I smile every time one of you idiots incorrectly use the words "Bed Wench" because I know those words have become a rally cry for disillusioned, bitter, men who never thought they would see the day that beautiful black women bypass them for more impressive men. Seriously I smile at the thought. Your hate only fuels my fire. I'm out here winning and not slowing down or stopping. So, keep hating sucka!
Ignorant hoodrat gibberish.
Nobody cares about these wins you claim to have and can't prove. I don't hate you either. I'm a educated man who serves his community and I don't suffer from being bypassed by anybody. I found my queen. You sadly feel the need to disrespect the black men by calling others "impressive men", sorry that you are so insecure about who you are. I know you bed wench activists like to think black women and black men are two separate entities that are stuck together when in fact we are the same. Don't slit your wrists because of that fact. Less 100 years ago you wouldn't have been able to approach these impressive men unless they had a hose in hand to spray you with in the street. Pursue your happiness but don't hate yourself while doing it.