keep it funky no cutz, when yall nikkaz went to jail. what went down

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team
if yo goof ass get locked up in cook county.

you gon wish you did.

the reason my visit to county was so smooth.

was because i listened and remembered every level of the county, and co's.

my guys told me over the years and what to do and what not to do.

plus who not to get smart with or where not to be on bullshyt with.

i am just passing the experience and braintrust on.

art barr

art barr

Dog if I get locked up the majority of my time will be spent reading these novels you wrote. Until then :snooze:


May 1, 2012
201 for the nikkas that know
first night in, a old dude forgot got pissed cuz they wouldnt let him watch tv so he decided he "wanted to go home":wtf: its an open floor with 50 bunk beds (6th floor) he starts casually walking for the exit like its kroger. MAN they pepper sprayed the shyt out of this nikka but he wasnt goin down so they tackled his ass.:skip:

another time this dude faked a seizure thinkin he was goin move to the sick floor and have it good. nah, breh:shaq2: he was back within 2 hours

on the 5th floor(holds u 4 fingers) one side is for new nikkas the other side is for people who prove they can do they time w/o fukkin up. the proven side has the tv and cool c.o will let us watch tv later than usual, the new side has the games and shyt but they cut that shyt out at before the night count. well one day,a white boy from tipton county thinks its a bright idea to snitch on nikkas so he can move to the other side. the plan worked but you still on an open floor where nikkas got free range so:snoop: to that plan. my cuz happened to be on the new nikkas side (wild ass nikka) and i was on the other(the moved the white boy next to me). cuz and an older nikka came and beat on this white boy while a c.o. was flirting with the loo(lieutenant- a fat light skin bytch). he had a bunch of goodies fresh from his books too:youngsabo:

my fukkin bunky jackin off hard as hell, wakin me up in the middle of the night :huhldup:

long as you aint on the 3rd or 4th floor, you can do your time easy w/o bein bothered. a nikka was tryin to be rockman in that bytch
penal farm is another story tho

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
201 for the nikkas that know
first night in, a old dude forgot got pissed cuz they wouldnt let him watch tv so he decided he "wanted to go home":wtf: its an open floor with 50 bunk beds (6th floor) he starts casually walking for the exit like its kroger. MAN they pepper sprayed the shyt out of this nikka but he wasnt goin down so they tackled his ass.:skip:

another time this dude faked a seizure thinkin he was goin move to the sick floor and have it good. nah, breh:shaq2: he was back within 2 hours

on the 5th floor(holds u 4 fingers) one side is for new nikkas the other side is for people who prove they can do they time w/o fukkin up. the proven side has the tv and cool c.o will let us watch tv later than usual, the new side has the games and shyt but they cut that shyt out at before the night count. well one day,a white boy from tipton county thinks its a bright idea to snitch on nikkas so he can move to the other side. the plan worked but you still on an open floor where nikkas got free range so:snoop: to that plan. my cuz happened to be on the new nikkas side (wild ass nikka) and i was on the other(the moved the white boy next to me). cuz and an older nikka came and beat on this white boy while a c.o. was flirting with the loo(lieutenant- a fat light skin bytch). he had a bunch of goodies fresh from his books too:youngsabo:

my fukkin bunky jackin off hard as hell, wakin me up in the middle of the night :huhldup:

long as you aint on the 3rd or 4th floor, you can do your time easy w/o bein bothered. a nikka was tryin to be rockman in that bytch
penal farm is another story tho

:rudy:I'd beat that nikka ass nikkas gotta find time on they own to do that shyt. Almost had to choke a nikka cause I caught him spitting in the sink, when we make our meals and brush our teeth outta that shyt. Jail is fukking nasty b. U gotta tell your bunky to ride out while you take a shyt:russ: If it's lights out tho, a nikka gotta be 3 feet a way wile ya bunky shytting tho :sadcam:


Dr.TheNig DDS
May 1, 2012
Brolic... Alcoholics
Spent 24 hrs in holding. Heard enough sob stories to never want to go back.

This one white cat was in there for smoking the biggest drug dealer in West Florida. Dude say he just ran in the house looking for money and we he was running out he just let off like six rounds and heard the dude body hit the floor. He say he felt a rush of excitement when. He let off the rounds.


May 1, 2012
:rudy:I'd beat that nikka ass nikkas gotta find time on they own to do that shyt. Almost had to choke a nikka cause I caught him spitting in the sink, when we make our meals and brush our teeth outta that shyt. Jail is fukking nasty b. U gotta tell your bunky to ride out while you take a shyt:russ: If it's lights out tho, a nikka gotta be 3 feet a way wile ya bunky shytting tho :sadcam:

that nikka was doin 8 in arkansas for a agg. robb. at a casino and had an att murd in memphis so he was :to: and i let him do his thing. plus he dropped alot of game on me so i wasnt fukked up about it. we watched each others shyt when one of us was movin around the pod. he coulda did that shyt in the shower like the rest of us tho.

it was a open floor tho so other than the fact that my bunk was right next to the toilets wasnt shyt i could do. nikkas ridin the chrome and i got to turn my head.

you right about it bein nasty tho. it was a white dude we called jesus (yes, he looked like the white jesus from your grandmas w photo on the wall) one set of toilets no one used cuz they was out in the open. this nikka dropped his pants and shyt in like he was bout to get paid for it. readin his book and droppin stanky logs like he at home and shyt. c.o. had to tell that nikka pick up and move behind the wall to the other toilets.

oh, mexicans are the dirtiest muthafukkas in there no cism. go to the bathroom in pairs or groups like bytches and dont wash their hands, but they share their shyt with each other.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
i will never look at Tom Cruise the same...:guilty:

trying to save nikkaz an ass whipping, in the county.

that is just the first layer to county.

i haven't even gotten to the processing point.

which is co heaven,..processing inmate hell.

art barr