maybe blacks can be racist... but because that racism doesn't amount to anything - what does it matter? why is it even worth mentioning. White racism institutionally oppresses others in America and historically has raped burned and killed people so it's different. Speaking on black racism is just something used to deflect the realities of the situation back onto the victims of the situation.
No, if black people are racist then that needs to be acknowledged. I'm a strong believer in revealing the truth as far as we can see it through logic, reasoning, and the evidence set before us. You cannot side with claude anderson on this issue from an intellectually honest perspective.
Black racism does in fact amount to something. If you're racist you're likely to make decisions based on your irrational racist views of society. Therefore, you're making decisions that simply aren't based on any logic but rather emotion. Look at Joe Madison and Al Sharpton. I'e been listening to their radio show for the past few weeks and they absolutely REFUSE to concede the fact that black-on-black crime is a major issue we ought to be fighting against. Madison tries to understate the magnitude of it by saying "oh what about why people killing white people." Of course he misses the fact that there's a grossly higher proportion of black murderers than white murderers and its not even close.
Views like that HINDER the black community. He wants black people to put all their time and effort into fighting for trayvon martin when thats not going to get us anywhere. Sure I understand he wants to fight racism in this country and that will certainly do us some good, but racism is NOT our biggest problem right now. We've got way way way too many internal problems within the black community that we need to fix on our own before spending so much time and energy fighting outside forces.
My point isn't that black racism has a negative impact on white people, I'm saying it has a negative impact on our own people. We're not focusing on the right things.
I don't care about white people being wealthy - I'm not sure if that's what he was saying. But yeah there would be disadvantages of separation at first- but the benefits would greatly out way the negative effects in the end. That's not to say we can't benefit from others or do business at all with others.... but we should only focus on blacks, only help blacks, and keep black money black if at all possible.
Ok, why? By limiting who you do business with you're certainly going to limit opportunities to grow your business. You could possibly end up hiring a white consultant that gives your business innovative ideas that put your business at a competitive edge against others. But since you don't want to hire white people you're going to miss out on that and the consultant is going to give your competitors the ideas instead.
Or perhaps just having a white face in your business brings more white customers to your businees.
Perhaps in the area you live in there are not a lot of skilled black people who can do the job, but there's a few white people around who have the technical skills for it. You're holding your business back by not picking up those white people.
And again, you're gonna want to make money off of white people, just as whites make money off of blacks. If you only hire blacks to work for you, there will certainly be some whites who will deliberately avoid doing business with you because they don't like your philosophy. That's a loss of revenue for no good reason.
Dude just worry about uplifting yourself. I agree its better to hire more blacks over whites. Every race seems to do that. But you don't want to take it to the extreme that claude anderson is proposing.