Incredible Admission by renknowned scientist Dr. Gary Nolan - UFOs, Reverse Engineering, and Whistleblowers - "There's something here"


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
They never established that it was a 'craft' of any kind so something 'ignoring inertia' could be anything from a meteor to a reflection/shadow to a weather anomaly to an experimental vehicle. As far as 'proper physics' go, you'd have to know what an object is to say which type of physics it should follow.

With that said, both pilots stated to not jump to conclusions. You can't jump much further than.....

But its obviously not a bird or a meteor, as the crafts remained stationary for extended periods of time suspended in air. And they have been identified as crafts, hence why they had a whole hearing about them just recently. You are literally just bringing very basic takes to this conversation without knowledge of whays been actually divulged recently

It takes more mental gymnastics to act like there isnt something the military has already been on record describing as intelligent, Flying objects. They just dont know what they are.. but they certainly are intelligent.

Also acting as if these guys dont have the means and cant distinguish between a weather anamoly and something else like this entirely is arrogant on your part.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
E115 as the "power source" for these crafts def originated with Lazar, peace be upon him. I think it's important to recognize that E115, also known as Moscovium was synthesized in 2003 by a team of Russian and American scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia. The writer also said he felt that if anyone brought up Lazar, peace be upon him, that it would be a career ender.
I actually thought there was more truth to it than fiction

And as far as Lazar goes… I honestly don’t give af. I saw some video of some dude who dedicated like 3 hours shytting on dude as an “investigative reporter” but most of the shyt he complained about had shyt to do with anything.. he was crying about his personal life and etc. was never not sure on anything but would “assume” shyt and seemed to take it too personal and overly emotional.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
The radar itself demonstrated those movements, pentqgon testimonies , and military testimonies thatbwere backed up by radar in the court of law were evidence enough thay they were not something they felt were possible by man.

You havent really....looked into this mich have you?
Radar doesn't tell you what something is and the video I posted earlier debunks most of those testimonies as camera/lighting/FLIR issues and natural phenomena like birds, weather balloons, and parallax.

Naked eyes aren't a reliable source of identification or distance, either.

Here's why.....



Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
But its obviously not a bird or a meteor, as the crafts remained stationary for extended periods of time suspended in air.
Just like weather balloons being filmed by a high-speed aircraft using FLIR or time-lapsed Go-Pro by a explanation tendered here.....

What were you saying about 'mental gymnastics'?


Last thing: miss me with the passive-aggressiveness. I'm not making veiled (or otherwise) insults to disprove your assertions. If you want to believe it's aliens, that's fine, but if your extreme lack of evidence and reliance on illogical reasoning/invalid arguments isn't enough to convince me, then that sure as hell won't.​
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Lexington Steele

All Star
May 25, 2012
As you can clearly see in this high-definition video, we are certainly being visited by space aliens. Classic Alpha Centaurian design on this "Cuban cigar" style flying saucer. You can even see the aliens waving through the window. Image provided by a guy named Bob Laser who went to Harvard and Yale but all the records got erased and all his professors and friends got flashy-thinged by the MIB.


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The radar itself demonstrated those movements, pentqgon testimonies , and military testimonies thatbwere backed up by radar in the court of law were evidence enough thay they were not something they felt were possible by man.

You havent really....looked into this mich have you?

Every time I say this, I get a response like this one. Zero evidence, just the assertion that somewhere, out there, is incontrivertable evidence.

If you have it, show it! Because I ask for it every time and it never appears.

No one has ever produced these radar readings that supposedly would prove the objects weren't manmade. Never. There's the constant claims they exist, but we've never seen any proof of anything that couldn't be explained in other ways.

And eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable. If you think something had to be true just cause a pilot thought he saw it, then you clearly haven't met many pilots. I'm sure most pilots are accurate in what they report most of the time.... but we not talking most pilots most of the time, we're talking the absolute fringe who have made the most outlandish claims.

