They're starting to realize the Roland Martin's and Van Jones aren't representative of the average Black male. Also many of us aren't the most palatable for the rest of the party but they realize they need us in some form or fashion so they're doing damage control
Basically,this was being stated about us feeling neglected back when Stacy Abrams was trying to get in office. Which was a couple of years ago,so theyve been holding think tanks since then and came up with nothing

Its over now,the towel has been thrown in. Theyve decided they arent going to focus on race.
The black man is overall disenfranchized with this country but just doesnt realize it yet. This will just be one step of many. The Democratic party is a microsm of the everyday world black men see. Where homosexuals,white men and black women are put in charge of making decisions and telling black men how to move. What kind of man wants to have a seat at the table where he knows hes just a token. Black women,gays and white men run the democratic party. Is this not an actual fact? Correct me if im wrong.
With Raul and Manuella coming into the fray,its time for us to part ways. Not because of our latino brothers and sisters btw,they deservedly got the juice now fair and square. When we had the juice we didnt use it.
We will go build seperately,a political party thats only for black men,no black women allowed. Nothing personal to our queens,understand you will be grafted in after the ground work is laid. Until then,enjoy the power you have within the democratic party. We will be here if they toss you to the bushes for Esmerelda