is there an argument that Tom Cruise is the GOAT movie star?


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
Force Awakens came out 7 years ago, and he just wrapped Indy 5.

Additionally, what's the 15 years? First Star Wars came out in 1977. He was still in top movies after 1992.
Force Awakeness :what:

He was only in that for ten minutes and it was star wars. Let’s say it was 20 years for Ford.

Tom Cruise is damn near on forty years, breh.

Bar Razor

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Force Awakeness :what:

He was only in that for ten minutes and it was star wars. Let’s say it was 20 years for Ford.

Tom Cruise is damn near on forty years, breh.

*sigh*. It would be so great if on the Internet people could ever just say "hey you know what I didn't think about that, you're right". Instead, even in something as small and meaningless as a conversation on Harrison's Ford's longevity people still have to do the save face thing.

You initially said that Ford only had 15 years. My pointing out that that was silly made you reassess to 20 years because from 92 on he's had:

Patriot Games
The Fugitive
Clear and present Danger
Air Force One
What Lies Beneath
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

All of which were hits well after 15 years (not to mention a couple of more minor hits in there as well). As for Force Awakens, most of the promotion for it had Ford featured heavily since a lot of it was based around the hype for the original trilogy characters coming back "breh". Ford was one of the main characters in the film since they knew they were going to kill him off at the end, and again the return of Han Solo was a huge drawn especially after the poor reception of the prequels.

Indy 5 is coming out next year "breh". That's 46 years after Star Wars. He's starring in it, I might add and it is an assured hit being that it is more than likely his last Indy flick.

You were wrong dukes. It's ok, it happens to all of us. Don't exacerbate it with BS, and flippant sarcasm compounding it. Even with that, the only comment I initially made was that Ford deserves to be mentioned for reasons I outlined. There was no real need for you to even quote me on that.


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
*sigh*. It would be so great if on the Internet people could ever just say "hey you know what I didn't think about that, you're right".
It would be great, if you did that.

I moved it to 20 years, but the point remains that Cruise is close to forty years of hits while you are citing a movie that Ford was in for five minutes and a future release of another franchise movie as an example of Cruise being a bigger movie star.

And when I say forty years, I mean Cruise has been putting out mega hits at least once every two years.

Whats the last movie Ford starred in that was a mega hit? Indy four from over 13 years ago?

Bar Razor

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
It would be great, if you did that.

I moved it to 20 years, but the point remains that Cruise is close to forty years of hits while you are citing a movie that Ford was in for five minutes and a future release of another franchise movie as an example of Cruise being a bigger movie star.

And when I say forty years, I mean Cruise has been putting out mega hits at least once every two years.

Whats the last movie Ford starred in that was a mega hit? Indy four from over 13 years ago?

Ford was one of the main characters and one of the top promotional draws for the movie. He was also in the. move for longer than 5 minutes. Come on now. Indy 5 is coming out 46 years after Star Wars. Whether or not he's had hits year after year isn't really relevant to whether he should also be mentioned - which is what I said initially.

He's starred in two of the biggest franchises of all time, and has had major hits over a 46 year period. He most certainly deserves a mention. I know you're one of those "got to get the last word in" type cats so go ahead. I've spent more time on this topic than I wanted to.


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
Ford was one of the main characters and one of the top promotional draws for the movie. He was also in the. move for longer than 5 minutes. Come on now.
First, he wasn’t the star of the movie.

Second, I said ten minutes. If you want to say it was more than ten minutes, cool but the point is he wasn’t the major character in the movie and they didn’t need him for that movie to make a billion.

The other thing is Ford did the first Star Wars in ‘77, look at his starring roles between that and Empire Strikes Back. No mega hits at all. It only came around after Empire and then he goes on a run… a run that ends in 2000.

He's starred in two of the biggest franchises of all time, and has had major hits over a 46 year period. He most certainly deserves a mention.
I never said he didn’t deserve a mention, I said he isn’t on Tom Cruise’s level as Cruise is still a draw 40 years.

Bar Razor

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
First, he wasn’t the star of the movie.

Second, I said ten minutes. If you want to say it was more than ten minutes, cool but the point is he wasn’t the major character in the movie and they didn’t need him for that movie to make a billion.

