I quit reading right there.
I never said arrested development was the ONLY fanbase that they inherited. stop being a jackass.
if youre not aware of that base like that, then just fallback instead of acting like a dikkhead.
if youre just in denial about it, then you need to man up.
plain & simple.
now leave me alone with this outkast chit, unless youre posting in my thread, instead of derailing this one.
if youre 42, you shouldn't be bragging about it, because youre not looking too bright in this thread.
yall seem to think I'm dissin the source. I think theyre that goat rap mag actually. this is more of a social disagreement, rather than me dissing the source, like yall are making it out to be.
the bottom line: some of yall hold these magazines & industry entities in high-regard. a lot of us just enjoy it and go on with the rest of our day after we put the book down.
now youre talking about '88.

the source was a pamphlet. and yall didn't even get the gist of what I said on the slick about me already sniffing thru magazines literally & figuratively, but I'm noticing that I tend to talk over most peoples heads on here. I was joking about how I used to "read" word up, right on, fresh, etc. just looking at the pictures. and shoot, that might've really been '89. I don't know. but I would've figured that you devout hip-hoppers would get that and have a good laugh. I don't know. maybe it was just a dry joke??
them having a black staff is neither here nor there.
and I said SINCE I STARTED PEEPING THEIR ANNUAL STAFF PICS, their staff was like mostly white. and I fell back on that when yall said the staff was mostly black at first.