in the early 90's if you weren't street/thug/calling women bytches, you weren't popping -Kid N Play


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
will yall cut the chit already?

yall trying to discredit every name mentioned. nevermind the fact that the stuff theyre saying was common opinion. I shouldn't have even needed to bring up any celebrity quotes.

I'm beginning to think outkast is really a cult. some of yall going all out to the death to clean up for them.

i almost glossed over this post. next time, tag me when youre addressing my name in an argumentative fashion.

if I edited your list of staff members, its prolly cuz I already addressed that chit.
Man the only person that need to cut the shyt is u. I listed a known fact nikka. Dude passed on other legendary acts in that time frame. The only reason this thread is still going is cause u refuse to be wrong no matter what. Who the fukk has a 5 year argument about some shyt? Lol. I'm just watching and enjoying the back n forth.

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
you need to think outside the box.

youre thinking as an avid rap listener, whose also a fan of the group. your average person that may have heard these records, aren't breaking them down & deciphering them. your average person doesn't know that theyre referencing dope on players ball. especially all the fans that they acquired that aren't even huge fans of rap period. the street content isn't in-your-face, and to the average listener, its downright hidden. especially when they see the visuals of the group, which were always far from gangsta.

have you ever heard the term, "image is everything"??

I mean, look at Kanye west. hes always grouped in the conscious category, even tho half or most of his raps are typically braggadocio & shallow.

the problem is, AND THIS IS NOT A DISS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS A RAP FORUM: but a lot of yall are too deep into rap, and aren't thinking outside of the box neither.

hip-hop is street music. so naturally, just about every rapper ever, has had street content in some form or fashion. it doesn't make them a street rapper, and certainly not a gangsta rapper.

breh nobody says "throw on that outkast" when theyre in the mood for some gangsta chit.

comparing them to ice cube & scarface is craziness.

and yes, ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. like I said, a lot of yall simply aren't/weren't exposed to the people buying their records and aren't in tune with those crowds. they inherited the fanbases of groups like arrested development & pm dawn when they came out. they also inherited the industry positioning of those groups in outlets that most of yall prolly never paid attention to. my thing is, if you know youre not privy to said audiences & outlets , then that's cool. but don't be in denial and argue me down about it, simply because the idea of such, ruins your view of them. that's not my problem. that's just something you have to deal with.

and of course, theres also the even more obvious influence of souls of mischief, pharcyde, etc which yall are flat-out ignoring, and wont bother to address because none of yall want to get into an argument with art barr. so instead, it gets ignored and yall focus on the other groups I mentioned,and now yall in here trying to pull up my background files. LMAO.

I'm 32.

I don't think yall understand what I'm saying. I don't care about none of this chit in the bolded. maybe theres a social disconnect or something, cuz we're cut from a different cloth.

that stuff makes for a great magazine, but at the end of the day, its just a magazine. thurl niccas aint gonna swear by somebody just because they have a job title on their pen.

as for the AD/PM Dawn stuff. outkast gave off the same overall vibe musically and weren't far off presentation wise. and to add syrup on the pancake, they were laface's rap group. yall arguing out of desperation, because this is news to some of yall. but I knew from jumpstreet that they inherited that fanbase.

youre connecting two different arguments, and arguing with me about something that I didn't necessarily say, as a result of it. and the people who dapped you, apparently are doing the same thing. or maybe theyre just dapping you on GP cuz youre arguing "on their side".

yall get so emotional over this group. they must really speak to your souls.

do me a favor. take a deep breath, re-read my post, then get back to me.

:russ:nikka, just admit you were wrong and move on.

You got nikkaz from all over the country sonnin' you over and over again about your blatant inaccuracies regarding Outkast & The Source.

If you were too young back in '94 or just wasn't that deep into HIp-Hop, then just admit that shyt, but the more this goes, the worst you look

You compared this:


its no where in that line - lets go over this a bit more thoroughly
the topic is about kid belief in the direction of hip hop during that early mid 90's era of inky poppin if you was (street) (thugs) (calling women bytches)

1. (street) these nikkaz are from da south / country so technically they could never be considered street rappers

2. (thugs) besides a few hard bars here & there - where the lyrics / songs that promote doing thug type of shyt

3. (calling women bytches) as i already stated, i think they used the word bytch less then a handful times & i dont recall them using the word like their more popular peers at the time ei. Luke 2live crew / snoop n dre / too short etc....

saw this yesterday evening & decided to revisit the LP this morning on my way to work got to most of it

still dont understand what yall nikkaz talking bout :yeshrug:
dope LP and all ... and again, a few semi hard bars sporadically on the album, but noting remotely like that HARDCORE shyt being played back then

Dude, who's claiming OUtkast was NWA?

Literally NOBODY has done that in the thread.

That other nikka compared them to fukking Arrested Development and we're sonnin' his ass constantly for that shyt

They were southern pimps like a high-school Eightball & MJG or something.

Their first record was about smoking weed, pimpin' bytches, riding in cadillacs, and carrying heat when you had to.

That's technically hardcore HIp-HOp.

