we clique up with them. Best believe white supremacy know this. It's why Africa will be kept in turmoil at all costs. And they will push the agenda that Africans hate us.

Every nation with any measure of respect is because of their weaponry. Unless I'm mistaken, Africa doesn't even manufacture a bb gun.

We can get all the education and money we want...we'll just be educated, rich, ******s to many of them.

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Naw man they don't go after people like Claude Anderson because THEY KNOW most Black people won't bother to listen to them.

Yeah but they also know all the money has to go through them with interest. Can't pass them like that, numerical impossibility. You can have all the money you want...everything you buy is owned by me, so you're just paying me. Even if you buy it from a black man...lol...he bought it from me (cac).

And you have to pay cac for taxes on it. AND I can come get it anytime I want and throw you in prison (Cosby).


Mar 24, 2015
Please be aware of what's going on over there. To all the idiots in here saying the they jumped him all all that other bullshyt to sympathize for that fakkit cac, this is not one sided

white bytch talks shyt and gets dropped

Please stay aware yall
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