India must check racism towards Africans

Apr 30, 2012
:heh: My GOD

LOL where to begin?

Obviously you don't know my posting history.... you go off into logical fallacies like you did the first time. Just how you inferred that it was ok to generalize black people.. you get shyt out of thin air.

Number one I didn't say not to use the race card.. I said get power affect change that way instead of being a victim Victims get victimized.

Everything I said is the same shyt that's being said by the likes of Dr. Claude Anderson and others... don't tell e they are race card users, afraid of being labeled militants, and cowards. You use a bunch of empty rhetoric that has achieved ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for black people in the last 30 years. What black people need is ACTION not this little p*ssyfooting complaining shyt. It's obvious you have some kinda mild form of retardation or comprehension issues.
Half the shyt you said comes full circle and just reinforces my point. You're just looking for someone to oppose without even thinking logically.... but I guess it's easier to get at me.. than to ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING TO CHANGE THINGS.

-You claim I'm afraid of others by afraid to offend others.... fallacy
-You claimed Ignored reality... did no such thing I know the reality of things.
-Yes I spoke about people on this board... what is your point? You have none.
-Never even used the words race card.
-You said I'm acting like a "typical black person" just generalized black ppl urself and this makes you a hypocrite
- How many times you gonna critique some shyt and never do anything about it?

At the end of the day you wrote all that and it's all fluff.. You're upset because I called out hollow strategies of complaining to those that run the system of power aka white people? That's funny as hell.
Nobody said the claims weren't legit... but do you really expect other groups to look out for the interests of blacks? You are preaching to the motherfukking choir just like tons of people have been programmed to for the last couple decades with NO RESULTS. I didn't tell anyone to stop playing the victim.. I said stop looking at yourself as a powerless victim because there are ways that black people can get power...and it's definitely not by asking for mercy. The truth hurts and you're mad... you mad as hell. :umad:

Again. I'm not here to tango and do the waltz bruh. These poor attempts at trying to backtrack/skew/"bu bu you misunderstood what I had said" arguments is lame. Especially when you try to inject a word, that you did not use before, into an idea to try to save face and continue to argue. So now the discussion is going to focus on different levels of victimhood, while ignoring the use of the word victim

The beauty of patterns/typical behaviors/common attempts is that you could identify them because they have been used for years by certain minded folks for certain reasons/motivations. Especially when it comes to racial discussions. Your race/wealth/education/post history and religion don't matter. Thus why most of that post focused on your rational and arguments, and not the other things things you hoped it would, because most of us have read/seen similar approaches to discussing racial matters, especially when it involves black folks


All Star
Oct 24, 2013
Again. I'm not here to tango and do the waltz bruh. These poor attempts at trying to backtrack/skew/"bu bu you misunderstood what I had said" arguments is lame. Especially when you try to inject a word, that you did not use before, into an idea to try to save face and continue to argue. So now the discussion is going to focus on different levels of victimhood, while ignoring the use of the word victim

The beauty of patterns/typical behaviors/common attempts is that you could identify them because they have been used for years by certain minded folks for certain reasons/motivations. Especially when it comes to racial discussions. Your race/wealth/education/post history and religion don't matter. Thus why most of that post focused on your rational and arguments, and not the other things things you hoped it would, because most of us have read/seen similar approaches to discussing racial matters, especially when it involves black folks
I don't care if you misunderstood or not... basically I aid you're an idiot and a hypocrite. You speak of injecting.. but you're doing all the injecting here.. You infer a bunch of shyt out of thin air based off of things that I didn't say. I mentioned my post history only to show that I'm repeating the same thing I always repeat and that is that power comes through group economics and activity in local politics. Again your strategy of resorting to logical fallacy is see through. Hopefully nobody reads your stupid spiel, but if they do they'll see you attack points that were never made and you look like a clown. Nothing I said hasn't been said before by those who preach black capitalism... but you wouldn't know that because you're a do-nothing, dime-a-dozen, faux militant that you can catch chilling around any local campus or internet forum. You don't cry and ask for respect you make motherfukkers respect you with action... not appeal to their mercy and conscience. So if you wanna talk about patterns and typical behaviors... let's talk about the behavior that's very typical of do-nothings like yourself which focuses on empty rhetoric, ineptitude and overall lack of action. Getting mad without a call to action is p*ssy sht... I'm done arguing with you. Your words are empty .. now you can waltz, tango, two-step, perculate, flamenco the fukk up outta my face

