Argue amongst yourselves instead of seeking a solution brehs and brehettes.
There is no shortage of good black men, contrary to beliefs. It seems like most people want to define good as making above average income. Or if the woman is college educated, the bare minimum for her "good black man" starts at her salary and hopefully makes more.
The thing is, it's a man's market once you start talking about men making 55k+. These dudes know the power they weild. By the time a woman is finished with her degree, is in the job market and entering her prime years, men haven't even scratched the surface of their earning potential. After all that time of having to chase women, they are now considered the prize in the dating market. So now a large percentage of women are all vying for the guys from the "small" pool of "good black man".
I'll say this. There are good black men out there, more than you think. But women best be prepared to compete.