Jemele Hill: It's time for black athletes to leave white colleges


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
SHe's right.

These black athletes are making these white colleges rich for free. Wish a generation of black athletes would break the cycle already. These fukking colleges have more money than God.
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
You playing for free at a PWI too. I was watching Jalen Rose on vladtv. He already said when the summer came, he was back IN THE HOOD. Stop thinking these players is getting a bunch of money and getting their parents out the hood while they in college.

They've changed that rule over 20 years ago. You don't know what the fukk you are talking about.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
At the risk of turning a fake "Coli know it all" on my recent posts, I just can't not comment on this topic, but I'm going to leave it alone after this.

I would love to sit and talk to Jemele Hill or anyone here that really truly believes the things they write on this HBCU/PWI sports topic, when they don't know or speak to the real athletes or parents. It comes off to me as pandering or fishing for daps, because it's cool to say what people should or shouldn't do - but never followed up by feasible, economic ways that “symbol” can and will actually help.

Who am I?

I played football at an HBCU.

A lot of my friends are coaches - a few at HBCUs, most at PWI or NFL. We all played some level of pro football, most NFL, some at VERY high level careers.

I loved my HBCU. I ended up there just like every other player on my team - I got kicked out of my JUCO, I had plans to go to a D1 prior. Either that, or my teammates just were not good enough in HS, but nobody would’ve chose that school over FSU or USC, etc.

Anyway, I love my school so much, I just was asked to speak to the team last week during camp - I give back in time, money, resources, and giving the team (who is VERY GOOD, and sent a couple to NFL over past 10 yrs) some motivation.

With all that being said - stop this argument.

Basketball-wise - I can actually see it happening, if a group of guys go.

Football - NO.

Right now, myself and a few of my guys mentor the NUMBER 1 RATED WR in the Class of XXX (can’t be specific because I have said to much on other posts before and will not make those mistakes again.)

He is an amazing kid. Tough background. Poor as hell. Going to be a top-2 round pick barring injury or trouble.

I could never in my right mind or heart tell him to go to my HBCU over the school he committed to for the sake of Jemele Hill or some “black people looking good” idea.

You know what looks good? The family structure and generational wealth some of my friends have. The communities they have built, even winning NFL Man of Year awards for doing so. The ability to create opportunities and hire people we grew up with, things that you see Lebron doing, but lots of former players are doing in real life.

I remember NCC (the coach quoted in article). I have been there. Facilities are not touching anything at a top program.

Think more linear. The schools do not have the budgets to hire the amount of quality strength and medical staff (not to mention medical and rehabiitaion equipment, which one item alone can cost 100k) to even nurse your injuries. They usually have to hire 1 or 2 top people and use students. I still have injureis from playing at my top HBCU that would’ve been fixed with more staff.

HBCUs can only pay a certain salary coach wise, because they do not have the budget. No one on this board is taking 100k less to do MORE WORK, and STILL BE AWAY FROM THERE FAMILIES AND KIDS. That would be asinine, unless you already were secure like Andrew Luck or something. The staff have a few full-time coaches, and the rest part time, who work other jobs to survive.

The travel is like minor league baseball.

Someone above laughed at working out in top notch facilities and eating amazing food - like that does not or should not matter to a KID and his PARENT. Live in real life brother. And that stuff DOES MATTER, and it does help. Its almost like saying just drive a jalopy because it gets you from point a to point b like a Benz - but most people who can afford a Benz, take the Benz. That is not a hard concept to understand.

Lastly, the top kids are 100% getting paid, and their mothers are too. And they are getting money when they are facing eviction, deaths in families etc. Thats just a fact. And it aint all BLUE CHIPS either - some of these recruiters genially like the kids they are recruiting, and when that kid calls and says my mom has no car or gas money can you please help me….what do you do? You have a bag of money that you know could help this kid have a good day.

Why the hell are we so pressed about FB & BB? I dont care if HBCU missed that boat to being elite there, because there are 100 other things that HBCUs can be elite at, and are.

Some of the top doctors I know went to Howard. Some of the top professionals i know went to Hampton. Etc Etc. They dont need football to be great, and that should not be the narrative, nor what makes a school great.

Please enlighten me to why this matters? I feel just as happy for the kids at MD that beat HU 79-0 as I do for the kids at HU that have schollys and may still win MEAC, because if all those UMD kids played at HU, the HU kids would be playing…..where again?
Thank you. Most of the cats in here, including Jemele” are speaking top soil but refuse to see the levels beneath.


Apr 30, 2012
At the risk of turning a fake "Coli know it all" on my recent posts, I just can't not comment on this topic, but I'm going to leave it alone after this.

I would love to sit and talk to Jemele Hill or anyone here that really truly believes the things they write on this HBCU/PWI sports topic, when they don't know or speak to the real athletes or parents. It comes off to me as pandering or fishing for daps, because it's cool to say what people should or shouldn't do - but never followed up by feasible, economic ways that “symbol” can and will actually help.

Who am I?

I played football at an HBCU.

A lot of my friends are coaches - a few at HBCUs, most at PWI or NFL. We all played some level of pro football, most NFL, some at VERY high level careers.

I loved my HBCU. I ended up there just like every other player on my team - I got kicked out of my JUCO, I had plans to go to a D1 prior. Either that, or my teammates just were not good enough in HS, but nobody would’ve chose that school over FSU or USC, etc.

Anyway, I love my school so much, I just was asked to speak to the team last week during camp - I give back in time, money, resources, and giving the team (who is VERY GOOD, and sent a couple to NFL over past 10 yrs) some motivation.

With all that being said - stop this argument.
Thread over.


Aug 12, 2012
And able to create superior athletes, then no.

I entered OU weighing 165 pounds. I was 190 in four months because of the facilities and things they provided me.

I still wonder what was in those lil bag of vitamins they had in a cardboard box as you left the weight room. :patrice:

You need a PWI to learn how to put on muscle?


Aug 12, 2012
It’s way too many c00nesque posts in this thread. I’m sitting here shocked

I actually hope now that a future administration pushes to randomly pulls the money athletics departments especially football gets at PWIs.

Like straight up gutting that funding

Will be hilarious to see all the reactions from these same people that shyt on Black colleges to praise PWIs


Aug 12, 2012
I was 18 from Brooklyn. My school had one weight machine. So...yeah. Plus, I had a dietician working with me. Where was I going to get that growing up in crown heights?

I get that you dudes have all the answers in here...

A dietician and a PWI is needed to learn how to put on weight?

Here you go


It’s not rocket science. Do heavy compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, barbell rows, bench, shoulder presses and make sure to eat a lot of carbs to put on weight

Wake up early so you have more time in the day to eat and get a lot of protein in your meals

I can’t believe you really shytted on HBCUs to say they wouldn’t be able to make you put on weight like a white college


Man the day those PWIs gut athletics programs the same way public schools shut down music programs I’ll laugh my ass off. And it’s definitely coming too because football is getting less popular. Mad people are gonna get wake up calls when they do this

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
It’s way too many c00nesque posts in this thread. I’m sitting here shocked

I actually hope now that a future administration pushes to randomly pulls the money athletics departments especially football gets at PWIs.

Like straight up gutting that funding

Will be hilarious to see all the reactions from these same people that shyt on Black colleges to praise PWIs
No one is c00ning here. Just you dudes who csnt get past your wack this vs that mentality.

Let those of us who know theres a lot of grey here speak on it. Not a single person spoke ill about HBCUs other than comparing the current state, circumstances, and the obstacles in front. Your posts seem to be devoid of any grown folks talk, more interested in lazy labeling. :camby:

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
A dietician and a PWI is needed to learn how to put on weight?

Here you go


It’s not rocket science. Do heavy compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, barbell rows, bench, shoulder presses and make sure to eat a lot of carbs to put on weight

Wake up early so you have more time in the day to eat and get a lot of protein in your meals

I can’t believe you really shytted on HBCUs to say they wouldn’t be able to make you put on weight like a white college


Man the day those PWIs gut athletics programs the same way public schools shut down music programs I’ll laugh my ass off. And it’s definitely coming too because football is getting less popular. Mad people are gonna get wake up calls when they do this
I was at OU before the internet. I didnt play during the copy/paste your way to wisdom generation. That info wasn’t available to me.
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King Jove

King Of †he Gawds
May 1, 2012
People still going on with this narrative that people who are skeptical of the probability of a mass exodus of black athletes to pass up PWI for HBCU’s are c00ns.

I’m pretty sure 99.9% of confirmed black posters on the coil would LOVE for all black athletes to go to HBCU’s. It’s just some people actually live in the real world, and not a fantasy thought up in their mind.

It’s like people who want gun violence, gang violence, gang, drug dealing etc to stop in our neighborhoods. Sure it’s as simple as brehs just putting the guns down, and not killing each other, not joining gangs, and not dealing drugs, but there are factors that contribute to why those things are still prevalent in our communities.
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NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Former players lay out entire argument; militant says they are c00ns. Never change Coli. :mjlol:
They are lazy. They use labels like c00ns to mask their inability to add things of value or show us where we are short sighted. I owe my life to an HBCU accepting my dad. Who the hell wants to shyt on them?

Some of these dudes are clowns, not real militants
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All Star
Jul 17, 2012
They are lazy. They use labels like c00ns to mask their inability to add things of value or show us where we are short sighted. I owe my life to an HBCU accepting my dad. Who the hell wants to shyt on them?

Some of these dudes are clowns
Yea, at some point no response is the best response.

I mean you're arguing with a guy who posted website workout links as an argument against having full-time dieticians and nutritionists on staff. I guess I should've googled how to repair and treat my meniscus tear as opposed to my boy down at his PWI working with Doctor Andrews facilities on campus etc.

Love my HBCU. FB ain't where it's at for us, but 99.99% of an HBCU campus ain't playing no damn football, so why are we so focused on it???

My kid is going to go where is able and willing to go, and if my kid idolizes Saquaon Barkley, and then goes to a stadium full of 100k during the white out nights where State College the city shuts down, against Michigan, looking at statues and murals of Lavar Arrington and Navarro Bowman...they probably gonna wanna sign with Penn State lol.

It's similar to the WNBA arguemnt to me. 100k ain't coming to see Grambling play no matter how good they are. Just let them exist where they exist and learn to celebrate more about us than how good we play a damn sport. HBCUs weren't built for that and rightfully, in 2019 should not be blowing financial aid and resources on competing with LSU. Let's get those other facitilies non sports related up to par.