
All Star
Jul 25, 2012
Funny how people go out their way to shyt on Kendrick, but nowhere to be found when legit c00n statements are made by these "street" dudes. :sas2:

Puts everything into perspective.

This is obviously worse, but don't try to give K Dot a pass for his self-censoring c00nery neither. :martin:

Mrl HiGrnd

All Star
Jul 4, 2015
Or hold all humans to the same standard. :yeshrug: Pipe dream, I know,.

I haven't had a chance to look at the video, but when "black lives matter" gets brought up, it's always the same argument, so I'm just going to fade to the background...
The police are being paid to protect us, so when they do the opposite the response shouldn't be " Black criminals kill people too." This isn't complicated.
That's like a mother not feeding her child and you respond "Well the kids at the Childs school don't feed it."

King Jove

King Of †he Gawds
May 1, 2012
The police are being paid to protect us, so when they do the opposite the response shouldn't be " Black criminals kill people too." This isn't complicated.
That's like a mother not feeding her child and you respond "Well the kids at the Childs school don't feed it."
People only use this "black people kill each other" reasoning when it comes to black people and trying to ignore police brutality. People act like you can't separate the issue and discuss each of them in their own venue. People act like its a 2 for 1 deal at Popeye's.

Yet they NEVER use that reasoning when discussing other subjects.:jbhmm:

Imagine someone saying Americans have no right to talk about ISIS because Americans kill Americans all the time?

People would look at you like you were a complete idiot. :martin:

Yet they get away with using that argument when it comes to black people because they simply don't care and don't want black people bringing awareness to that issue.

Its absolutely frustrating hearing people (black people especially) continue repeating that rhetoric anytime this issue gets brought up. :snoop:

Chip Skylark

Jan 2, 2014
People only use this "black people kill each other" reasoning when it comes to black people and trying to ignore police brutality. People act like you can't separate the issue and discuss each of them in their own venue. People act like its a 2 for 1 deal at Popeye's.

Yet they NEVER use that reasoning when discussing other subjects.:jbhmm:

Imagine someone saying Americans have no right to talk about ISIS because Americans kill Americans all the time?

People would look at you like you were a complete idiot. :martin:

Yet they get away with using that argument when it comes to black people because they simply don't care and don't want black people bringing awareness to that issue.

Its absolutely frustrating hearing people (black people especially) continue repeating that rhetoric anytime this issue gets brought up. :snoop:

The realest shyt I ever heard


...come on let's picture the possibility...
Oct 10, 2013
Why are you making excuses for them at all? It is a race problem when black people are the main ones affected by it. You can look at this entire thing as a test run for the true military state. If people are sitting with their thumbs up their ass constantly undermining the police brutality black people are facing now, ignoring damning evidence, downplaying the protest we do in the streets, and reducing the black lives matter movement on social media into a racist cause what are people going to say when they start wiping out asians, mexicans, and arabs? Is that when they have gone too far and we should start doing someting about it:mjpls:?

They are systematically killing us in the streets and oppressing our voice when we speak out. I cant rock with anyone feigning ignorance to this situation or copping pleas for these fukking cacs.
It's not an excuse. There are broader issues here that obviously you have never looked into.
Are warrantless home entries race related? What about illegal detentions? What about unauthorized mass surveillance? You don't think freedom of speech is under attack for everyone? Ever hear of a free speech zone? You don't see what happens when you speak out against gays?
So I'll say again this is deeper than race it isn't just our voices that are being oppressed and news flash we aren't the only one being kilt by police.

The military state is already here, this is partially what this is about. You don't see the tanks? The high powered assault riffles? The police dressed in fatigues? Armed drones? Cops showing aggression for no reason? Of course not, you only see in black and white.

The analogy you described is exactly what's taking place. They focus everything on race so every other race wont care and thinks that it doesn't affect them, then they come and do the exact same things to those same people who did nothing. Same Nazi Germany like tactic. That's why all lives matter, meaning the entire nation getting together to fight the police instead of trying to marginalize the issue to a specific racial group would be more beneficial. It would be more beneficial to look at all of the wrongs the police are doing as well, rather than focus on some of the shootings.
But most of you on every side are too hateful to work with others on the other side based on skin color, so their divide and conquer plan wins yet again. In reality there is no other side, we are all just humans.

Your post just shows me yet again how detrimental the ideology of race is when it comes to certain matters. Most of you can't even look past it to see the bigger picture. The same system you seem to be upset with taught race to you though.

What kills me about your last sentence is that I have probably been the most vocal anti police member at this site. I'm the one talking about the fraternal order of police. Outside of Scarface, I haven't heard anyone in the Hip Hop community call them out in aiding/abetting the police around the country who continue to do as the will. So don't you dare sit here and run your mouth like I'm trying to protect the police.

In conclusion I'll say that the police shootings are just one aspect of a much larger problem.


