Jemele Hill: It's time for black athletes to leave white colleges

intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad
Y'all cats can't be serious. Y'all say she went to the place that was best for her which happened to be a PWI but she doesn't seem like a double talker saying that kids shouldn't goto a PWI themselves if that's the best opportunity for them? I know y'all wanna be on y'all's women do no wrong stuff but y'all aren't making any sense saying her going to a PWI isn't something worthy of a FOH in this instance. People get woke at 40+ telling folks to do things they didn't do when they had the chance is like nah fam. You can always suggest it but going too hard on things you didn't or don't do is always nah fam stuff no matter what gender, race, etc you are.
You wrote all this just to show you don't even understand the context of my post. Go look for some background before you get in my alerts acting overemotional. We don't even disagree on the larger point but most y'all write drivel just to try and argue something that isn't there.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
This ad hominem, shyt idiots say.
Says the fukk boy who shyt on 17 year olds whove grown up their ENTIRE lives seeing their families band aid their way through problems then saying its selfish on their part when a University offers them a band aid to address their family’s immediate needs.

“tHey ArE sElfiSh!” :childplease:

fukk you for calling that a trotted out trope. Who the fukk does that besides a fukk boy?
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Jun 19, 2012
The 215
You wrote all this just to show you don't even understand the context of my post. Go look for some background before you get in my alerts acting overemotional. We don't even disagree on the larger point but most y'all write drivel just to try and argue something that isn't there.
The online over emotional claim because I disagree with your post bullshyt. There is nothing I didn't understand about the context of your post at all. nikka I just said I disagreed and gave reasons why. Y'all truly have to stop acting like bytches and trying to claim something over emotional just because someone disagrees with certain aspects of what you said. I wrote no drivel but I see you're another online poster that can't have your awesome pov challenged.


20/20 Vision With my Buffs On
Sep 9, 2012
South Side Chicago to Nola
If a 17 year old is in a position to pick the program he'll attend for FREE, how is that student not in a position to win?

Picking a school for free is not the topic at hand, it’s more so, you can pick any hotel but would you rather stay at the 5 star or 2.5-3 star because some person said it was a great idea

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
The top hoopers are brought and paid for by the shoe companies, ya'll forget, college Basketball at the highest level is a BUSINESS.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In an ideal world where everything is equal, sure. People from other cultures that immigrate to America understand concretely why this "freedom in choosing" attitude isn't a luxury their kids have which is why they'll not only decide which schools their kids will attend, they'll also choose their career path for them whether they're interested in it or not.

FYI the dude you quoted is not black

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Clemson became a powerhouse because Clemson's admin unleashed the money taps when Dabo convinced them it would pay off.

IPTAY is shelling out huge money to support that program now.

They were getting good players before, but they didn't start this current push until the money really starting rolling in and they could recruit at a top 5 level.
Clemson pay players the most with UbaGA. Modern Basketball recruitment is tapped in central. Football is different as one player just isn't that significant on average

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
I don’t think it would work in basketball for the same reasons. It’s built on this myopic idea that the top kids would go to an HBCU and somehow win a title in 1 year and change everything which is some Disney movie shyt. In reality it would be like teaching a smart kid 5th grade math only for the final to be calculus. If they even luck up and make the tournament reality would hit them so hard in terms of competition it would make those talented kids look bad.
It works on college hoops when you create the players, redshirt them and take a HBCU all of the way through.


May 1, 2012
Players start going to these HBCUs, the amenities will come, better coaches, leadership, etc.

Players start going to these HBCUs, HBCUs will become the bread-winner and wouldn't have to beg for crumbs

Players start going to these HBCUs, HBCUs you would get a better experience all-around.

Problem is if you were in this position as a 17/18/19 year old and saw the stark differences in setups (and let's not even get into the bagman bread), would YOU still decide to hit up the HBCU? Especially growing up not having as much in life up to that point for a good chunk of black prep athletes?

We gotta be realistic. It's easy for grown cats to say this, but capitalism makes this an uneven playing field. You'd have to get the top black athletes in mass to do this for YEARS in order to change the tide. And to make shyt worse, you really think cacs are gonna let this slide? They'll legalize paying athletes and the whole 9 before they let their system crumble to HBCUs. They play dirty. We'd have to do it too.

The onus isn't on these kids, it's on the adults like Jemele and others. Get some black bagmen, hell start with one HBCU and build from there. I think we are all for it and WANT this to happen, but that's selfish as fukk to ask these kids to do shyt that most nikkaz championing this goto HBCU shyt right now know damn well they wouldn't have done at the same age.
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All Star
May 7, 2012
What's so sad about all this is, the ones that don't even go to the NFL draft, those players that have played for these cacs schools, end up working in odd jobs. At least going to these cac schools, you should be set up to make a 6 figure salary, knowing the connects, these dudes end up working at Home Depot or being has beens

Playing in front all those cacs and not one can get you a 6 figure job? :mjtf:

Do you have a six figure job? What six figure jobs do you know of where you don't need to have the skill to do the job.

If you have a general studies degree what do I look like giving you a six figure job? Maybe a 50k a year job.....

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
At the risk of turning a fake "Coli know it all" on my recent posts, I just can't not comment on this topic, but I'm going to leave it alone after this.