you are literally this nikka

Apr 30, 2012
I don't care if you misunderstood or not... basically I aid you're an idiot and a hypocrite. You speak of injecting.. but you're doing all the injecting here.. You infer a bunch of shyt out of thin air based off of things that I didn't say. I mentioned my post history only to show that I'm repeating the same thing I always repeat and that is that power comes through group economics and activity in local politics. Again your strategy of resorting to logical fallacy is see through. Hopefully nobody reads your stupid spiel, but if they do they'll see you attack points that were never made and you look like a clown. Nothing I said hasn't been said before by those who preach black capitalism... but you wouldn't know that because you're a do-nothing, dime-a-dozen, faux militant that you can catch chilling around any local campus or internet forum. You don't cry and ask for respect you make motherfukkers respect you with action... not appeal to their mercy and conscience. So if you wanna talk about patterns and typical behaviors... let's talk about the behavior that's very typical of do-nothings like yourself which focuses on empty rhetoric, ineptitude and overall lack of action. Getting mad without a call to action is p*ssy sht... I'm done arguing with you. Your words are empty .. now you can waltz, tango, two-step, perculate, flamenco the fukk up outta my face

you are literally this nikka


Hmmm using the fear of labels, stereotype, and categorizing won't work on me. Which is something I mentioned in my previous post, about the typical fears one has who implement similar patterns and reasoning as yours. Coincident? maybe...more likely not

No one cares about your post history. Once your current post whiffs of irrational, self serving rhetoric and hypocrisy, then you gotta be called out on it
You dropping names like Dr. Anderson, like that is suppose to deflect attention from your actions/post/reasoning
Now you went from smiles to youtube videos as life preservers for your argument, lame b


All Star
Oct 24, 2013
Hmmm using the fear of labels, stereotype, and categorizing won't work on me. Which is something I mentioned in my previous post, about the typical fears one has who implement similar patterns and reasoning as yours. Coincident? maybe...more likely not

No one cares about your post history. Once your current post whiffs of irrational, self serving rhetoric and hypocrisy, then you gotta be called out on it
You dropping names like Dr. Anderson, like that is suppose to deflect attention from your actions/post/reasoning
Now you went from smiles to youtube videos as life preservers for your argument, lame b
LOL deflect attention? the ideas I posted are HIS IDEAS you clown... you're just a smart dumb nikka admit it. You have no idea what the fukk is going on... you don't know what's up or what's down.. completely confused. The only one spittin rhetoric is you..pointed that out already. The only Hypocrite is you, I also pointed that out.It's simple I posted black capitalistic thought... you posted emotional drivel... now you're hurting and claiming a nikka is tryna use jedi mind tricks on you and that it's "not working". It's hilarious how all the shyt I'm calling you out on (deflection,rhetoric, hypocrisy) are now using in your (so-called) argument against me. You need to sit your ass down somewhere because obviously you don't read shyt you just skim through it and go off on weird tangents. I'm not tryna argue with a schizo.

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Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
why is it always black people that try to spend shyt, i swear man yall saves them cacs so much work. They don't even have to waste time telling us shyt, they have blacks to do it for them. This is assuming that y'all are black to begin with
Apr 30, 2012
LOL deflect attention? the ideas I posted are HIS IDEAS you clown... you're just a smart dumb nikka admit it. You have no idea what the fukk is going on... you don't know what's up or what's down.. completely confused. The only one spittin rhetoric is you..pointed that out already. The only Hypocrite is you, I also pointed that out.It's simple I posted black capitalistic thought... you posted emotional drivel... now you're hurting and claiming a nikka is tryna use jedi mind tricks on you and that it's "not working". It's hilarious how all the shyt I'm calling you out on (deflection,rhetoric, hypocrisy) are now using in your (so-called) argument against me. You need to sit your ass down somewhere because obviously you don't read shyt you just skim through it and go off on weird tangents. I'm not tryna argue with a schizo.