I mean, Hammer was still active in '94, so were Kid N Play, Public Enemy, Salt N Pepa, Heavy D, and a ton of rappers from the '80s/early '90s, so their CD would not have been in the gospel rap, party rap, or conscious rap sections of the record store, It would've been in the "Adult/hardcore/gangsta" section of the record store
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
ive been sniffing magazines(literally & figuratively) since before the source even became an in-store publication.

its just that IDGAF about the lure of a magazine. I don't hold stuff like that in high-regard. not just with rap, but with anything.

I have a collection of apter mags & books, but I don't swear by their opinions on wrestling.

i will not bite on your deflection on to wrasslin.
as that is a whole nother convo, and real talk...
we not gon go there and deflect cause that leaves two avenues where i can go down to shyt on you, but i ain't trying to be malicious.
nor use you setting your own self up and not seeing this bad move for yourself without me pointing it out.

so we will just keep this about the source, rap business, and hiphop culture and how you know you don't know that entire setup..

with that said,...
there is no way you read a source back then and then try to down play the shyt.
while also demonstrating a complete void and disconnect culturally to the time we are talembout as well.

there is just no way...
plus, how you downplayed the black excellence as far as writers too.

there is just no way.

anyone who been here long enough know you stop it..

you sohh nikkaz be trying to come on here and get a new identity and that shyt always gets exposed so stop the shyt.
you got some new and young nikkaz fooled but nikkaz in the complete know not fooled and never been fooled

plus, if you wanna get technical.
your only point of significance made around here, is a parrott of my content anyway.

so, just stop with that whole idea you gon try to play that angle, too.
since outkast was mentioned and you think that is gonna power you up to feel some false allegiance because you parrot my content on them, to aid your offkey arguement to discredit them entirely as artist cause you don't respect them too.
while trying to take my comments on kast's cultural allegiance and pander after their second album content and cultural change got them higher cultural appeal from their original pimp meets souls of mischief start originally.

so, let's just keep this about the source.

you know you did not read the source at a cognitive cultural point back then and anyone who been around here long enough knows that.

so stop flodge'n,...

art barr
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Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
All this thread shows is the media is successfully rewriting history when it comes to hip hop. U got cats watching documentaries and reading these fluff articles and getting completely mislead. I hope all who was in doubt and misinformed learned something from reading this thread.

REading this thread is kind of dope and strange at the same time, because as someone who didn't grow up in the US I'm getting a lot of info. But even for me who was far away in Central African Republic in the early 90s we saw that there was TON of diversity in HH, yeah Gangsta Rap was at the forefront but all the other styles/acts were not far away behind. We used to get VHS tapes and mixtapes from people who had people in the US, and it was extremely diverse.

That's false.

All of the forefathers of hip hop were conscious.

Most of the early champions of hip hop were either part of the 5% Nation, The Nuwabians, or the Zulu Nation once the 70s NYC gangs morphed into these organizations.

The whole spirit of hip hop was birthed in consciousness and community awareness.

I challenge you to name me one hip hop album made between the late 70s to the early 90s that didn't contain at least one black empowerment, save the children, the police is killing us, the hood is fukked up, the government ain't shyt, or black history type song.

Those messages were woven deeply in the fabric of the culture.

The reason "conscious" rappers today don't touch the masses is because they forgot to include one of the most important tenants of the Zulu Nation... "having fun."

You can get your message across without coming off as an aggy, boring, brainiac, know it all. (i.e. Talib Kweli)

Great point

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
Man the only person that need to cut the shyt is u. I listed a known fact nikka. Dude passed on other legendary acts in that time frame. The only reason this thread is still going is cause u refuse to be wrong no matter what. Who the fukk has a 5 year argument about some shyt? Lol. I'm just watching and enjoying the back n forth.

legendary acts get passed on everyday b.
and Russell was the main game in town for a LONG TIME. at one point, he was virtually the only game in town. so of course hes gonna have to pass on a lot of peoole.
youre just mad that he passed on nas. and he had good reason to actually.

I refuse to be wrong how? yall are the ones in denial, and trying to make excuses for everything. even when I give yall your fabled celebrity quotes, yall try to rip apart every name I mentioned. its pretty dam clear that yall are the ones that refuse to be wrong. NOT ME. and whats funny is, I'm the main one that admits when hes wrong on this board. so DONT DARE tell me I refuse to be wrong LOL.

my thread poppin. thats why its been going on for 5 years. and cannon, you been arguing about nas on here for the past decade, non-stop. another guy that dissed outkast, btw. your hero nas.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
Kid N Play were Pop Rap group without any pop hits. :manny:

yea back on topic.

they never really crossed over musically. they just made black hits, until their lane was closed on black radio. and they had nothing to fall back on.

