keep it funky no cutz, when yall nikkaz went to jail. what went down


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Did 2 weeks as a teen... it was straight because I had 14 co-accused and about 11 of us on the same range :laff:

There was some psychos in there that was there for murder, one spic told me he got robbed and stabbed someone up as they were taking his fresh scarface shirt. Another tall ass big dude named Shrek was in there for shooting a crackhead, going nuts and calling the police having a standoff.

All I did was watch the news, play chess, dominoes, and read a lot of books :manny:

:ohhh: say word, what you get locked for? We gotta hear this :cook:

York detention centre?

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
i been locked up three times.

my first time i ever got in trouble was in 2oo1.

one time in cabrini,..

on some racial profile'n, my older man's is not on point shyt.

plus i should not have listened to him.

this lesson i learned is how i became my own man and a boss for a little while.

this lesson i learned lead to how i became a boss.

plus how to really take care and educate a crew for real.

so they have all the know how to not get fukked up in the game.

or no excuses for failure.

i learned to listen to myself after my arrests and never took no more orders.

i became my own dude,..cause being under somebody will fukk you up.

i don't take order no more, because i lost my car.

that was not replaced by this someone.

plus in another incident i was not bailed or helped in my case.

so i said all that worker shyt is dead,...i will be my own indie guy now.

fukk orders from these incidents and i never been in no more trouble, after i went in that direction.

passing that mantra and edict.

or having to aid and settle nikkaz violent beefs.

from their own meglomania and mismanagement from being a poor order giver as a boss.

ever since then i been good,...don't help nobody do shyt,..

DTA = don't trust anybody

fac = fukk a crew

those are my motto's,.....i learned because when i was indy i never had no issues.

when you helping somebody else.

most nikkaz are not thorough leaders and don't know how to keep a crew from jail.

so they also will play you as a patsy and okie doke fall guy.

jst because nikkaz are bytch leaders like that.

so stay independant,...fukk a crew. fac all day!!

anyway,...i got locked in cabrini.

which was only eight hours.

i got i-bonded out but the city stole my car on asset forfeiture.

you never wanna be black and talk to mr jones in asset forfeiture.

OFFICER JONES DON't give not one fukk about you.

jsust the bread your car is worth,..i lost my first car, and my first luxury car when i was in my early twenties.

i learn you buy your car and never pay payments on a whip from that.

or, you lease and they can not take you car. if you make payments, and caught and go to jail they will and can violate you just because. it is chicago's biggest racket.

stealing or asse forfeiture of cars.

you don't even have a chance to be tried or found not guilty.

they will take your car.

this is also how i found out about paying for your own arrest through civil court.

plus criminal court,......

which in chicago amounts to about 5 racks if you get arrested in your car.

you need:

1500 : retainer for civil case
1500 : retainer for civil case
2000 : to pay for any charges to get your car asap

on the two racks for your car,..if you do not have it sitting to the side.

thr longer it is impounded you accrue charges and the faster they can process asset forfeiture.

it took me about eight days to get my funds up for my whip.

in eight days i did not have my baby no more,...

taking my belongings out, at the impound.

i was 24 and lost my first car, riviera and i was hurt from that for a long time.

i was fukk'n pissed. plus i learned cheesy rat blues by ll was real.

i beat the civil and criminal case with the other two retainers.

next my time in the county,....

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
in like o4, or o5,...

i can not remember when exactly....

they started that national federal manhunt state award program.

where all the states compete from january to may.

on what state can accrue the most federal/state/international warrants.

they get a huge national check from the government if they post the mos warrant seizures in this time frame every year.

which means you can not get interviewed or seen by the police in chicago.

as illinois, namely chicago has won this program every year like five years straight.

anyway, was in like march or april of o4 or o5.

i had a olds toranado trofeo with the nightrider screen and shyt.

it was deso but it had a faulty door panel that would not stay fixed.

no matter how much work was put into it.

the flipyp lights still worked, and someone gave me this whip, too.

imma nice dude,..people give me shyt after all the trauma i been through and shyt that has happened to me sometimes.

anyway,..i had my lil man's with me and out'chere.

i don't remember where i was going, all.

i did not even smoke or nuffin in my whip, that day.

i remember i took a different way to head west than i usually do down through the town.

or terror town and i did not see this tail i got.

i knew i should not have went through the town.

plus i make a point to never drive down coles or in the heart of the town.