Again using the fear of labels, stereotype, and categorizing won't work on me, like it has and will work on you. I don't attempt to straddle the lines of race relations/problems inorder to avoid the same labels you are trying to claim I am

Once again, stop trying to use Dr. Anderson as a means to deflect your hypocrisy, contradictions, and self serving rationalizing. There's a certain mind state that exist and is encouraged by Dr. Anderson's black economical empowerment that obviously does not exist in you
-He does not acknowledge the realities of black folks' plight, then dismiss/minimize them in his solutions
-He does not straddle the lines of race relations/problems in order to avoid being label, stereotype, and categorized
-He does not concern himself with quantifying the number of non-blacks that contribute to the plight of black folks when he speaks about the racist structure that is supported/nurtured/renewed in various forms each generation by non-blacks. Which is an poor argument you tried to use earlier when you were butt hurt at folks calling out indians for their racism, but did not care to quantify your generalization about the "lack of achievements" by the black folks on this board

Saying things like bu bu I made this point, and I made that point...don't actually...made that point


All Star
Oct 24, 2013
Again using the fear of labels, stereotype, and categorizing won't work on me, like it has and will work on you. I don't attempt to straddle the lines of race relations/problems inorder to avoid the same labels you are trying to claim I am

Once again, stop trying to use Dr. Anderson as a means to deflect your hypocrisy, contradictions, and self serving rationalizing. There's a certain mind state that exist and is encouraged by Dr. Anderson's black economical empowerment that obviously does not exist in you
-He does not acknowledge the realities of black folks' plight, then dismiss/minimize them in his solutions
-He does not straddle the lines of race relations/problems in order to avoid being label, stereotype, and categorized
-He does not concern himself with quantifying the number of non-blacks that contribute to the plight of black folks when he speaks about the racist structure that is supported/nurtured/renewed in various forms each generation by non-blacks. Which is an poor argument you tried to use earlier when you were butt hurt at folks calling out indians for their racism, but did not care to quantify your generalization about the "lack of achievements" by the black folks on this board

Saying things like bu bu I made this point, and I made that point...don't actually...made that point

Sorry but if you're gonna try to attack my character and not what I said then you already lost. :snoop:

All you do is repeat the same fallacies over and over and that's not how you win an argument. How many times does one have to say it? You inferred all those things about me because I said complaining isn't going to change a damn thing? LOL You talk about me trying to avoid being labeled and stereotyped LOLOLOL but conveniently leave out the part where I said we have to step on those same people's necks to get power. We live in America and not India, even in certain parts of Africa people took action and kicked Indians out.. another example of action and not hollow words. I never quantified the number of non blacks that contribute to the plight of blacks... again more made up shyt from you:heh:. Also getting power through black capitalism is a direct threat to the racist power structure that is supported each generation by non blacks.. but you're an idiot with no foresight who can't see that, that alone proves that you're just babbling about nothing. You think crying about dudes who make less than a dollar a day halfway across the world can achieve this.

Seems like the only one who's butt hurt is you crying with a sore ass... I fully acknowledge that a good majority of Indians are in fact racist and do in fact use a caste system in their own country. :shaq2: Yeah I got at dudes like you who just wanna talk about shyt and not be about it:rudy: now you're crying all over your keyboard. Crying is never going to achieve shyt because you are crying to the same people who bully you. Yes I got at the board for that type of attitude which they feel paralyzes them from doing anything. Face it you're a keyboard warrior who relies on deception and fallacy to try to win arguments online but wouldn't bust a grapefruit in a food fight in real life. You're all about theory and not about application. The next reply you'll be arguing with yourself bc you're an idiot .. a smart dumb nikka.

Now you can off your useless self.
Apr 30, 2012
Sorry but if you're gonna try to attack my character and not what I said then you already lost. :snoop:

All you do is repeat the same fallacies over and over and that's not how you win an argument. How many times does one have to say it? You inferred all those things about me because I said complaining isn't going to change a damn thing? LOL You talk about me trying to avoid being labeled and stereotyped LOLOLOL but conveniently leave out the part where I said we have to step on those same people's necks to get power. We live in America and not India, even in certain parts of Africa people took action and kicked Indians out.. another example of action and not hollow words. I never quantified the number of non blacks that contribute to the plight of blacks... again more made up shyt from you:heh:. Also getting power through black capitalism is a direct threat to the racist power structure that is supported each generation by non blacks.. but you're an idiot with no foresight who can't see that, that alone proves that you're just babbling about nothing. You think crying about dudes who make less than a dollar a day halfway across the world can achieve this.

