You lost right here

you saying the same things the guy on the video said when he brought up that 8TB SSD at 1:41 on the video. Then he had to make a video apologizing

They dont mean nothing to the pc gamer because they dont have the i/o solution implemented yet. By the time a pc's ssd reaches ram , it will be bottlenecked to hell.
Did you honestly watch the video?
we dont care enough about it to adjust a way more successful gaming platform than console could ever hope to be
the retard youtuber fails to realize this and so do you.
I watched the part time stamped where the guy is compared the 3 hard drives trying to compete them against PS5 SSD speeds. We already know the PS5 SSD is superior in speed.
Why not compare a 2080 TI to what will be your in your PS5 a 2070 Super equivalent
why not compare a I9-10900k to what will be in your PS5 a AMD 3700x equivalent
you know the things actual PC games are based on, that your PS5 will be outdated on release
The PS5, even with the SSD, still cant out perform
current high end PC's. By December of this year, Intel and AMD release new processors and nVidia releases their new video cards. The people that have the last cycle (8000 series in intel and 2000 series in AMD processors, and 900 and 1000 verisions of nvidia) will upgrade, and millions more will have a more powerful computer than the PS5,
on release day .
So how can something that cant even out perform pcs
right now some how hold back PC's
the youtuber is clickbaiting while trying to remain legit because he has a fancy set up, and you fell for it.
Like I said, you understand. But you dont want to understand. You know most people are upgrading their PC's this year and next year or maybe you are being too stupid to understand this.