Blood, is every post of yours going to be this type of rambling? I dont mind long posts, or you getting your thoughts out. But why in every post must you generalize what you THINK I believe, know, or understand? You're trying to present yourself as being "over" me in a type of way by insinuating in every post that you know something that I dont lol. When what you're saying, I've been thru over and over again. Have you been where Im at? Doubtful because you cant even address why prophecy in a "JewISH" book matches the African American experience in America. When we combine this with the fact that the Hebrews were black/dark skinned since Moses blended in with Egypt at the time, then its like whats going on? But you cant even address this because the white man got you disbelieving in your own heritage altogether to where you see nothing peculiar about a group of white looking men, saying that a scripture about black people is about them lol. Yet you want to tell me about MY(nonexistent) inferiority complex?
The difference between me and you is, that you only pay attention to what they place in front of you. I pay attention to that, AND what goes on behind the scenes. The fine print of our existence if you will. Its what allowed me to move past the lie of "the white man gave us this book" and actually ponder on how the people who say the book is about them, look white, yet ancient Egypt was obviously black (and again, Moses fit in with ancient Egypt). You dont want to focus on that because, it doesnt go along with the "its from da white man" lie most of yall run with without thinking. Thats fine. I'll just say that they left it right in the text becasue they KNEW most of yall wouldnt get it. Even if it was thoroughly explained, yall wouldnt get it. And instead yall would turn to worthless belief systems like voodoo, black magic, Islam, christianity and every other religion in the world, groping in the darkness for something to believe, when what belonged to YOU was right under your nose all along.
I'll also say, anyone playing with voodoo thinking that they'll come out on top, is just fooling themselves. I dont see the merit in wanting to play with spirits over the Creator, but hey, yall do yall. Yall's spirituality/spiritual level/spiritual energy will NEVER measure up to a person who goes to the Most High to get these things since its Him that created the spirits you play with when you engage in voodoo or black magic. But hey, keep playing with demons if yall want. Once they get that foothold in your life, they'll show yall that YOU was the one playing, but they werent