Seems like the only one who's butt hurt is you crying with a sore ass... I fully acknowledge that a good majority of Indians are in fact racist and do in fact use a caste system in their own country. :shaq2: Yeah I got at dudes like you who just wanna talk about shyt and not be about it:rudy: now you're crying all over your keyboard. Crying is never going to achieve shyt because you are crying to the same people who bully you. Yes I got at the board for that type of attitude which they feel paralyzes them from doing anything. Face it you're a keyboard warrior who relies on deception and fallacy to try to win arguments online but wouldn't bust a grapefruit in a food fight in real life. You're all about theory and not about application. The next reply you'll be arguing with yourself bc you're an idiot .. a smart dumb nikka.

Now you can off your useless self.

More poor attempts at labels, stereotype, and categorizing to pump fear, stop it bro. For some reason you think your comments don't provide anyone with an idea of the type of person you are in real life. I called you out on the hypocrisy, cowardliness and borderline kahunning, you tried to tango/waltz, you claimed that you were going to stop talking, but then returned because many of the points I made were accurate enough to touch a nerve. Then each post afterwards continued to prove everything I claimed in my few initial post, which spoke about the true motivations behind anyone with your irrational reasoning


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
We shouldn't be having to leave out motherland which is the RICHEST COUNTRY on the planet to go to somebody elses country for schooling in the first place.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Not true at all. It matters which country you speak of. In some countries they prosper, in others they have been completely removed and kicked out BY FORCE. Even slaughtered.

Why were they kicked out? Are Indians in Kenya poor and begging on the street? Face it, they :eat: well when compared their black African counterparts.
Jun 8, 2012
Sorry but when did I say that black folks are ok to generalize? Point that out for me? I acknowledge the realities perpetuated by a certain amount of the billions of Indians or whatever portion of other groups, sure. At the same time me saying that the entire group subscribes to those feelings is false and you know it's false. Don't try to hide false logic behind eloquent sentence structure and vocabulary. I'm not taking away from the realities of other people's irrational hate or fear of black people. When you play the victim you are essentially pandering to some of the same motherfukkers who victimize you for pity.. fukk that shyt, there are better ways to get ahead.

I just hate the whole "aw man motherfukkers hate let's not leave the block" attitude. Get power and step on people's necks and make them respect you.

This...that's what the powers that be want. Or whatever. They want us to feel afraid and never leave or go outside our reach or strive or be subservient and complacent...cause there's gonna be someone hating. F*ck that.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Why were they kicked out? Are Indians in Kenya poor and begging on the street? Face it, they :eat: well when compared their black African counterparts.
Not all. its a very small percentage, if you ever go to africa, you might see that 1 or 2 business man (whos super rich) but the vast majority are just shop owners. . You realize that the indians in africa got there by slavery right? They worked their way up, got shops, renewed their education and helped expel colonization. thats what ghandi was about, he was there to help them. wouldnt be surprised if thats where mandela got his idea. i cant hate on them for gettin active, we could learn a thing or 2 from them.

the point still remains. they were kicked out. in central africa they were kicked out too. and they didnt have high positions, they just owned little merchant shops.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
Not all. its a very small percentage, if you ever go to africa, you might see that 1 or 2 business man (whos super rich) but the vast majority are just shop owners. . You realize that the indians in africa got there by slavery right? They worked their way up, got shops, renewed their education and helped expel colonization. thats what ghandi was about, he was there to help them. wouldnt be surprised if thats where mandela got his idea. i cant hate on them for gettin active, we could learn a thing or 2 from them.

the point still remains. they were kicked out. in central africa they were kicked out too. and they didnt have high positions, they just owned little merchant shops.
This is so false. I grew up around Indians in East Africa and went to one of their schools. They worked with the whites against black Africans and were places higher in society based on skin shade. That is how they came to own businesses there. After colonialism they have continued to monopolize their ill gotten position and use nepotism and corruption to their advantage. I hear the younger generations are changing their mentality but they used to isolate and segregate their populations there. You also need to read up further on Gandis view of black folk. Your a smart brother but your really off on this one. That elaborate story about them grinding to the top is insulting to African's.


Jun 14, 2012
na ive seen how they get down many times

but when i was talkin to this indian chick and she said her family would legit disown her and treat her as if she was dead.. if she brought me home to meet em-- shyt was certified
Yep. But they loooooooove cacs. I've snuffed out a small a number of Indian bytches though. Hoes are almost like white bytches in how much they wanna piss of their pappy :dead: