- Welfare was originally designed to help poor whites at one point over half the whites in this country were on welfare , blacks then qualified for welfare and that's when got the taboo status is has now , in order to get these white off welfare( and increase the gap between poor whites and blacks) and encourage the largest economic boom in the country the G.I bill was enacted.
RACE - History - Post-War Economic Boom and Racial Discrimination
African Americans and the G.I. Bill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
a little know fact about welfare when it first started to "benefit" blacks is that a black women that was found to be living with a black man would lose all her welfare benefits. It was so crazy at point that the white case workers would spy on black women and or question there children, any mention of man bam your lost your benefits, which more often than not is what these women and there survived on.
Black men were not given jobs, you think the economic climate is tough now? Just imagine not being able to find a job at all no matter what you did or how you where educated. How were you going to take care of your family. The jobs they did decided to give you were paying so low that you could barely feed yourself , never mind support a family on, hence the women HAD to go on welfare and the man was displaced from the home.
The destruction of blacks had been a very well thought out and systematic plan, none of this happened by accident.
The weirdest part for me is how the percentage of black americans (13%) has practically stayed the same over the years.
Another finding of the study is that the distribution of benefits no longer aligns with the demography of poverty. African-Americans, who make up 22 percent of the poor, receive 14 percent of government benefits, close to their 12 percent population share.
White, who make up 42 percent of the poor, receive 69 percent of government benefits again, much closer to their 64 percent population share.
Good thread, and unfortunately not the first time i have seen it made or spoke about this subject. There are two discussion going on right now from what i have read. Black integration and Economic independence.
I disagree with the point about black integration, i feel that integration is something that would have happened no matter what road black independence would have gone down, and although it sounds like a very noble idea end of the day your are not going to have two society's ( a black one / the rest ) operating under one flag , simply not going to happen. In my opinion where blacks made the biggest mistake was becoming complacent at the "end" of the civil rights movement and not continuing the struggle to obtain FULL freedom, half of it is complacency and the other half was the governments eradication of true black leaders. Black leaders who were not only truly influential on a large scale within the black community, but black leaders who were ready to go to WAR. If you read about the climate during the height of the civil rights movements or listen to those tapes of Malcolm X with the FBI you can hear the FEAR in the voice of these white people who were scared of another civil war. A civil war between blacks (& poor whites) vs middle class and rich whites. Read up on the origins of the G.I bill and you'll see what am talking about.
Overall though here is what happened :
- Neutralize black leadership and black movements
- Give blacks a faux sense of victory ( civil rights)
- Come up with a economic plan to destroy blacks (welfare state)
- Come up with a sociological plan to destroy blacks (divide black families)
- Unleash weapons ( drug war + prison industrial complex)
and you arrive at the state of the black community in America today. So yes black economic independence is important but more importantly black need to stop being so complacent no other oppressed group in the world seems to be so happy so to speak living among there oppressors. Look at the Arabs, the Irish , the non Muslim Arabs , the native Americans at one time all the groups where at FULL OUT WAR with there oppressors for decades and in some cases hundreds of years. Yes i know what I am saying may sound radical but trust me if you look at the history of the successful society's anywhere in the world they were all founded and backs of those willing to lay down there lives UNTIL VICTORY.
Anyways that just mt two cent summed up real quick there are obviously many other factors which for the sake of attention i didn't get into.
- Welfare was originally designed to help poor whites at one point over half the whites in this country were on welfare , blacks then qualified for welfare and that's when got the taboo status is has now , in order to get these white off welfare( and increase the gap between poor whites and blacks) and encourage the largest economic boom in the country the G.I bill was enacted.
RACE - History - Post-War Economic Boom and Racial Discrimination
African Americans and the G.I. Bill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
a little know fact about welfare when it first started to "benefit" blacks is that a black women that was found to be living with a black man would lose all her welfare benefits. It was so crazy at point that the white case workers would spy on black women and or question there children, any mention of man bam your lost your benefits, which more often than not is what these women and there survived on.
Black men were not given jobs, you think the economic climate is tough now? Just imagine not being able to find a job at all no matter what you did or how you where educated. How were you going to take care of your family. The jobs they did decided to give you were paying so low that you could barely feed yourself , never mind support a family on, hence the women HAD to go on welfare and the man was displaced from the home.
The destruction of blacks had been a very well thought out and systematic plan, none of this happened by accident.
I agree with most of the points posted above wholeheartedly. I also think that integration was the catalyst. Buying into the American dream as something that we could attain at that time was such a huge distraction that the government was able to:
Asians have done it using economic power. So have Jews. Black Americans have a common culture same as them. Hell, I don't want a divided society, I just want a stronger black community.