the most i will drive down is 76th and i don't even drice down there anymore after this shyt either. you will get a tail...

yet i did not wanna go down the five and i needed some gas.

so i took that way.

to go to an usual gas station for myself i don't fukk with on the five on yates.

i grew up in this area and i know not to fukk with this gas station.

but since it was on the way and i need petro i had to go there.

so i pull in the gas station and my lil man's wants to pump the gas.

he is a kid at this age not even out of highschool yet.

he was in training then.

anyway,...i was thinking against it.

as chicago has a no minors can pump petro anymore law.

or they get arrested. as a lot of minors shoot and fight over petro gas tips.

plus young girls and runaways prostitute at gas stations in the chi.

so, to eliminate all that,..they sweep gas stations for minor arrests.

plus they will arrest you over the minor pumping your gas.

even your own kid can not oump your gas anymore.

so i go in and pay amd my little man is waiting to make it quicker i give him the signal the pump is on. so he gets to work and by the time i walk out he was close to being done.

i get in the whip,..and as i get in the whip these two officers coke out hard as hell.

glock out like don't even fukk'n move,...i am in the car,..they like get out.

i am like i will but i have to use the other door cause my door is broke.

i could use my door, but i could feel these cops was so nervous.

that if my door panel fell out when i opened it.. i thought they would merk me like that girl that got shot when her door panel was broke and shyt.

so i go to make a move telling them i can'tget out that door and i am not sure if they could hear me.

one of them had the drop on my lil man's and the other had the drop on me at the driver side window. i am like i got to get out the other door. he was like get out this door now.

so my lil man's knew what was up and was like his door is broke.

he gotta get out the other side.

so they lemme finally crawl over the console and getout the passe ger and hemn me up.

i am like damn they about to take my whip, too.

plus i know i am about to get bopped't, fa real.

art barr


Spaghetti Slurping WOP
Jul 7, 2012
South Philly...all day everyday!
got locked up with my black friend in south carolina on our way to myrtle beach once.

Every inmate in there was like you black and white and pulled off the highway at the wrong place to get gas :heh::pachaha:

they impounded our car, gave us mad tickets and booked us and said pay the tickets or stay 30 days for each ticket :leon:

Broke ass southern town....we had our peoples back up Philly western union us the bread we needed to pay the tickets, get the car back and skidaddle.

These mothafukkas took us to the supermarket in orange jumpsuits and shackles to get our western union :leon:

We like :wtf:

A judge came from a county over in gym shorts to sign our release forms :leon:

They kicked us out and told us never come back...we had to get on a greyhound to get 60 miles to the tow place that had our car.

all the inmates though were :heh:, "you fell for the trap" :leon:

never will forget that shyt we was in for like a week in a country southern jail trying to get that bread from up north to get and my boy laugh about that shyt years later

Jesus H. Christ

I died for your sins
May 3, 2012
in like o4, or o5,...

i can not remember when exactly....

they started that national federal manhunt state award program.

where all the states compete from january to may.

on what state can accrue the most federal/state/international warrants.

they get a huge national check from the government if they post the mos warrant seizures in this time frame every year.

which means you can not get interviewed or seen by the police in chicago.

as illinois, namely chicago has won this program every year like five years straight.

anyway, was in like march or april of o4 or o5.

i had a olds toranado trofeo with the nightrider screen and shyt.

it was deso but it had a faulty door panel that would not stay fixed.

no matter how much work was put into it.

the flipyp lights still worked, and someone gave me this whip, too.

imma nice dude,..people give me shyt after all the trauma i been through and shyt that has happened to me sometimes.

anyway,..i had my lil man's with me and out'chere.

i don't remember where i was going, all.

i did not even smoke or nuffin in my whip, that day.

i remember i took a different way to head west than i usually do down through the town.

or terror town and i did not see this tail i got.

i knew i should not have went through the town.

plus i make a point to never drive down coles or in the heart of the town.

the most i will drive down is 76th and i don't even drice down there anymore after this shyt either. you will get a tail...

yet i did not wanna go down the five and i needed some gas.

so i took that way.

to go to an usual gas station for myself i don't fukk with on the five on yates.

i grew up in this area and i know not to fukk with this gas station.

but since it was on the way and i need petro i had to go there.

so i pull in the gas station and my lil man's wants to pump the gas.

he is a kid at this age not even out of highschool yet.

he was in training then.

anyway,...i was thinking against it.

as chicago has a no minors can pump petro anymore law.

