There was a Garnett and Duncan debate for quite awhile. When Garnett won his ship w/ Boston that sort of solidified his legacy. As far as the question of top 20? I'd have to disagree. And for those arguing the the 60's and qoute on quote old school basketball. It's not there fault when they were born. To take it a step further, I could make the argument that the league was harder to win a ship at that time because the teams that were winning had about 3 HOF's on each squad. Also, if you gave say a big O the same oppurtunity as a Lebron w/ weights and programs,etc. Who knows what he would've become. Everything moves forward in time, hence the bigger stronger faster progams. You ever seen an o-lineman from the 60's? A lot different from today. That doesn't discredit their accomplishments. And the logo isn't the logo for no reason. Keep Jerry West out of this. That is all
Hall Of Famers like KC Jones