And im not here to talk down on people still trying to find themselves in life, or not exactly where they want to be in life. When i was in college i used to engage these twitter clowns and make them look dumb and my mentions would get flooded by these clowns, but then as i got older, i would do a quick linkedin search on many of these folks and saw majority were unemployed "bloggers" or people with MBAs from online for profit univesities working at call centers and stuff, i then realize that twitter is a place where people can paint the image that they are doing something when they really arent. If Malcolm X rose from the dead himself and said everyone put up 500 bucks and this will grant you land and resources to start your pwn business,hospitals, and schools right now, these twitter clowns would attack him on how it wont work, not because he is wrong but because they dont have 500 bucks to their name.