"aint gonna hurt nobody" was prolly the closest.
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May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
yea back on topic.

they never really crossed over musically. they just made black hits, until their lane was closed on black radio. and they had nothing to fall back on.
No. Like someone else said. They didn't know how to adjust and/or make albums either. Heavy D was just fine. And lasted thru the entire 90s.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
No. Like someone else said. They didn't know how to adjust and/or make albums either. Heavy D was just fine. And lasted thru the entire 90s.

kid n play's 1st album was CLASSIC.

and heavy d isn't a fair comparison. heavy was of course, at the center of the new jack swing wave, but before that, he was a standard '80s emcee.

kid n play was str8 unapologetic dance rap from day one. when the dance element was eliminated from hip-hop, there really was no place for them. and them not being a hardcore group in any form or fashion was the nail in the coffin. the reason this thread went 30 pages, or at least the 1st 20, is because people don't want to admit that.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
legendary acts get passed on everyday b.
and Russell was the main game in town for a LONG TIME. at one point, he was virtually the only game in town. so of course hes gonna have to pass on a lot of peoole.
youre just mad that he passed on nas. and he had good reason to actually.

I refuse to be wrong how? yall are the ones in denial, and trying to make excuses for everything. even when I give yall your fabled celebrity quotes, yall try to rip apart every name I mentioned. its pretty dam clear that yall are the ones that refuse to be wrong. NOT ME. and whats funny is, I'm the main one that admits when hes wrong on this board. so DONT DARE tell me I refuse to be wrong LOL.

my thread poppin. thats why its been going on for 5 years. and cannon, you been arguing about nas on here for the past decade, non-stop. another guy that dissed outkast, btw. your hero nas.
:stopitslime: poppin? my nikka u UP ur own thread when u feel the need to. Ur thread is like 2 vs 100 my nikka. 100 people telling u and like 1 other person the same shyt. I'm not even telling u how to feel about Outkast but when u try to make like MOST people felt a way cause of UR personal feelings that's when it becomes a problem. I'm not mad Russell passed on Nas. Russell is mad Russell passed on Nas. Same way he's mad he passed on Outkast. Good reason? nikka please. Lol. He wasn't the ONLY game in town by then. nikka :what:. nikka Def Jam was in the toilet until Warren G came and saved them nikkas in 94. nikka was def not the end all be all in the early 90s. But I see the fukk shyt u tryna pull. Bringing me being a fan of Nas up like that's some kind of knock on me. I don't give a fukk who Nas likes or doesn't like. Or who he dissed or didn't diss. Bottom line is. U wrong about this subject at hand.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
kid n play's 1st album was CLASSIC.

and heavy d isn't a fair comparison. heavy was of course, at the center of the new jack swing wave, but before that, he was a standard '80s emcee.

kid n play was str8 unapologetic dance rap from day one. when the dance element was eliminated from hip-hop, there really was no place for them. and them not being a hardcore group in any form or fashion was the nail in the coffin. the reason this thread went 30 pages, or at least the 1st 20, is because people don't want to admit that.
:what: So u saying Heavy D wasn't dance rap? Man that nikka danced so much he continued dancing even in the late 90s. fukk is u talkin bout? Kid n Play was just a dance group. I compared them cause honestly he's the best example of an artist that was on some party and dancing shyt. And then transitioned into the 90s pretty well and KEPT his identity while doing it. And produced classic records in the process not only for himself but for others. Kid N Play was a better group in the 80s. And had different music in the 80s compared to the 90s. Their music got SOFTER the more pop they became. This is facts. Their shyt in the 90s was lackluster aside from a few singles. People started caring about their movies more than their music.
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May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
Heavy D in the 80s.

Kid n Play song wit the same vibe in the 80s.

Heavy D in the 80s

Kid n Play..

Heavy D in the 80s

Kid n Play

Heavy D in the 80s

Kid n Play..

Now when we start getting into the 90s is when shyt gets tricky for Kid n Play. Best song they made in the 90s was Ain't Gonna Hurt Nobody.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
:stopitslime: poppin? my nikka u UP ur own thread when u feel the need to. Ur thread is like 2 vs 100 my nikka.

I stopped reading right there.
anybody can read my thread and see that the bolded is bullchit.

FYI, I upped the thread so that we don't derail this one. I keep telling yall, I don't care about outkast like yall try to paint it.

youre looking funny in the light. but youre unintentionally proving my point so carry on.:sas2:

:what: So u saying Heavy D wasn't dance rap? Man that nikka danced so much he continued dancing even in the late 90s. fukk is u talkin bout? Kid n Play was just a dance group. I compared them cause honestly he's the best example of an artist that was on some party and dancing shyt. And then transitioned into the 90s pretty well and KEPT his identity while doing it. And produced classic records in the process not only for himself but for others. Kid N Play was a better group in the 80s. And had different music in the 80s compared to the 90s. Their music got SOFTER the more pop they became. This is facts. Their shyt in the 90s was lackluster aside from a few singles. People started caring about their movies more than their music.

when heavy d blew up, he was more b-boyish. 1st album was standard mid-80s big beat rap, mixed with that uptown new jack sauce(hence the dancing & fly chit)
of course he transitioned better. he was never fully in their lane to begin with.

I'm not arguing the bolded. I think kid n play's time was up regardless. I'm just saying, they didn't get a chance to have that falloff moment because their lane was eliminated. I mean, nobody even bothered to mention that none of their albums flopped. their last LP was "face the nation". their lane was just closed.

and youre also forgetting that heavy was on a legendary label, which he ended up running. kid n play were just rappers, and on a label that loved to lose.