Literally every long term period of economic and cultural growth kn Ameerica for the past 40 years started under Democrat leadership and tanked under Republican leadership. You mocking Democrats and thanking massa white man Trump for 3 years of an economy Democrats created. But you have no regard for Obama with the 6 years of straight job growth that started under him. In fact how many times do we need to remind you Donald Trump dikk suckers that Obamas economy SLOWED DOWN under Trumps policies before coming to an abrupt end thanks to his incompetence
Literally everything we value about the American economy today in terms of tech, representation. and diversity in our jobs, society, and media is thanks to the booming Obama economy. Our first black President. Not the idiot former reality TV star white man your c00n ass somehow admires more. Stop listening to your white supremacist friends
Trump didn't do shyt but give a big cash give away to billionaires, go on ego trips that slowed down Obamas job growth, and took no action on a public health crisis. And here we are.
If we had a fukking President Hillary Clinton instead of these stooges you admire we'd still be living in Obamas economy and the entire course of history and our economy would be a better place right now. But I know you dumbasses have to hold on to your distortions about reality.
Bill Clinton had to clean up Bush Sr's shyt and gave us the progressive and technologally innovative economy of the 90s. Obama cleaned up Bush Jr's meltdown of an economy in 2009 and gave us the booming 2010s economy that introduced every piece of tech and convenience we love today. And Biden about to clean up Trumps shyt and give us another wave of growth and innovation after four years of economic, cultural, and geopolitical regression of the MAGA dumbasses like you.
In 2009 a white man left this country in the worst economic free fall we had ever seen since the 1930s. And it was a BLACK MAN, the first and only black US President, who rescued this country from that and created one of the most advanced economies we ever saw. A black man did that. Not Trump. One of the greatest US Presidents ever. No dispute.
If you not proud of that, and you as a black man would rather give credit to Donald fukking Trunp, carry water for white supremacist narratives, pretend the year 2020 when Trump tanked everything just never happened, and spread the complete white power lie that Obama was a "terrible President" and Trump "gave us a great economy" then you go ahead and help out white massa with lieing about history once again bytch boy. c00n. Let me catch you in the next thread doing the fake militant spiel about vultures and white supremacists stealing shyt while you sit there attributing the amazing economy of our first and only black President to an incompetent, idiotic white guy.
fukk Trump and fukk you. It is white peoples goal, always, to lie and distort history in order to undermine black people and give credit to white people. A black man gave us the economy of the past decade. I won't allow racist white people to tell lies about history all over again and I won't allow your dumb c00n ass or any of these social media morons to spread this LIE, and take away from OUR success...AGAIN.
fukk yall pro-Trump c00n nikkas. You,
@Dave24 and yalls selective Malcolm X quotes just to cape for white people. fukk off man.