Asians have done it using economic power. So have Jews. Black Americans have a common culture same as them. Hell, I don't want a divided society, I just want a stronger black community.
the way you are putting things is not correct, this country has always been racist and it has always oppressed blacks, there is nothing particularly racist about the gi bill or welfare as compared to the million other laws passed by congress and the states, there is no mastermind behind this, its simply white people are racist against black people
I knew you were going to say this , my thought are this.
Asians didn't have to go through slavery and there mother land is very supportive of them when they immigrated here. Its important to remember voluntary immigration and being brought over on boats are two very different things. If thing didn't go well for them here, they went back to there mother country and could have a second option at prospering among THERE people. Blacks have never realistically had that option.
but yes the Asian economic model is noble, but there still operating within a white mans system. End of the day Asian will relate to whites before they do to blacks or Hispanics
As far as jews, there white people. When have know white nations to oppress in large #s other white people? Hitler right? nobody really cared what Hitler was doing in Germany or the surrounding area, not until he started messing with western Europe did the rest of the world care.
yeah but that is the past, we need to study the past, but going forward in the future and making plans you have to study the way other people have come up economically, that is the point about pointing out what other groups have done
simply crying about being victims isnt gonna to cut it going into the future
we need to sit down and brainstorm and have an open exchange of ideas, in fact ideally by combing things we learn from white, asian, jews etc etc and our own history, we can create an economic and social system that is superior to all that have come before
white people are racist against black people , really dropped a new gem on us.
Good thread, and unfortunately not the first time i have seen it made or spoke about this subject. There are two discussion going on right now from what i have read. Black integration and Economic independence.
I disagree with the point about black integration, i feel that integration is something that would have happened no matter what road black independence would have gone down, and although it sounds like a very noble idea end of the day your are not going to have two society's ( a black one / the rest ) operating under one flag , simply not going to happen. In my opinion where blacks made the biggest mistake was becoming complacent at the "end" of the civil rights movement and not continuing the struggle to obtain FULL freedom, half of it is complacency and the other half was the governments eradication of true black leaders. Black leaders who were not only truly influential on a large scale within the black community, but black leaders who were ready to go to WAR. If you read about the climate during the height of the civil rights movements or listen to those tapes of Malcolm X with the FBI you can hear the FEAR in the voice of these white people who were scared of another civil war. A civil war between blacks (& poor whites) vs middle class and rich whites. Read up on the origins of the G.I bill and you'll see what am talking about.
Overall though here is what happened :
- Neutralize black leadership and black movements
- Give blacks a faux sense of victory ( civil rights)
- Come up with a economic plan to destroy blacks (welfare state)
- Come up with a sociological plan to destroy blacks (divide black families)
- Unleash weapons ( drug war + prison industrial complex)
and you arrive at the state of the black community in America today. So yes black economic independence is important but more importantly black need to stop being so complacent no other oppressed group in the world seems to be so happy so to speak living among there oppressors. Look at the Arabs, the Irish , the non Muslim Arabs , the native Americans at one time all the groups where at FULL OUT WAR with there oppressors for decades and in some cases hundreds of years. Yes i know what I am saying may sound radical but trust me if you look at the history of the successful society's anywhere in the world they were all founded and backs of those willing to lay down there lives UNTIL VICTORY.
Anyways that just mt two cent summed up real quick there are obviously many other factors which for the sake of attention i didn't get into.
I knew you were going to say this , my thought are this.
Asians didn't have to go through slavery and there mother land is very supportive of them when they immigrated here. Its important to remember voluntary immigration and being brought over on boats are two very different things. If thing didn't go well for them here, they went back to there mother country and could have a second option at prospering among THERE people. Blacks have never realistically had that option.
but yes the Asian economic model is noble, but there still operating within a white mans system. End of the day Asian will relate to whites before they do to blacks or Hispanics
As far as jews, there white people. When have know white nations to oppress in large #s other white people? Hitler right? nobody really cared what Hitler was doing in Germany or the surrounding area, not until he started messing with western Europe did the rest of the world care.
yeah but that is the past, we need to study the past, but going forward in the future and making plans you have to study the way other people have come up economically, that is the point about pointing out what other groups have done
simply crying about being victims isnt gonna to cut it going into the future
we need to sit down and brainstorm and have an open exchange of ideas, in fact ideally by combing things we learn from white, asian, jews etc etc and our own history, we can create an economic and social system that is superior to all that have come before