SMH @ all the people that gave Django praise and it got that Big Box Office but they completely skipped what I feel is the greatest film on Slavery. And Finally it was done by a Black Man. Hollywood finally let the people that was enslaved get behind the lense and tell our story. It was also written by a Black Man in John Reily. The movie was beyond phenominal. I loved that he picked this slave story to tell. An Intelligent Free Man in the North who would could read and write and heat of the Slavery movement in America. Fassbender was spectacular. Now that was a Slave Master, (Leo Take Notes), I liked Leo in Django but the more we get away from the film the more cartoony and unrealistic it becomes
Chiwetel Ejiofor better win Best Actor, he gave 100% of himself. You were with him the whole way.
Lupita Nyong'o was just too good, you felt her pain all the way. . This was by far one of the realist protrayls of slavery I've ever seen. Mcqueen film skills are so on point. The Editing, The Action, the scenes. I'm a so sick at how ROBBED it got at the Golden Globes. Best Picture but what about writing? Acting? My only complaint was how they made Brad Pitt the White Savior but a white man did help him get out of that hell. Also Brad folked over the money to make the film which is why he's a producer so I let it slide since he got this amazing story to the Big Screen.
This movie touched me deeply. As everyone knows I was critical of QT and Django (Check out my Thread in the Raffters Spike Goes in on Django ) cause I felt QT didn't really hit at the heart of Slavery and make you feel it. Sure they are different films as Django is more of a Slave Fantasy but still the film didn't do what "12 years" did It was just a again cartoony western and then he had the nerve to have the White Savior Waltz kill Leo and Made Sam another Black man the main enemy to Django. This film is what Blacks need to see. I'm not shocked Whites are running away from the film as the box office shows. They loved Django cause it was comedic and safe. "12 Years a Slave" really makes them look in the mirror. I can't look at Michael Fassbender the same, he was too good as a slave master, lol. This movie better sweep the Oscars. No lie, touched my soul. I had to cop the book after this as I've heard of it but never read it. Also it was an uplifting ending instead of the typical hopeless endings we get in Slave movies. Again I hope this show this film in history classes in the future.