Yea, now that you mentioned it. I can’t see Tom Cruise pulling off Fight Club, Ib*stards, Snatch, and hell even the next movie Brad about to drop.
But I can easily see Brad doing most of the movies Tom did. Like Jack Reacher is probably better with Brad
I feel like the MI series is probably his best work but it’s a lot of smoke and mirrors with that too.
And I’m not trynna shyt on him, just outside of MI. There isn’t a movie from him I loved outside the one with Jamie Foxx
Ain't nobody saying Tom Cruise is a better actor than Pitt. Just a bigger draw. What about that dont you understand?
Y'all have turned this into the greatest actor.. Or who's in the best movies...
This is about STAR power. When you know absolutely nothing about a movie, except that it's starring ___________________. Who is the biggest name you can slide in there and make a HIT.
You can say "the new rock movie is coming" and fill those seats waaaaaaaaay faster than "the new bruce willis movie"...
The question is, would prime rock fill more seats than prime bruce willis? Numbers say he'd crush him. So yes he's the bigger STAR
Tom Cruise or Will Smith are the A1 and B1 g.o.a.t.