God Emperor of SOHH
Oh of course the worker bees are college educated. The Gates and Zuckerbergs are by-in-large dropouts aka the people who run shyt
are you confused, what is this thread about if not the worker bees?
gates and zuxkerberg dropped out harvard, one of the top schools in the country
microsoft is headquartered in Seattle, silicon valley is in the bay are, gates doesnt run shyt in SV
facebook is just one of many companies in SV, they dont run shyt either and there is a whole nother side of silicon valley that develops hardware that is what made silicon valley silicon valley
if you want to understand what silicon valley is watch the doc i posted, there is no need to talk out your ass and no need to follow the hype and definitely no need to spread this ridiculous anti academic fabrication of silicon valley being founded by college dropouts, stop spreading anti academic notions in the black community