Smokin Rider
I been official
Thats a terrible comparison, because its not about the concept of "hiding" something. The point is why should they hide something, when they are born that way. Why should they be ashamed of these things, who deems it wrong? Wrong by who's standards? If you believe in these kind of things, can you hate on the white supremacist who hates blacks because of skin color? That sounds ridiculous of course, skin color doesn't represent the type of person an individual is any more than sexuality does. Its just a part of overall character.
supposedly pedophiles can't help that they like children, should we give them rights too?
Gay people should be happy they get as much freedom as they do, turn on the TV and all there is is pro gay shyt (dudes dressin like women, Tosh.O, most reality shows) you can't even make fun of a gay person without getting sued (I.E. Tracy Morgan) but you can make race jokes and nothing will happen.
Fags need to stop cryin