or they get arrested. as a lot of minors shoot and fight over petro gas tips.

plus young girls and runaways prostitute at gas stations in the chi.

so, to eliminate all that,..they sweep gas stations for minor arrests.

plus they will arrest you over the minor pumping your gas.

even your own kid can not oump your gas anymore.

so i go in and pay amd my little man is waiting to make it quicker i give him the signal the pump is on. so he gets to work and by the time i walk out he was close to being done.

i get in the whip,..and as i get in the whip these two officers coke out hard as hell.

glock out like don't even fukk'n move,...i am in the car,..they like get out.

i am like i will but i have to use the other door cause my door is broke.

i could use my door, but i could feel these cops was so nervous.

that if my door panel fell out when i opened it.. i thought they would merk me like that girl that got shot when her door panel was broke and shyt.

so i go to make a move telling them i can'tget out that door and i am not sure if they could hear me.

one of them had the drop on my lil man's and the other had the drop on me at the driver side window. i am like i got to get out the other door. he was like get out this door now.

so my lil man's knew what was up and was like his door is broke.

he gotta get out the other side.

so they lemme finally crawl over the console and getout the passe ger and hemn me up.

i am like damn they about to take my whip, too.

plus i know i am about to get bopped't, fa real.

art barr


Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
when i get out,..

it is the cuffs,and back of the cruiser mode.

yet these dudes were cool and were like where do you live.

the address on your id,..i said yeah.

he was like,..i will drive your car to your house and drop this minor off.

i was like okay.

dude actually drove my carback to the crib in the driveway.

plus, put my car keys in the mailbox, too.

dropped my lil man's off, at his house.

they was like we only want you.

you a big enough fish,..we don't need your car!!

i am like damn i know what this bout...

i ask them and they show me in detail on their screen and basically high five'n each other.

turns out these are some rookies trying to make grade and were racially profiling in manhunt season.

then pulled up my tags and targeted me when i drove through the town.

they told me that they lied about smelling weed. when i first was arrested and they was just bringing me in because it would elevate their grade.

i am like man,..

to this day i hate rook's,...

rook's be doing to much and they always let rook's out the force in manhunt season.

so if you got shyt out there.

don't come to the chi cause rooks are raciay profiling and interviewing purposefully to make grade.

to win the national manhunt bounty federal stipend for illinois.

they are like we taking you to the internationAl extradition pod downtown.

i am like alright.

we get to the pod,...and they bust me down.

i see another one of my lil man's through the glass.

that lil nikka like oh shyt when he seen my face.
as he knows i don't ever get locked up.

i get busted down and they take my shoestrings/drawstings.

shyt was wack.

in cabrini,..i did not lose my belt and i had on a pair of wally clark goretex rain slippers.

so i could fit my shoes.

which is why i always wear real fitting underwear and velcro or slip on shoes mostly now.

so if i ever do get locked again. at least i can wear my shyt.

i make my phone call and hope my lawyer is contacted through my peoples.

my lil man's he is annoying the shyt outta me on some john leguizamo precinct 13 shyt.

i am miserable...

only good thing is it is downtown so it is all concrete slab.

when i get fully procressed they put me in a cell by myself.

which was cool,....

all i know is i could be here for a while or in the county.

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
get woke up, lights on.

then instructed i am being moved for keep for extradition.

we are all put in double file line on a yellow paint strip to separate us and cuffed't.

it is this one mexican punching himself in a cell.

plus he is spitting at the guards on the glass and he licks his tongue out at this fiyoine ass female guard.

this female guard was checking this other nikka and this guy tried to holler.

the female guard casually walked off,..two big male burly co's came casually up and beat dude to a bloody mess.

then told him don't say shyt to another female guard.

the two co's,...are like we gon show you to behave and we got an example of what happens to those that don't.

the mexican that was ack'n a fool in this cell.

they open the door and go in the cell and beat the shyt outta this mexican dude.

i do not know if he was on angel dust or whatever.

yet he would not be knocked out, he got stomped out of consciousness.

the floor got blood on it from the two beatings.

the co's are like who want some squares.

a few dudes raised their hands.

the co's handed them the mops and some cleaner buckets to clean up the blood for like only two squares a piece.
these three miggaz cleaned that shyt up for two squares, a piece.

i was like man,...this some bullshyt.

