With automation there will be no lower class workers period lol.
Automation is pure Capitalism. If Socialism is what you want then the Automation wave going on in America is the last thing you should be looking towards.
Automation benefits Consumption as you can now produce more with less overhead, but what good is all of this production if nobody has money to consume?
3D printers in theory could replace all forms of manufacturing, automated cars could eventually get Uber drivers and taxi drivers out the paint. It almost creates a Skynet situation because in Theory you can automate anything, the thing is creating the algorithm to do so, which is what the whole Machine Learning Wave deals with.
You have to ask yourself how much are you willing to let technology control for the sake of profits and or ease of use?
I never heard about automation being "pure capitalism." Capitalism is about exploitation, the automation era has nothing to do with it. To me slavery is "pure capitalism." If anything an automation era is devastating to capitalism and leads to a more socialist society. And governments who's countries have fully become automated would be devastated if they don't add more social programs.
Socialism is NOT what I want, there will NEVER be a pure socialist or capitalist society. But fact is we're heading towards an era where more social programs will be needed. Its not me wanting Socialism. As for the bolded again social programs.