Kamala's Racial Identity Discussion


All Star
Jul 6, 2018
It’s not about being “black enough”

She’s non fba/ ados regardless. Yet she panders using ados specific cultural reference points. It’s fake as hell. Only dodo bird negroes tolerate that type of shyt

Make yourself relevant by using policy
What are these ados specific cultural reference points? She gave a speech at the DNC where she spoke on policy to all kinds of smart black people in the crowd, I dont remember anything about ados in that speech.


Sep 25, 2012
But cultural components, do apply to her. The time her father and MOM came to this country, especially to a city like Oakland, there was a cultural black movement around anti-colonial and anti-segregation movements. If you came from my island or a country under British colonial rule, the black movement in the United States was the biggest appeal to you in the fight against it.

I posted what I posted earlier from Amos Wilson. You guys clearly don’t understand this in here.
What does fighting for civil rights have to do with in house cultural norms specific to ados

That she seems to be confused on btw

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Are you stupid? :snoop: Most of her policies are progressive and it's because it's not Project 2025. :why:

That poster doesn't care about progressive policy anyway. He ONLY brings up progressive policy when he's trying to shyt on Democrats. Look at his history - never mentions Bernie positively unless he's shytting on someone. Never mentions AOC or the Squad. Never even using the word "progressive" unless he's talking about someone who is not. In fact, he rarely posts on the forum at all except when he's pulling a #bothsides and trying to get people not to vote for Democrats. His entire purpose here is to carry water for Trump.


May 17, 2013
Don't know, it was hundreds of years ago. But ADOS are a combination of many old tribes, and groups of people on different continents, not just one.

To the EDIT: there is no such thing as "biracial," if they are ADOS, they are Black. And ADOS thinking is better than the inane thought processes that end up creating 20 different buffer classes based on minute differences only to be living in shanty towns and thinking some random Nigerian is taking a job away.

That type of mental slavery is an abomination.

you know that they are dead but dont know which tribe BUT know they were all black. :francis:
May 27, 2012
That’s because your brain has become polarized. The fact that you think people can’t believe Kamala’s not black and vote for her at the same time says a lot. A critique of a candidate/party is not a form of support for the opposite candidate/party. This is concept a fifth grader can understand.

So from my post you've been able to determine my position on things...

I ain't gonna hold you, continue acting like you know what you're taking about


Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
It’s not about being “black enough”

She’s non fba/ ados regardless. Yet she panders using ados specific cultural reference points. It’s fake as hell. Only dodo bird negroes tolerate that type of shyt

Make yourself relevant by using policy
What policy attracted you to Trump? What tangibles are you getting from supporting him?

Trump 2024


All Star
Jul 6, 2018
The food
The music
The not playing into her actual heritage
There's no such thing as ados specific food or music, those are things ALL black people experience in America. Its ridiculous to say only ados listen to rap or eat fried chicken lmao.

You have this made up problem with her, she just gave a speech in Georgia and it was all about her policies and how she is different than Trump.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Democratic shills defending Kamala's "blackness" more than she defends it herself.:mjlol::pachaha::dead:

She's a politician in America running nationally - she has no incentive to focus on her blackness. Being Black doesn't help you get a bunch of moderate and independent White votes in a general election. That's why Trump and his attack dogs do it. If they convince Americans that she's "faking", they win. And if they keep Americans thinking about her Blackness, they still win.

The only reason it's even being talked about here is that Trump sycophants painting themselves as #bothsiders bring it up constantly rather than talking about Trump's policies vs Kamala's policies. There have been at least 5 different versions of "Kamala isn't Black" threads posted since Friday alone, and three of those are still active today. That's despite there having already been a flurry of those threads in the previous two weeks. These threads are full of ridiculous false claims like saying that she's a Hindu Brahmin, saying that she never claimed Black until 2019 (or some other random date), saying that her father isn't Black, saying her father has Indian ancestry, saying that he said he was proud to be descended from a slaveowner, saying she only grew up in White neighborhoods, saying she didn't grow up around ADOS culture, and so on. So of course people are going to combat outright lies. Have you seen ANY "Kamala is Black!" threads made by her supporters in that same time?
Last edited:


Nov 29, 2019
you know that they are dead but dont know which tribe BUT know they were all black. :francis:

ADOS are a mixture of many different dead African tribes/kingdoms, and Europe. We are a unique people with a unique history.

What matters is our history in America, not the places we were taken from.

We came from 0, built up a new homeland, broke those chains, and made a lane for ourselves in the world. When you think of Black culture, you think of ADOS culture, when you think of strong Black people, you think of ADOS people.

A small group of people in America influences the world in style, art, music, and culture. And this same small group of people in America, ADOS, also made significant contributions in STEM.

You caught up on the wrong things. You better crack a few books open and learn from ADOS.



Sep 25, 2012
There's no such thing as ados specific food or music, those are things ALL black people experience in America. Its ridiculous to say only ados listen to rap or eat fried chicken lmao.

You have this made up problem with her, she just gave a speech in Georgia and it was all about her policies and how she is different than Trump.
No I meant as far as creation and what’s happening in households culturally

Jamaicans aren’t eating soul food and washing collard greens in tubs. Gtfoh with that shyt


May 17, 2013
ADOS are a mixture of many different dead African tribes/kingdoms, and Europe. We are a unique people with a unique history.

What matters is our history in America, not the places we were taken from.

We came from 0, built up a new homeland, broke those chains, and made a lane for ourselves in the world. When you think of Black culture, you think of ADOS culture, when you think of strong Black people, you think of ADOS people.

A small group of people in America influences the world in style, art, music, and culture. And this same small group of people in America, ADOS, also made significant contributions in STEM.

