Master Baker
Ehh, plenty of my later replies in this thread address all of your rebuttals including a study showing charter schools producing better results in OaklandThose same communities are now three generations deep with charter schools failing in precisely the same way, except they've also helped ensure that a few people have also gotten richer off of our tax dollars.
You're advocating for a different kind of "insanity" by backing charter schools.
OUSD also is full of charter schools and the exact social ills that come out of poverty, right?
It absolutely is feasible, it just requires public participation - like everything else in our slow-moving government. My concern isn't holding my hand out and waiting for assembly men and state congresspeople to wake up one day and decide to prioritize education - my concern is pressuring them to do so, until they do.
Charter schools aren't going to fix any of the issues that the American education system currently faces, they're at best a fantasy, and at worse downright predatory and harmful to the already weakened public school systems.
And charter schools are failing in the exact same way.
If one actually cares about fighting the system, then you don't give your tax money to a small cadre of investors hoping that they'll give you back some modicum of improved education - you actually push for increased funding and resources for schools, and you work to alleviate the current other ills, like those around housing insecurity, food insecurity, and wealth inequality.
as I’ve said repeatedly, I’m not advocating for fully going the way of charters, I am saying they can be, and are, part of the attempt to do something different. Y’all act like it’s so easy to simply fix all that is wrong while ignoring a 50 year descent that says, actually it is hard to fix because not enough people in power have to, nor care to, fix it.