India must check racism towards Africans

Apr 30, 2012
Indians, like whites, like asians, and hispanics have a noticeable percentage of astute, educated, and powerful members that are racist towards blacks, thus are able to influence the other members to accept levels of stereotypes and discrimination. If the racist percentage of these groups were all uneducated and held no influential roles, like the popular, lazy, and cowardly narratives try to suggest, then racism towards blacks wouldn't be as rampant among these communities that rarely interact with blacks

asians don't like each other bro. i live in an all asian area so i've seen this first hand. koreans have this weird irrational hatred for chinese, and the feeling is mutual. they both don't like japanese people because japan invaded the east asian mainland during WWII and committed all kinds of atrocities, that up to this day they still have not apologized for.

that's why you never see me rip on asians ever. those guys are hard on each other. blacks have some sort of pan african unity going on, as flimsy as it may be, whereas asians just don't give a fukk. they're so disrespectiful to each other.

Does history allow you to understand the " irrational hatred"?:beli:

So you don't rip on asians cause they are harder on each other, but blacks have a flimsy unity thang going on, so they are ok to rip? the black on black crimes, that is always the defacto argument to throw as a negative towards blacks is suddenly being ignored, to make a point. Believe it or not, this tactic of cherry picking what you want to remember is very common

Yeah I do see Indians acting funny

Yeah they got the caste system going on

Yeah they are cliquish

Yeah they act strange even with each other

I'm still not gonna generalize tho... I've met some cool indian cats, fukked some very nice indian women, even been helped out by Indian people.

There's lots of generalizing on this board about evvvery group... literally every single group... they're all racist and hate black people LOLOLOL.. most of yall never been nowhere or done shyt tho.:manny:
so you are not going to generalize other cultures and races, but black folks are ok to generalize :patrice: you acknowledge the realities you experienced from indians and how their society encourage a racist mindset, but you are not going to generalize. This is why I'm always skeptical and willing to make sure to defend black folks' experience and motivations from critique by black and non-blacks because it is clear which race is easily the most irrationally and comfortably scrutinized
Nov 30, 2013
So you don't rip on asians cause they are harder on each other, but blacks have a flimsy unity thang going on, so they are ok to rip?

I never said the bolded, you're conflating the two comments.

Does history allow you to understand the " irrational hatred"?

barring whatever outrages were committed during war-time (which in my opinion doesn't count since war is war and nobody can completely absolve themselves of it), it seems to me that the hate mainly stems from petty shyt. i remember asking a chinese friend of mine to break the whole beef down to me, and he said that koreans don't like chinese because chinese decided to set a national holiday on the same day as a korean holiday.
Apr 30, 2012
I never said the bolded, you're conflating the two comments.

barring whatever outrages were committed during war-time (which in my opinion doesn't count since war is war and nobody can completely absolve themselves of it), it seems to me that the hate mainly stems from petty shyt. i remember asking a chinese friend of mine to break the whole beef down to me, and he said that koreans don't like chinese because chinese decided to set a national holiday on the same day as a korean holiday.

You made sure to make note of your perceived differences between two racial groups. And you made note to point out why one perceived difference provoke an action from you. So why are you making it seem like it's far fetched to conclude that your actions is reversed in terms of the other racial group?

But your perceived pettiness is rooted deeper than you care to acknowledged and/or research


All Star
Oct 24, 2013
Indians, like whites, like asians, and hispanics have a noticeable percentage of astute, educated, and powerful members that are racist towards blacks, thus are able to influence the other members to accept levels of stereotypes and discrimination. If the racist percentage of these groups were all uneducated and held no influential roles, like the popular, lazy, and cowardly narratives try to suggest, then racism towards blacks wouldn't be as rampant among these communities that rarely interact with blacks

Does history allow you to understand the " irrational hatred"?:beli:

So you don't rip on asians cause they are harder on each other, but blacks have a flimsy unity thang going on, so they are ok to rip? the black on black crimes, that is always the defacto argument to throw as a negative towards blacks is suddenly being ignored, to make a point. Believe it or not, this tactic of cherry picking what you want to remember is very common

so you are not going to generalize other cultures and races, but black folks are ok to generalize :patrice: you acknowledge the realities you experienced from indians and how their society encourage a racist mindset, but you are not going to generalize. This is why I'm always skeptical and willing to make sure to defend black folks' experience and motivations from critique by black and non-blacks because it is clear which race is easily the most irrationally and comfortably scrutinized

Sorry but when did I say that black folks are ok to generalize? Point that out for me? I acknowledge the realities perpetuated by a certain amount of the billions of Indians or whatever portion of other groups, sure. At the same time me saying that the entire group subscribes to those feelings is false and you know it's false. Don't try to hide false logic behind eloquent sentence structure and vocabulary. I'm not taking away from the realities of other people's irrational hate or fear of black people. When you play the victim you are essentially pandering to some of the same motherfukkers who victimize you for pity.. fukk that shyt, there are better ways to get ahead.