You caught up on the wrong things. You better crack a few books open and learn from ADOS.

I'm a server, so I dont really need to crack any books open. They are embedded.

I'm not disagreeing with anything you wrote. ADOS are black people , but a biracial, imo, is not an ADOS, they have ADOS in them, but they are not ADOS. an ADOS is someone with 2 black parents, regardless of admixtures. See thread title again, and the many others you will read in the coming weeks, they are all written by ADOS. :hubie:


Nov 29, 2019
I'm a server, so I dont really need to crack any books open. They are embedded.

I'm not disagreeing with anything you wrote. ADOS are black people , but a biracial, imo, is not an ADOS, they have ADOS in them, but they are not ADOS. an ADOS is someone with 2 black parents, regardless of admixtures. See thread title again, and the many others you will read in the coming weeks, they are all written by ADOS. :hubie:

Your opinion doesn't matter though. And I say that as respectfully as possible. You aren't American nor are you ADOS. And those who are unread are not well versed in ADOS history.

I am not listening to someone opining about physics who has yet to read a textbook on mechanics. You educate those people, not listen to them and their ignorant opinions of subjects they don't understand.

ADOS = American descendants of slavery/ American Freedmen. To be ADOS, you have to have a parent that is ADOS.
And like I said before if you are ADOS, you are entitled to reparations.

And as for the topic:

Kamala is not ADOS.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The food
The music
The not playing into her actual heritage
No I meant as far as creation and what’s happening in households culturally

Jamaicans aren’t eating soul food and washing collard greens in tubs. Gtfoh with that shyt

Breh, she was raised by a Jamaican man until she was 7, but after that her Black experience was primarily ADOS. Her mom had been deep in Black circles for a decade by that time and knew that her daughters would be seen as Black women in America, so she moved into a Black neighborhood, reached out to her close friends in the Black community, and literally surrounded her girls with Black influences for her entire childhood. You're talking like she only experienced a Jamaican/Indian home and didn't have any ADOS cultural influence which isn't remotely true.

“My mother understood very well that she was raising two black daughters. She knew that her adopted homeland would see Maya and me as black girls, and she was determined to make sure we would grow into confident, proud black women.”

“I grew up in a community where it was an extended family of people who told all of us as children [that] we were young, gifted, and Black."

Senator Kamala Harris often tells the story of her parents’ romance. They were idealistic foreign graduate students who were swept up in the U.S. civil rights movement — a variation of the classic American immigration story of huddled masses welcomed on its shores. That description, however, barely scratches the surface of Berkeley in the early 1960s. The community where they met was a crucible of radical politics, as the trade-union left overlapped with early Black nationalist thinkers.

It brought a wave of Black undergraduates, many the descendants of sharecroppers or enslaved people who had migrated from Texas and Louisiana, into conversation with students from countries that had fought off colonial powers. Members of the study group that drew them together in 1962, known as the Afro American Association, would help build the discipline of Black studies, introduce the holiday of Kwanzaa and establish the Black Panther Party.

[after her parents' divorce]

Into the vacuum stepped Ms. Gopalan Harris’s old friends, connections from the Berkeley study group. She was a single, working mother of two, far from her family. Not until her oldest daughter was in high school could she afford a down payment on her own home, something she desperately wanted, Senator Harris wrote in her memoir. A web of support — from day care, to church, to godparents and piano lessons — radiated out from the Afro American Association.

“Those ties became the village that supported her in rearing the children,” said Ms. Dashiell, the sociology professor who was a member of the discussion group. “I don’t mean financially. They surrounded those children.” Mr. LaBrie introduced Ms. Gopalan Harris to his aunt, Regina Shelton, who ran a day care center in West Berkeley. Mrs. Shelton, who had been born in Louisiana, became a pillar of the young family’s life, eventually renting them an apartment upstairs from the day care center.

....But there was always a snack and a hug at Mrs. Shelton’s. If it got too late, the sleepy children would go to bed at her house, or Mrs. Shelton would send her daughters to tuck them in at home. One of Senator Harris’s favorite stories from childhood is of preparing a batch of lemon squares with salt instead of sugar; Mrs. Shelton, her face puckered, said they were delicious.

On Sunday mornings, Mrs. Shelton would take the girls to the 23rd Avenue Church of God, a Black Baptist church. This, Ms. Porter said, was what Shyamala wanted for them. “She raised them to be Black women,” Ms. Porter said. “Shyamala really wanted them to have both.”

Ms. Dashiell said she was certain that some influence of the study group survived in the Harris children. “The thinking within the association was deep,” she said. “You would look at, what are the underlying causes of the problems that we find ourselves in as Black people? And that is something that would have translated, through these families, to Kamala.”

In the years since, Senator Harris has often reflected that her immigrant mother’s chosen family — Black families one generation removed from the segregated South — powerfully shaped her as a politician. When she took the oath of office to become California’s attorney general, and then a U.S. Senator, she asked to lay her hand on Mrs. Shelton’s Bible. “In office and into the fight,” she wrote in an essay last year, “I carry Mrs. Shelton with me always.”

She was literally surrounded by Black people and most of them were ADOS. Even later after she left that Black neighborhood in Berkeley, her high school was still 40% Black. Her best friend from high school LIVED with her, in her same room, for a full year. And that was before she went off to study at Howard. The idea that she doesn't have ADOS cultural influence is ridiculous. She's socially awkward and doesn't talk well about her personal life (just like many people, politicians or not), but the idea that she grew up in some sort of Indian/Jamaican cultural bubble distant from Black people is nonsense.

Ya'all have created a caricature in your own minds of what her upbringing must have been like instead of actually doing the slightest research to look for the truth.