The other thing is Ford did the first Star Wars in ‘77, look at his starring roles between that and Empire Strikes Back. No mega hits at all. It only came around after Empire and then he goes on a run… a run that ends in 2000.

I never said he didn’t deserve a mention, I said he isn’t on Tom Cruise’s level as Cruise is still a draw 40 years.

He was in the movie for 24 minutes. Much longer than 5 or 10 minutes as you initially stated (just like you had to adjust your initial 15 years claim). And I never said he was the main character in the movie. He was ONE of the main characters and AGAIN being that no one had ever heard of the other characters, and the public was excited the most about the OT characters being back, he was heavily promoted before it dropped - you know because of his star power.

Star Wars and Indiana Jones are bigger than any franchise Cruise has ever had, one he was one of the three main stars, and arguably the most popular, and the second he was the unquestioned star. Taking into account all the other hits he's had, along with those monster culture changing franchises, and that he will have another top draw at the BO 46 years later, he has a reasonable case.


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
This thread is a great platform for a discussion I been wanting to do for a minute

Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt?

To me I have to go with Brad Pitt

Come on @TheFireCar

Help me proceed with my Agenda
Brad by a pretty wide margin. I personally think Cruise is criminally underrated, but he's not pulling off Brad's performance in Burn After Reading let alone Snatch or Fight Club. Tom doesn't have the same range. I could maybe see him in Se7en...maybe.

As for the thread, DiCaprio's the only one I'd definitely put over Cruise (as far as "movie star"), and everyone that's posted on this forum long enough knows I have my gripes with Leo.
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
This thread is a great platform for a discussion I been wanting to do for a minute

Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt?

To me I have to go with Brad Pitt

Come on @TheFireCar

Help me proceed with my Agenda
Brad a better Actor. Tom a legit star. Even at 5'8" and that last MI with him and Superman in it was FUEGO! might be one of the best action movies ever.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Brad by a pretty wide margin. I personally think Cruise is criminally underrated, but he's not pulling off Brad's performance in Burn After Reading let alone Snatch or Fight Club. Tom doesn't have the same range. I could maybe see him in Se7en...maybe.

As for the thread, DiCaprio's the only one I'd definitely put over Cruise (as far as "movie star"), and everyone that's posted on this forum long enough knows I have my gripes with Leo.

Yea, now that you mentioned it. I can’t see Tom Cruise pulling off Fight Club, Ib*stards, Snatch, and hell even the next movie Brad about to drop.

But I can easily see Brad doing most of the movies Tom did. Like Jack Reacher is probably better with Brad

Brad a better Actor. Tom a legit star. Even at 5'8" and that last MI with him and Superman in it was FUEGO! might be one of the best action movies ever.

I feel like the MI series is probably his best work but it’s a lot of smoke and mirrors with that too.

And I’m not trynna shyt on him, just outside of MI. There isn’t a movie from him I loved outside the one with Jamie Foxx

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
What ROCK film is a classic tho? I'd take Armaggedon and The 5th Element over any of The Rocks films. let alone Die Hard
Y'all have turned this into the greatest actor.. Or who's in the best movies...

This is about STAR power. When you know absolutely nothing about a movie, except that it's starring ___________________. Who is the biggest name you can slide in there and make a HIT.

You can say "the new rock movie is coming" and fill those seats waaaaaaaaay faster than "the new bruce willis movie"...

The question is, would prime rock fill more seats than prime bruce willis? Numbers say he'd crush him. So yes he's the bigger STAR

Big Dick

All Star
May 21, 2012
Brad a better Actor. Tom a legit star. Even at 5'8" and that last MI with him and Superman in it was FUEGO! might be one of the best action movies ever.

I think Tom Cruise probably is the GOAT movie star when it comes to headlining blockbusters. Dude has anchoring hits since the 80. Dudes like DiCaprio and Denzel are better actors too but they put up solid numbers but they’re not dropping Tom Cruise type blockbusters.

The only person that reminded me of Tom Cruise was Will Smith. I see people saying the Rock but most of his big movies are ensemble joints or Disney. Tom Cruise was dropping solo blockbusters.