All Star
Dec 30, 2015
The police are being paid to protect us, so when they do the opposite the response shouldn't be " Black criminals kill people too." This isn't complicated.
That's like a mother not feeding her child and you respond "Well the kids at the Childs school don't feed it."

People only use this "black people kill each other" reasoning when it comes to black people and trying to ignore police brutality. People act like you can't separate the issue and discuss each of them in their own venue. People act like its a 2 for 1 deal at Popeye's.

Yet they NEVER use that reasoning when discussing other subjects.:jbhmm:

Imagine someone saying Americans have no right to talk about ISIS because Americans kill Americans all the time?

People would look at you like you were a complete idiot. :martin:

Yet they get away with using that argument when it comes to black people because they simply don't care and don't want black people bringing awareness to that issue.

Its absolutely frustrating hearing people (black people especially) continue repeating that rhetoric anytime this issue gets brought up. :snoop:
Here is the thing:

I agree that we can and should talk about both, and I urge people to talk about both issues, but if you (generally speaking) only bring up black lives matter when a police knocks somebody upside the head, but keep quiet and turn a blind eye to what's going on in our own communities, you are fake in my book. I ignore nothing, and that why I feel like I can speak my piece. I'm just as vocal about dirty cops as I am nikkas destroying the black community.

A question that I doubt goes answered is at the end of the day, what is bringing awareness to police brutality going to do to uplift our communities? A church bombing killing 4 girls and kids getting hosed down on the order of Bull Connor brought awareness to the brutal realities of racism to the US TV viewer and guess what? We are still talking about white supremacy 50 years later but I don't knock those that bring up police brutality. I just hope that one day, all discussions about issues plaguing us as a people is expounded on equally.
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Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
You could tell the interviewer thought he was a straight clown:scust:?And I cant believe nobody in the audience even walked out while this fool was talking?no boos:dahell:? Tried to tell nikkas Gates was a true c00n and fukkboy....We cant be comparing Boosie to this cat:whoa:

I don't know what the fukk Boosie was talkin about in that interview,and I criticized em....But based on his music where he's always talking about racism,police brutatlity and abuse of power,and previous interviews I give him a little leeway thinking maybe he didn't mean that how he sounded,and was tryna sound too deep for his own good....Kevin Gates has said too much bullshyt to even count to indicate he's a c00n with no his music bein extra average is another reason not to compare him to Boosie,the least talented and biggest fukk nikka to ever come out of Lousiana,Kevin Gates yall:mjcry:

King Jove

King Of †he Gawds
May 1, 2012
Here is the thing:

I agree that we can and should talk about both, and I urge people to talk about both issues, but if you (generally speaking) only bring up black lives matter when a police knocks somebody upside the head, but keep quiet and turn a blind eye to what's going on in our own communities, you are fake in my book. I ignore nothing, and that why I feel like I can speak my piece. I'm just as vocal about dirty cops as I am nikkas destroying the black community.

A question that I doubt goes answered is at the end of the day, what is bringing awareness to police brutality going to do to uplift our communities? A church bombing killing 4 girls and kids getting hosed down on the order of Bull Connor brought awareness to the brutal realities of racism to the US TV viewer and guess what? We are still talking about white supremacy 50 years later but I don't know those that bring up police brutality. I just hope that one day, all discussions about issues plaguing us as a people is expounded on equally.
Awareness is just that. It tries to make people aware of what's happenining. Just like breast cancer awareness,. We know its out there, we don't have a solution for it yet, but its still important to let inform people that its still a problem so we don't forget.

Black people have discussions on all kinds of topics. Police brutality is just one of many subjects that we discuss.

Statistics show violent crime in the black community has declined since the 90's, so black people have actually done SOMETHING about it. :manny: Why do people continue to disregard athletes and entertainers who have programs to keep kids off the street? Ex gang members trying to inform the youth on the dangers of being in gangs? Churches who constantly bring awareness to violence in their community? We comepletly gloss over that to somehow act like black people are doing absolutely nothing at all? Most black people don't even kill each other.

We just just can't stop people from killing people at all. The crime rate has to be 0 for us to FINALLY talk about police brutality?

Black people never claimed to be perfect and but we should all at the very least have the people who claim to "protect and serve" us not get away with brutilizing and killing people and suffering no consequences for it. :yeshrug:


All Star
Jul 25, 2012
They hate Kendrick the same way they hate on Cole and even Public Enemy back in the day. These "real nikkas" are the enemy of black progression.

Nah, breh. :camby:

These K Dot stans are making every excuse in the book as to why he censored himself like a coward and a c00n at the Grammys. I tend to like his music, but that shyt can't be overlooked, just like this bullshyt with Kevin Gates. :ufdup:

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I also remember when he was about to go prison with a million gold chains complaining about not having money to feed his kids.... I can't with these cats

Yeah, how you have millions in chains and cars, but still make up the excuse that "I gotta feed my kids?" :dahell:

Even 200k can feed your kids for the next 20 years. But these rappers will make all kinds of excuses why they gotta keep that needless expensive shyt. :snoop: