Jay Z blames single black parent households for Police Brutality


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
That's not single parent household issues, its a problem of mothers who happen to be single parents, there is a difference

When you say single parent (which really means women) can't show her child what authority is, that is crazy to me. Authority is Authority regardless of gender. The only time a child won't respect a certain gender's authority is because of something between the parents. A woman who instills a child to not respect male authority is a man hater, and the child issues come from that, not single parent households.

A lot of women are single parents, but not by choice, then there are women who CAN'T be in relationships due to how they are as people, so they become single parents. Unfortunately, that means all those issues that made her not be able to maintain a relationship will express itself in her children. Hating male authority would be the first thing seen because the mother would express her hate of the childs father, and the child will feel that towards other males if the mother has the same attitude towards other males in their environment. I seen this growing up, I just never understood it until i got older.

The child is basically an extension of the mother. Its hard to find a woman like that in two parent homes, but there are some men who take that shyt, these men tend to be "just there", and the mother is the main power in the household

Ok its an issue prevalent in single mother households, that's fine I didnt think id have to qualify such an obvious point but alright.

The point is that J is looking to address a very multifaceted issue that we both acknowledge partially stems from single mother households, why is that a problem?

But the fact that he can articulate losing 92 bricks better than this is a gotdamn travesty. Since he deciding to open his mouth of inequalities and inequities with blacks and police, it's his job to make sure that it is pitch perfect because of who he is, his voice gets amplified louder. All of this is haphazard drivel. As far as I know, we are the only race where far and wide, our parents have the 'talk' with them about police. Once my wife was lamenting the fact that black people have to do it and it would be nice when we could break the cycle. That's cool and all but just like I told her, we'll break ours when they break theirs. Our actions in regards to law enforcement is one of defense, to be reactive. I grew up in a single parent household and I was very respectful to people that held positions of authority. Just because Gloria Carter bought that nikka a radio 'to keep him close' and thought it was enough show lack of structure in their household. My mom knew who my friends were, knew their parents, had phone numbers, call and check in, street lights, all that shyt. Basically, foot on neck season with me and i'm better for it. This nikka shot his own brother, fukk he talking about with family structure. I do a good job usually separating from the art from the artist but this is getting to me. Your head should never allow you unsee what his eyes has surely seen. How many ________ while Black things have we seen in recent years. When statistics bare themselves out time and time and time again with police treatment of us black people and he's out here promoting this bullshyt but his people won't call him out because he is hip-hop's first billionaire and many people would suck his dikk for a feature still. As a fan of his talent and what I thought to be his views towards social commentary, this is beyond disheartening, he needs to get stole on. Ain't nobody above an ass-whipping and he's due for one thinking like this. I lead a life that by most people metrics, is wildly successful. That still doesn't change the fact that I'm a black man, born in Detroit, Michigan, raised in a single parent household. Those sensibilities should never leave you as they make me what I am and it is with those sensibilities that while I know all cops aren't crooked, I know that enough of them are and that fact is enough for me to take a guilty until proven innocent approach with them, similar to how many of them do us.

I respect that, yea he left out the abuse of police authority and really theres no excuse it like you said, he needs to be more careful and paint a the bigger picture. But lets not act like single motherhood isnt a general problem in our communities.

Ice let me ask you this, should we promote single motherhood or admonish it?

Clayton Endicott

Jul 11, 2015
A lodge of the Saints John of Jerusalem
Yeah c00n faggit. It’s called the school to prison pipeline, redistricting/ redlining, judicial discretion, racial disparities in sentencing, mnimimum mandatory drug convictions, economic redistribution, lack of revitalization in inner cities, militarization and weaponization of the police force, targeted instead of community policing and compstat.

Any other dumb questions or do you want to keep your ignorance and stupidity in London?


Dec 2, 2012
He basically said the samething in his meeting with the NFL. He pointed out how it might come off as hostile to a cop but that cop don't know what your dealing with and how you talk or act because our culture is different than theirs it's not that hard to understand if you watch the clips in full.
:usure: tamir rice was a fukking kid and he got shot and killed before he could say anything. The problem is not that black people behave in a way that the police doesn't understand. The problem is that they see black life as less valuable and consider black men a threat no matter how they behave. Police brutality has nothing to do with single mothers.


Mar 24, 2014
This isn’t Jay’s area of expertise; he’s way out of his lane and it shows. All these discussions are being forced down the public’s throat so we can get accustomed to seeing him talk about something he’s not that knowledgeable on.