I just hate the whole "aw man motherfukkers hate let's not leave the block" attitude. Get power and step on people's necks and make them respect you.


May 1, 2012
I don't know what y'all want from Indians really. India is a country just now getting off it's feet after colonization and sectarian conflicts which almost destroyed the entire country... Indians have a hard time even getting along with each other, and I can assure you that Indians will be friends with an African before a Chinese. I'm South Indian, if I tried to get with some Punjabi chick I'd get hit with the :rudy: by her family with the quickness just like y'all's fukked up but it is what it is, don't take it personal. Stay away from a$$holes and keep it moving.
Nov 30, 2013
I don't know what y'all want from Indians really. India is a country just now getting off it's feet after colonization and sectarian conflicts which almost destroyed the entire country... Indians have a hard time even getting along with each other, and I can assure you that Indians will be friends with an African before a Chinese. I'm South Indian, if I tried to get with some Punjabi chick I'd get hit with the :rudy: by her family with the quickness just like y'all's fukked up but it is what it is, don't take it personal. Stay away from @ssholes and keep it moving.

that's what a lot of these people don't get. they're painting all of y'all with the same brush, spouting stereotypes and what not. if you've never lived with indians then you shouldn't even be having an opinion on them.
Apr 30, 2012
Sorry but when did I say that black folks are ok to generalize? Point that out for me? I acknowledge the realities perpetuated by a certain amount of the billions of Indians or whatever portion of other groups, sure. At the same time me saying that the entire group subscribes to those feelings is false and you know it's false. Don't try to hide false logic behind eloquent sentence structure and vocabulary. I'm not taking away from the realities of other people's irrational hate or fear of black people. When you play the victim you are essentially pandering to some of the same motherfukkers who victimize you for pity.. fukk that shyt, there are better ways to get ahead.

I just hate the whole "aw man motherfukkers hate let's not leave the block" attitude. Get power and step on people's necks and make them respect you.

-You don't achieve power and respect by going along, to get along
-You don't achieve power and respect by ignoring your reality and minimizing the input others have in making your reality extra difficult
-You don't achieve power and respect by preaching about independence/strength/courage, but secretly being afraid to offend others by being too-pro-your-people, but support other folks being too-pro-their-people

I'm not here to do the waltz and tango bro, don't try to dance with me. Man up.
You've made it clear that you pick and choose when to generalize. You claim you won't generalize about indians, despite having certain info in regards to their society and history. But at the end of your chatter, you felt comfortable with making a statement about the lack of achievements while trying to make the point about generalizing on this board includes "they all hate black people." So your subject was about the blacks on this board who you claim make such statements. So you did make a generalization about black folks on this board not achieving much

You acknowledging, but yet dismissing a fact and not applying a fact to your logic/reasoning/conclusion suggest that you have an irrational and distorted view/comfort/opinion of a subject. You proved that you pick and choose when to apply generalization, despite the facts that are presented to you, thus that means you are comfortable with viewing black folks as not having a legit arguments when it comes to racial matters

Your poor attempt at trying to dismiss and minimize an argument because it lacks certain terms that describes the proportion of subjects that act a certain way is idiotic, cowardly, and a common tactic used by those of us who are afraid to be labeled as a
-reverse racist,
-race card user,
-playing victim,
-acting like a typical black person

How could you claim that you acknowledge people's irrational hate or fear of black folks, without quantifying the total, but still feel comfortable to use such dismissive language like stop playing the victim?

Phrases like playing the victim, using race card etc are emotional trigger words used to apply implicit stereotypes and generalization towards the targeted person/group. Most of us are afraid to be described by such words, so we will acknowledge certain realities, but then condemn/undermine/oppose any attempts to critique those realities
Apr 30, 2012
I don't know what y'all want from Indians really. India is a country just now getting off it's feet after colonization and sectarian conflicts which almost destroyed the entire country... Indians have a hard time even getting along with each other, and I can assure you that Indians will be friends with an African before a Chinese. I'm South Indian, if I tried to get with some Punjabi chick I'd get hit with the :rudy: by her family with the quickness just like y'all's fukked up but it is what it is, don't take it personal. Stay away from @ssholes and keep it moving.

stop it bro.


