what i like about this program is that the first thing it makes you work on is your egoI just started this today. It feels kinda silly to be starting with such minor weight. I look like a fool just lifting the bar and it's not challenging.
the worst day as far as feeling silly is by far the second session. to anyone who never did the program, remember what i said and think about it on the second session, you will laugh too.
but yeah, the goal is to first get your muscles gradually accustomed to lifting more and more. 5 pounds increases are small increments at first but trust that it goes pretty quick. that's like 15 pounds increase every two weeks on bench and 30 pounds increase every two weeks on squats. you don't get discouraged by muscle sourness cause you start light and go gradual. to be real, i never felt INTENSE muscle soreness from this program but i was still lifting decent weight and progressed relatively quickly and smoothly.
the second benefit out of this is that you get "practice" on your form while minimizing the risk of injury. all those sets you're putting in at light weight is ingraining the proper form in your mind and body. now is the time to be conscious about technique, grip width, breathing, posture, feet positioning, which muscles to contract at which time, how to position your head, where to put the bar, etc etc etc. don't wait until the weight gets heavy to work these things out. do it while the weight is light so that they all become automatic (like driving). all these things will be done naturally and fluidly.
keep working hard and working smart.
EDIT: also fukk what other people think. zone out completely. i probably looked silly with the empty bar the first day. but i just put on the headphones, get in my bubble, did what i had to do on that day and got out. roughly three months later i was squatting 220 (which might not sound like a lot to more advanced lifters but i really felt good about this accomplishment).
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