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
i am in line after this clean up in the extradition pod.

i find out this extradition pod is going to cook county jail.

then i will get extradition from cook county.

i was not worried cause i knew all my bitness was mine.

so i do not have any one to answer or even talk to.

so i did not even need to speak to anyone.

i do not smoke squares either.

so i don't even have to have a convo.

i don't know you so,..i know i will be fine.

i was older at this point, too.

so i think that is why i had a calm mental complextion about the county.

i knew i was not a trouble maker so i would not have an issue.

yet,..i know it is the county and shyt could pop off.

they take us in the double file line and load up the transport van.

we are not safety belted in the transport van.

when i tell you it was one of the worst rides ever.

it was the worst ride ever.

plus this is where you started to see the goofies who try to show out.

i guess because they were nervous and do not knoe how to stand alone.

there was a white guy in there.
bragging about being able to smuggle resl well.

as we are all falling on the floor and stacking on top of another.

to stay put in the benches from this ride. this white cst iss trying to sell weed and nikkaz sellin sqaures cause we all got ourr belongings on us.

i had about a rack on me, i ain't letting none of these nikkaz know shyt about me.

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
when we arrive at the county. we are all like literally stacked on the floor of the transport they have to untangle and lift us out of the floor of this transport.

it is guys all stacked on top of one another....i wasn't squashed or at thr bottom of the pile. i guess this was one of the good times my last name came in handy.
as i was put in later in the transport and was cooser to the door.

they tske us through to the first entry point.

this is where you meet the guy they call tom cruise.

when you meet or see tom cruise,..i was told already this is when it get crack'n.

so i knew shyt got worse from here on out..from learning from my guys, over the years.

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
when we get into the area where the enfamous tom cruise is.

he gives us his introduction amd says i am the white cat motherfukkerthey call tom cruise.

all because he kinda looks like tom cruise.

i know he is called tom cruise because he and his co's will beat you the fukk up.

just good enough you can still go to court on closed circuit tv.

they take us to the first revolving holding pen to await closex circuit tv.

we all got our belongings on us.

so, dudes making small talk and sellijg squares.

everybody in this area is black, except for that one mexican and that one whitecst woth the weed.

the white cat with weed starts advertising.

i am not sure if this holding pen is wired.

so i am not saying shyt just observant.

all of a sudden,..tom cruise appears and confronts the white cat.

like yo, think it is a game in dis bytch.

the one thing i found ironic aboit tom cruise was. he could talk hood as ell for a white cat.

when he confronted this white dude about weed. it was like a young nikka confrontrd some old white dude on the street if you were just listening.

tom cruise threatens this white cat and the white cat was pretty shook.

yet still clinging to the fact,..he was white on some privelege shyt.

so cruise leaves and says i will make an example out of you.

i don't give a fukk if youthink just because you white.

you are special, ain't more special than any nikka inthis motherfukker.

like he was a real nikka and he earned license to say the word nikka with other co's.

the other co's did not flinch when he dropped it too.

plus after that he called amyone he wantrd a nikka, too.

he was like you wanna be a real nikka don't chu,..imma show you what i do to nikkaz!

tom cruise leaves,.....

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
so tom cruise leaves,..on some learn doh.

bytch imma be tha fukk back shyt.

i don't know why this old white cat was trying to front.

like it was all cool or he was so smart and slick he could fool somebody.

it was obvious he was looking for a hero in there.

or some type of validation from someone in there.

so he goes back to trying to sell this weed instead of just giving it up or dropping it.

all of a sudden the holding cell swings open And tom cruise is on some,..

i told chu,..i would be the fukk back shyt!!

man, all of a sudden like four, five co's run in this pen and kick the shyt outta dude while we watch.

then drag him out beating his ass like where the fukk is.

you got that shyt,..moaw!!

you still got that shyt,..maow!!

just hammering this old white dude that thought he was special.

when they bring him back dude is so expertly beatdown..his clothes not torn.

i guess to look presentable on close circuit court camera.

man,..they beat the shyt outta dude body infront of us.

like who knows what they did in detainment.

more co beatdowns to come on my county visit...i am just getting started.

chicago cook county co's,..get it in for real!!

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
art Barr done fukked this thread up. Man I ain't reading all that shyt :aicmon:

if yo goof ass get locked up in cook county.

you gon wish you did.

the reason my visit to county was so smooth.

was because i listened and remembered every level of the county, and co's.

my guys told me over the years and what to do and what not to do.

plus who not to get smart with or where not to be on bullshyt with.

i am just passing the experience and braintrust on.

art barr

art barr