I would love to sit and talk to Jemele Hill or anyone here that really truly believes the things they write on this HBCU/PWI sports topic, when they don't know or speak to the real athletes or parents. It comes off to me as pandering or fishing for daps, because it's cool to say what people should or shouldn't do - but never followed up by feasible, economic ways that “symbol” can and will actually help.

Who am I?

I played football at an HBCU.

A lot of my friends are coaches - a few at HBCUs, most at PWI or NFL. We all played some level of pro football, most NFL, some at VERY high level careers.

I loved my HBCU. I ended up there just like every other player on my team - I got kicked out of my JUCO, I had plans to go to a D1 prior. Either that, or my teammates just were not good enough in HS, but nobody would’ve chose that school over FSU or USC, etc.

Anyway, I love my school so much, I just was asked to speak to the team last week during camp - I give back in time, money, resources, and giving the team (who is VERY GOOD, and sent a couple to NFL over past 10 yrs) some motivation.

With all that being said - stop this argument.

Basketball-wise - I can actually see it happening, if a group of guys go.

Football - NO.

Right now, myself and a few of my guys mentor the NUMBER 1 RATED WR in the Class of XXX (can’t be specific because I have said to much on other posts before and will not make those mistakes again.)

He is an amazing kid. Tough background. Poor as hell. Going to be a top-2 round pick barring injury or trouble.

I could never in my right mind or heart tell him to go to my HBCU over the school he committed to for the sake of Jemele Hill or some “black people looking good” idea.

You know what looks good? The family structure and generational wealth some of my friends have. The communities they have built, even winning NFL Man of Year awards for doing so. The ability to create opportunities and hire people we grew up with, things that you see Lebron doing, but lots of former players are doing in real life.

I remember NCC (the coach quoted in article). I have been there. Facilities are not touching anything at a top program.

Think more linear. The schools do not have the budgets to hire the amount of quality strength and medical staff (not to mention medical and rehabiitaion equipment, which one item alone can cost 100k) to even nurse your injuries. They usually have to hire 1 or 2 top people and use students. I still have injureis from playing at my top HBCU that would’ve been fixed with more staff.

HBCUs can only pay a certain salary coach wise, because they do not have the budget. No one on this board is taking 100k less to do MORE WORK, and STILL BE AWAY FROM THERE FAMILIES AND KIDS. That would be asinine, unless you already were secure like Andrew Luck or something. The staff have a few full-time coaches, and the rest part time, who work other jobs to survive.

The travel is like minor league baseball.

Someone above laughed at working out in top notch facilities and eating amazing food - like that does not or should not matter to a KID and his PARENT. Live in real life brother. And that stuff DOES MATTER, and it does help. Its almost like saying just drive a jalopy because it gets you from point a to point b like a Benz - but most people who can afford a Benz, take the Benz. That is not a hard concept to understand.

Lastly, the top kids are 100% getting paid, and their mothers are too. And they are getting money when they are facing eviction, deaths in families etc. Thats just a fact. And it aint all BLUE CHIPS either - some of these recruiters genially like the kids they are recruiting, and when that kid calls and says my mom has no car or gas money can you please help me….what do you do? You have a bag of money that you know could help this kid have a good day.

Why the hell are we so pressed about FB & BB? I dont care if HBCU missed that boat to being elite there, because there are 100 other things that HBCUs can be elite at, and are.

Some of the top doctors I know went to Howard. Some of the top professionals i know went to Hampton. Etc Etc. They dont need football to be great, and that should not be the narrative, nor what makes a school great.

Please enlighten me to why this matters? I feel just as happy for the kids at MD that beat HU 79-0 as I do for the kids at HU that have schollys and may still win MEAC, because if all those UMD kids played at HU, the HU kids would be playing…..where again?
It's like everything, we say this because we are on a message board and well, it's not my life. We are intentionally selfish and that's normal but in reality, it's a dumbass decision to choose PVAMU over OU as an athlete. As a student, it makes sense as in the right major and grades can get you more access at the HBCU as the PWI is for non blacks to get jobs, not really for us to get jobs.

But for athletics, PWI, especially power or mid major is a much better than most HBCUs. NCA&T is the only one with real money and real connections. Their grads get hired by a lot of corporations. It makes sense to go there. Doesn't make sense go to Tennessee as a student whenever they have internships and opportunities, they don't tell you how it's really gotten. While whites go to the advisor and he has them at top notched companies since their freshman year.

So like anything, it's about what you can get out of it. HBCUs don't work for athletes even if it seems on surface it will as sports is a white money dominated market even if we are the labor.

You and your friends might work for the mill site but is it your mill site even if you are the labor or is it the owners? Whites work all level of big time athletics outside of the labor
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intra vires

Glory to Michigan
Aug 3, 2017
The Catholepistemiad
The online over emotional claim because I disagree with your post bullshyt. There is nothing I didn't understand about the context of your post at all. nikka I just said I disagreed and gave reasons why. Y'all truly have to stop acting like bytches and trying to claim something over emotional just because someone disagrees with certain aspects of what you said. I wrote no drivel but I see you're another online poster that can't have your awesome pov challenged.
So you're overemotional and you have poor reading comprehension skills? I don't care about your situation, so go bore someone else with the details kiddo.