You rightPC is barely catered to as is in mainstream breh
You right
all these filled arena/stadium filled tournaments for $20 million cash winners
all these big sponsorships worth millions like Gillette, Doritos, G-Fuel
Are not catered to appealing to the masses
1 DOTA 2 (pc exclusive) has had more prize money in 1 year than all of console tournament prize money in history combined![]()
Im not saying that PC will not catch up , but at the moment there aint something similar to next-gen SSD I/O in the market. Yall should read this article .
The PS5’s SSD could spell doom for next-gen PC game ports
No this isn’t true. They have custom I/O stuff that they say makes 100GBs from the ssd “instantly available” to devs.we don't know much about the new Xbox's SSD, but their whole "no generations" thing means it probably uses a more traditional I/O architecture. plus games are still expected to run on the XB1's HDD (for the first couple years?)
Its “uniqueness” is overblown imo. Devs will pick a happy medium between all platforms as they always do. Maybe some first parties will make a game that take specific advantage of the PS5, but it would be impossible to quantify the benefits unless those games end up on PC.really I think the PS5 will be the outlier, and some multi-plat games won't fully take advantage of it's unique hardware
No this isn’t true. They have custom I/O stuff that they say makes 100GBs from the ssd “instantly available” to devs.
And Xbox Series X games have to be installed on the SSD. You can store backwards compatible games on an external HDD, but games made for series X have to be on The SSD drive.
I'm mad that nobody in my house would understand why I laughed so hard...
It’s all scaleablebut the games are still expected run on the XB1's HDD, meaning the advantages of the Xbox SeX version have to be scalable. that same scalability can apply to PC ports
EVO, consoles biggest tournament, largest cash prize EVER was $100,000
Thats a light Tuesday for counter strike
consoles are marketed for kids
theyre kid toys
I know. it's the OP, and authors of these click-bait articles, that seem to be suggesting PC's are gonna be left behind because some still have a HDD. they even saying SATA SSD's won't be enoughIt’s all scaleable
Xbox one running games at 1080p don’t need a SSD.
But it also means that PC gamers still sporting hard drives, and also potentially those on SATA-based SSDs, will find they can’t keep up with the new standard in open world gaming brought about by the next-gen consoles.
Come on now fam. Kid's toys?!