There are way too many people that are hands on with their involvement, daily and at a much more educational level, already. We shouldnt have to see/hear from Jay. It’s lazy approach to learning/discussion issues

You can help people, yes, but understanding the finer points of the problem really involve actually studying and not just lip service and donations...

The fact that Jay Z is the one having to speak on these issues is not a good look for us as a whole.
He's being made into a Black people's spokesman when hes always been about Jay Z.
The Trump far right cacs have been coming for him lately and if he keeps fumbling like this it'll be a rough ride for him going forward.


Dec 22, 2015
Can’t say I’m surprised. Other than 2pac (because his mom was a black panther) all these rappers clearly are out of their element when they talk about deeper black issues.

Plus, it’s no coincidence that TI, Jay, Diddy etc all became “woke” at the same time when their entire careers did nothing to benefit black people. It’s all rebranding to stay relevant.

I wish our people stopped looking to entertainers to speak on political issues. That Dave Chapelle joke on “I wonder what Ja has to say about this” is still relevant and deeper than most people took it.


Failure is not a option
Sep 7, 2013
Planet of Hip Hop
Nah breh, Kanye had a mental breakdown, Jay is selling out.
Get all the way the fukk outta here wit this excuse..both Jay and Kanye are removed from the common black reality and have went full c00n in there lifestyle choices

He's really gone...Black delegation gotta trade this nikka:snoop:


All Star
Aug 3, 2017
This clearly isn’t jay-z’s forte and the issue that is being discussed is multi-faceted. Single parent households particularly single mothers with boys tend to produce really bad results not to mean that their isn’t expectations to the rule but even pac said it was hard for a women to raise a man.

With that being said for him not to mention the racial issues at play is just ignorant. To ignore the complete failure of the school system and economic incentives to increase the prison population is stupid. To not address that their are police officers who abuse their power and use their badges as a way to go on unnecessary power trips which is why we need more oversight not already inline with the current regime is a huge misstep.

Now I also think this is more about his personal experience. My chick who is also black holds an M.S.W. and works with the kids in Juvie and they overwhelmingly come from single parent house especially the black ones and often times the lack of a father in the lives of children have disastrous effects on the emotional development of the child which in turn impact everything else.

The justice system needs a major overhaul but a discussion about the state of the black family unit needs to be discussed as well. Despite the name calling in here, the discussion of the inner workings of our community and the problems we can solve within it is a discussion that needs to be had.


All Star
Apr 1, 2017
Ok he ain't lying. I am a woman and single mom household's create alot of problems. Jay z is a rapper forget the messenger but what he's saying is right.

Why are black women immune from criticism when it comes to single households. Alot of them behave like devil's toward the children which produce broken men and women. Why can't black people accept the truth. Every other culture recognise the impact of single mom's on the culture hence the taboo of it. But with black people the crazy has become normal.

Single mom's ain't normal, why don't the majority of black men understand this basic azz point.
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Oct 8, 2014
You might not be doing this but theres a whole load of people that are.
Hence the reason why jayz said what he said.
Ive seen people on this very site do it
i mean... if you want, you can find people who incorrectly assess any number of topics...
if you have a platform to speak you should address the actual issue that exists...
making comments on the causes of incorrectly assumed police brutality doesn't address any of the issues of REAL police brutality..
it's merely helping the narrative of those who are disregarding ACTUAL police brutality

the fact you even made that post...
shows how unaware you are of the negative effects of this line of thinking...
alot of checkers being played round here...

if i have a platform to speak on failures of the medical industry in this country...
I'm not going to sit there and start talking about how 2 parent homes lead to an increase in earning potential
and should make it easier to pay for high insurance premiums....
I'm going to talk about the lack of adequate and universal healthcare for the majority of americans period...


Dec 2, 2012
Get all the way the fukk outta here wit this excuse..both Jay and Kanye are removed from the common black reality and have went full c00n in there lifestyle choices

He's really gone...Black delegation gotta trade this nikka:snoop:
I'm not claiming Kanye isn't a superc00n. I'm saying the motivation is different. Kanye clearly has mental issues and needs help, Jay doesn't, he's just selling out.


FA Cup winning fan
Jan 27, 2013
Black people who grow up without fathers find it difficult when another man in this case, officer of the law, tells them what to do. So what did he say which was wrong?

People who commit crime should be in jail. Again what did he say which was wrong?