I don't follow or know much about the BLM movement and I'm not on twitter, but I do have info on those stats. Here you go, friend.No surprise black lives matter leaders are "black feminists" and lesbians/gays.
I wonder what the employment statistics are for gay blacks. I wonder if it's higher than non gay blacks![]()
- In all, there are an estimated 5.4 million LGBT workers in the United States, of which 1.8 million are people of color.
- The geographic distribution of LGBT workers of color mirrors that of people of color as a whole: Census Data show LGBT people of color are more likely to live in areas with significant numbers of other people of color.
- Large numbers of LGBT workers of color are raising children:Data from the 2010 Census show that LGBT people of color are more likely to be raising children than white LGBT people. MAP estimates that between 780,000 and 1.1 million children are being raised by LGBT people of color.
- LGBT youth of color are at high risk of becoming homeless: An estimated 20-40% of homeless youth in the U.S. identify as LGBT or believe they may be LGBT. Research also shows that African American and Native American young people are overrepresented among LGBT homeless youth, as well as the broader homeless population. One study found that among homeless youth who identify as gay or lesbian, 44% identified as black and 26% as Latino.
New Report: LGBT Workers of Color are Among the Most Disadvantaged - National Center for Lesbian Rights
- LGBT workers of color are at significant risk of being unemployed: LGBT people of color have higher rates of unemployment compared to non-LGBT people of color...black LGBT people, are at a much higher risk of poverty than non-LGBT people. For example, black same-sex couples have poverty rates at least twice the rate of black opposite-sex married couples (18% vs. 8%).
I get that it's easy formula for daps throwing "black feminist + sweeping negative generalization +Once employed, gay and transgender people of color still earn less than their heterosexual and white gay and transgender counterparts.
The average Latina/ Hispanic lesbian couple earns $3,000 less than Latino/Hispanic opposite-sex couples. Although black same-sex male couples earn an average income on par with black opposite-sex couples, it is still more than $20,000 less than white same-sex male couples. Black lesbian couples face an even greater economic disparity, earning $10,000 less than black same-sex male couples.
The State of Gay and Transgender Communities of Color in 2012

It's also reductive and makes the Root look like the Locker Room 2.0, only with Dead Prez or Black Star playing softly in the background.