If you personally knew an Air Force Academy grad in rehab who flirts with qanon, you might feel differently. :skip:


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
Every time I say this, I get a response like this one. Zero evidence, just the assertion that somewhere, out there, is incontrivertable evidence.

If you have it, show it! Because I ask for it every time and it never appears.

No one has ever produced these radar readings that supposedly would prove the objects weren't manmade. Never. There's the constant claims they exist, but we've never seen any proof of anything that couldn't be explained in other ways.

And eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable. If you think something had to be true just cause a pilot thought he saw it, then you clearly haven't met many pilots. I'm sure most pilots are accurate in what they report most of the time.... but we not talking most pilots most of the time, we're talking the absolute fringe who have made the most outlandish claims.

If you personally knew an Air Force Academy grad in rehab who flirts with qanon, you might feel differently. :skip:
Well its not hard to find, I just assumed you wouldnt be that hard headed about taking our word for it, when you hear this from multiple people. It was pretty...mainstream when those images and radar footage dropped. It was on fox and CNN lol

Im on my cell phone on a couch with ny GF. Im going like 20% on this. Going and finding links and videos and images isnt going to happen right now. But a google search could help, actually now that I think of it, there are images and radar tracking in that video frim 60 minutes that were utilized in the pentagon briefing...

I'm just telling you some weird shyt came up from the military itself. They confirmed it wasnt a meteor or bird already. You can find this info, it should be interesting to you if you are remotely scientifically curious. But I dont think you are. you are more interested in finding a way to avoid looking into it lol

Im not a nut about this stuff, but its extremely interesting.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Well its not hard to find, I just assumed you wouldnt be that hard headed about taking our word for it, when you hear this from multiple people. It was pretty...mainstream when those images and radar footage dropped. It was on fox and CNN lol

And we've already been over that footage on here. None of it showed proof of anything humanly impossible. Some of it had explantations as simple as "the setting was changed halfway through the scan", and you could verify that with the visible data feed. That doesn't mean the object was identified, just that it didn't show any particularly "alien" traits.

You can't assume someone who comes to a different conclusion to you knows less than you, when they may in fact actually have studied it much more.

Im on my cell phone on a couch with ny GF. Im going like 20% on this. Going and finding links and videos and images isnt going to happen right now. But a google search could help, actually now that I think of it, there are images and radar tracking in that video frim 60 minutes that were utilized in the pentagon briefing...

And I'm telling you that we've been over it already and there are easily plausible explanations for everything that's been produced publically. That doesn't mean we know exactly which or whose plane/drone was on the screen, but that it's easy to show how whatever it was wasn't flying in any impossible manner.

If you have a particular video that can't be explained, post it. Because all the "best" ones have already been posted without any of them proving what you claim they proved.

You can find this info, it should be interesting to you if you are remotely scientifically curious. But I dont think you are. you are more interested in finding a way to avoid looking into it lol

Im not a nut about this stuff, but its extremely interesting.

I've looked into it far more than most people here. Most folk just take whatever they hear at face value and don't dig deeper.
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Hannibal Fox

May 2, 2012
Death To Spookism
What gets me is these crafts or whatever you call it can go from 13k MPH and make a dime turn without an effort. People still think these are government devices is out their mind. For an American fighter jet going 3200MPH it will take half the state of Ohio to turn right or left

What makes you think the gov doesn't have that kind of tech or any wealthy group for that matter?

It is in the best interests of the gov and other bodies for you to think it's aliens, rather than unscrupulous, greedy, often white men who have designs on the planet and our corner of the galaxy.


May 25, 2022
What makes you think the gov doesn't have that kind of tech or any wealthy group for that matter?

It is in the best interests of the gov and other bodies for you to think it's aliens, rather than unscrupulous, greedy, often white men who have designs on the planet and our corner of the galaxy.

The govt might but they didn't come up with the ideas on their own. For example the B2 Stealth bomber came from the design of a German flying wing plane called the Horten Ho 229 that the Nazis came up with during WW2 and which was studied by the US after the war.