Dec 17, 2012
There's no point of this discussion. Indians are a lost cause. Period! These are the same people who won't go outside during the summer because they don't want to get dark. I legit had a couple of desi class mates tell me this. i was like :ohhh:Colonization and white supremacy has truly mind fukked them to oblivion.
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All Star
Oct 24, 2013
-You don't achieve power and respect by going along, to get along
-You don't achieve power and respect by ignoring your reality and minimizing the input others have in making your reality extra difficult
-You don't achieve power and respect by preaching about independence/strength/courage, but secretly being afraid to offend others by being too-pro-your-people, but support other folks being too-pro-their-people

I'm not here to do the waltz and tango bro, don't try to dance with me. Man up.
You've made it clear that you pick and choose when to generalize. You claim you won't generalize about indians, despite having certain info in regards to their society and history. But at the end of your chatter, you felt comfortable with making a statement about the lack of achievements while trying to make the point about generalizing on this board includes "they all hate black people." So your subject was about the blacks on this board who you claim make such claims. So you did make a generalization about black folks on this board not achieving much

You acknowledging, but yet dismissing a fact and not applying a fact to your logic/reasoning/conclusion suggest that you have an irrational and distorted view/comfort/opinion of a subject. You proved that you pick and choose when to apply generalization, despite the facts that are presented to you, thus that means you are comfortable with viewing black folks as not having a legit arguments when it comes to racial matters

Your poor attempt at trying to dismiss and minimize an argument because it lacks certain terms that describes the proportion of subjects that act a certain way is idiotic, cowardly, and a common tactic used by those of us who are afraid to be labeled as a
-reverse racist,
-race card user,
-playing victim,
-acting like a typical black person

How could you claim that you acknowledge people's irrational hate or fear of black folks, without quantifying the total, but still feel comfortable to use such dismissive language like stop playing the victim?

Phrases like playing the victim, using race card etc are emotional trigger words used to apply implicit stereotypes and generalization towards the targeted person/group. Most of us are afraid to be described by such words, so we will acknowledge certain realities, but then condemn/undermine/oppose any attempts to critique those realities
:heh: My GOD

LOL where to begin?

Obviously you don't know my posting history.... you go off into logical fallacies like you did the first time. Just how you inferred that it was ok to generalize black people.. you get shyt out of thin air.

Number one I didn't say not to use the race card.. I said get power affect change that way instead of being a victim Victims get victimized.

Everything I said is the same shyt that's being said by the likes of Dr. Claude Anderson and others... don't tell e they are race card users, afraid of being labeled militants, and cowards. You use a bunch of empty rhetoric that has achieved ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for black people in the last 30 years. What black people need is ACTION not this little p*ssyfooting complaining shyt. It's obvious you have some kinda mild form of retardation or comprehension issues.
Half the shyt you said comes full circle and just reinforces my point. You're just looking for someone to oppose without even thinking logically.... but I guess it's easier to get at me.. than to ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING TO CHANGE THINGS.

-You claim I'm afraid of others or afraid to offend others.... fallacy
-You claimed Ignored reality... did no such thing I know the reality of things.
-Yes I spoke about people on this board... what is your point? You have none.
-Never even used the words race card.
-You said I'm acting like a "typical black person" just generalized black ppl urself and this makes you a hypocrite
- How many times you gonna critique some shyt and never do anything about it?

At the end of the day you wrote all that and it's all fluff.. You're upset because I called out hollow strategies of complaining to those that run the system of power aka white people? That's funny as hell.
Nobody said the claims weren't legit... but do you really expect other groups to look out for the interests of blacks? You are preaching to the motherfukking choir just like tons of people have been programmed to for the last couple decades with NO RESULTS. I didn't tell anyone to stop playing the victim.. I said stop looking at yourself as a powerless victim because there are ways that black people can get power...and it's definitely not by asking for mercy. The truth hurts and you're mad... you mad as hell. :umad:
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May 1, 2012
There's no point of this discussion. Indians are a lost cause. Period! These are the same people who won't go outside during the summer because they don't want to get dark. I legit had a couple of desi class mates tell me this. i was like :ohhh:Colonization and white supremacy has truly mind fukked them to oblivion.

I hope you're not black.