It's interesting how a thread promoting Black love creates such divisive opinions and remarks. He's clearly not a c00n, but why does he have to have "ulterior motives" for articulating his preference for Black women?! That's just another way of saying he shouldn't say it or it should go unspoken. Like really, wtf?
Swirling is minimal compared to same race relationships offline, but its promoted in every other area of life outside of reality (society, marketing campaigns, social media...) so its always refreshing to NOT see it being promoted, like in this interview. Its not what he said that's so refreshing but its all the other factors, an up and coming, promising actor who is unapologetic and deliberate in his response without feeling obligated to his White and Other fans by including them in his preference. He didn't neutralize or c00n up his response. He simply wants a Black woman.
What WAS more discussion worthy was the overall response tho. Kelly stuttered her ass off and the audience was non reactive, initially. Had it been an all Black audience the love would have flowed back to him with an applauses or whistles, but that White resentment was both silent and loud.
Oh well, its not a big deal, but at the same time it is bc of his celebrity. I just hope it lasts bc White women are competitive when it comes to Black women. The more he promotes his love for Black women the more they will pursue him, then five years down the line he dates a White girl who "really loves him" while she just wants to be on his arm as a message to Black women everywhere. Its the game they play.