As for high speed flying disc technology, if Roswell actually happened then the US was in possession of technology that was far in advance of what they had but they knew it was possible to make it work so they studied it and brought in the best researchers to work on it and tossed billions of dollars at it.

So by the 1980's and 90's you have military whistleblowers saying that you have what are called ARV (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) that can fly circles around anything any other country has. Have incredible levels of maneuverability. Can stop on a dime. Or accelerate to 10,000 mph to 20,000 mph or faster within minutes.

But you can never release it to the public because it'd be like releasing to the world a M1 Abrams tank in 1910. It'd make zero sense to do. Since even with conventional technology you're far ahead of everyone.

So you stick with the public joke stuff like stealth tech and hypersonic vehicles that "struggle" to get to Mach 5 or Mach 6.


Secretary of Defense of #catset
Apr 7, 2017
We’d probably die from a virus or disease that the aliens bring with them

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The govt might but they didn't come up with the ideas on their own. For example the B2 Stealth bomber came from the design of a German flying wing plane called the Horten Ho 229 that the Nazis came up with during WW2 and which was studied by the US after the war.

Not sure that that proves because regular human engineers came up with that idea breh. Bunch of those Nazi engineers became American after the war anyway, so how does the American military using a German idea for one thing somehow prove that Americans will never have any ideas?

It's also amusing to think that the American military is retro-fabricating alien technology hundreds of years beyond our own....yet is still reliant on 1940s German tech for its military advancements.

As for high speed flying disc technology, if Roswell actually happened then the US was in possession of technology that was far in advance of what they had but they knew it was possible to make it work so they studied it and brought in the best researchers to work on it and tossed billions of dollars at it.

So by the 1980's and 90's you have military whistleblowers saying that you have what are called ARV (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) that can fly circles around anything any other country has. Have incredible levels of maneuverability. Can stop on a dime. Or accelerate to 10,000 mph to 20,000 mph or faster within minutes.

But you can never release it to the public because it'd be like releasing to the world a M1 Abrams tank in 1910. It'd make zero sense to do. Since even with conventional technology you're far ahead of everyone.

So you stick with the public joke stuff like stealth tech and hypersonic vehicles that "struggle" to get to Mach 5 or Mach 6.

Imagine bringing in hundreds of the best researches to regularly spend billions of dollars over the course of 80 years on a project that could change the entire course of human history and yet never having a single leak by an even slightly credible person.

Hell, screw hundreds, there would have to be tens of thousands of people involved to do what you're claiming happened. The Manhattan Project employed 130,000 people and that advance and necessary infrastructure is a tiny fraction of the sort of thing you're describing. Who has ever kept that many educated people quiet about anything?

Hannibal Fox

May 2, 2012
Death To Spookism
The govt might but they didn't come up with the ideas on their own. For example the B2 Stealth bomber came from the design of a German flying wing plane called the Horten Ho 229 that the Nazis came up with during WW2 and which was studied by the US after the war.

As for high speed flying disc technology, if Roswell actually happened then the US was in possession of technology that was far in advance of what they had but they knew it was possible to make it work so they studied it and brought in the best researchers to work on it and tossed billions of dollars at it.

So by the 1980's and 90's you have military whistleblowers saying that you have what are called ARV (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) that can fly circles around anything any other country has. Have incredible levels of maneuverability. Can stop on a dime. Or accelerate to 10,000 mph to 20,000 mph or faster within minutes.

But you can never release it to the public because it'd be like releasing to the world a M1 Abrams tank in 1910. It'd make zero sense to do. Since even with conventional technology you're far ahead of everyone.

So you stick with the public joke stuff like stealth tech and hypersonic vehicles that "struggle" to get to Mach 5 or Mach 6.

I'm with you breh , slight clarification though, when I say gov, I mean all governments in general.

I have always been open to the idea of extra terrestrial life though, just not into fantastical takes, peace fam:salute: