In hindsight, are you embarrassed about being tricked into the Odd Future hype?


May 6, 2012
Go for it. That article needs to be written.

Do you mean the whole "fake like I'm indie but I'm not" thing?

just the whole nature of how when pubs like pitchfork come into the game they have a particular style or 'take' on hip hop that really doesn't align with mine.. there is a culture out there on tumblr and stuff that creates a rap subculture that's new, kinda different

some stuff I wrote on the old forum summing up my thoughts

hypebeasts can be identified by an unhealthy obsession with Jay-Z, a tendency to embrace non-artistic artists whose songs 'bump', a conviction that MBDTF > CD & LR, and a meandering intellectual facade under it all. (Also, a inexplicable readiness to expand upon the meaning of The White Stripes.) They are not necessarily 'unknowledgeable' or 'newbies', but what they are is trend driven and aesthetically bankrupt

in the end the contours of the argument are true regardless of whether you personally like Odd Future or Lil B or Gucci Mane more. I think we can all agree that Street's Disciple and Untitled were at least as good as whatever these dudes slapped together recently

It's not just us saying this. Everyone has noticed that there's a nexus of Pitchfork, Complex, Tumblr and general NYC media that has a type of conventional wisdom that is out of balance. It's not just about rap either. I mean, take someone like The Weeknd, he's pumped up by that culture beyond a lot of more 'traditionally skilled' RnB singers. That's okay, I listen to him, but at least don't hype his product up beyond the real OGs of the genre still putting out good work

there is a 'culture' of hip hop commentary out there that isn't really focused on 'hip hop' as much as the little ups and downs of Kreashawn and Nicki Minaj and whatever the hell Diddy is doing with Rick Ross tomorrow. The fault lines are opening up and this divide is starting to be more and more obvious

what confuses me though is that you got vets like Elliot Wilson also doing that same blog hipster hype sh1t so I dunno

edit: found an even better rant about these cats from some thread I was in

People want to appear edgy and be different.
These anti-conformist c*nts would fit right in with the majority of "The Spot".
The writers on Pitchfork are no different than the trolls of this section that d1ck ride artists like Waka Flocka.
It's cool to make Camel Jokes and say "Nas Lost" but when someone that has a much larger stage than a forum post does it, it's time to be taken serious ?
More often than not you all take the chance to sh1t on the music you love instead of big it up and let mofuggas know that Hip Hop has dope sh1t.
I mean it's kind of funny that on a website where Legends routinely get sh1tted on people are actually offended that this sort of thinking isn't just a running forum joke.

Wake up man according to the internet :
Everyone whose ever had any sort of success in Hip Hop was apart of the illuminati.
People still talk "GanxStuhh Rappuhhsss" Despite Alternative Hip Hop being at an all time high.
You're soft if you don't rap about shooting guns and moving white.
You're wack if you DO rap about shooting guns and moving white.
And if you've had any sort of success you gotta be called "Over rated" which is the forum slummer's favorite term.
On top of that you can't for some reason like more than two artists.
It's ALWAYS a "Versus" situation like everyone is in a perpetual state of fvcking "Your dad verse My Dad.
And if this post offends you, chances are you're one of the ones I'm talking about.

Fvck tryna put me through a table.

Anyways I don't agree with this ridiculous "Hey look at me I'm cool too" movement from the hipsters. Sometimes they get it right OFWGKTA is fvcking dope, other times they get it wrong (Hop Off Lil B's nuts on the real).

I think the problem is people are literally looking to dudes like Lil B and Waka to drop some game changing revolutionary genius sh1t. They attach more to these artists than they really should. I literally am flabbergasted at the interviews Lil B gets while dudes will totally ignore someone like TiRon or say some corny sh1t like "Oh Common's Album sounds like *insert past Common Album*" as if Common ain't supposed to sound like Common :smh:
It's almost like the more Hip Hop a record sounds...the less Hip Hop it is to some people.
And that isn't to say Lil B and Waka don't bring their own thing it's that these dudes are getting fvcking High Fives for on average mediocre raps while Nas can't get the critical acclaim he should be getting.


Apr 30, 2012
All those overeducated think pieces in high minded places about how edgy they are and how subversive tyler was. when in reality they was just a bunch corny nerds making white boy hip hop with all that nihilism and angst. smh at the people the industry try to sell you. black music is righteous at the end of the day, take the righteousness out, and it becomes white music as far as i am concerned. White music is like Punk, a buch of spoiled brat kids angry at mommy and daddy. same with grunge. as black people, we should always reject this posture, and Odd Future was the first black people i see try and be white.

I don't want to say we told you so, but there were plenty who were saying this at the time, being called "haters."


Jun 5, 2012
No because I beleive they have real talent. Earl, Hodgy, Domo, and Tyler are all good mcs in their own right. Left brain beats are dope and unique.

I don't give a fukk about they hype. If it's good, it's good. this shyt right here

is good
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Southern California/Vegas
May 1, 2012
The Coli's 420th member
No, I'm not wrong. Punk Rock started out as the music of disenfranchised youth mainly in urban centers. They were frustrated with the lack of opportunity in the world, the inequity, and the way police and government treated them.

Now, clearly, punk has become completely commmercialized. Black Flag's Police Story (about police brutality in LA in the ealry 80s) becomes Blink 182.

Remind you of any other types of music?

Breh, I was agreeing with you saying that the person you commented on was wrong. I wasn't saying you were wrong. They are not rich kids who are spoiled because mommy and daddy wont let them take the benz out to a party like the other poster was leading on.

Blink 182 is not a punk band. Dead Kennedys are a punk band. Greenday is not a punk band, Crass is a punk band.

Barney Pimpson

May 11, 2012
I approve this thread regarding righteousness but u really got to get off this black white shyt

It's about rich and poor, have and have nots.


إن شاء الله
May 3, 2012
Tyler is really the only one I like. Yonkers stay's in rotation.


Apr 30, 2012
People will pretend it didn't happen, but the hype was ridiculous to the point of being flat out hilarious...for like 2 months last year they were built up as "the new Wu-Tang that is gonna completely revolutionize the rap game"...the Peter Rosenbergs of the world were like 13 year girls at a Bieber concert over them...


I think one guy made that Wu comparison and that was from a guy trying to sign them.

And any talk about them revolutionizing the game, didn't have much to do with their music, but the fact that it was a group of 16-18 year olds, writing, producing, directing videos and building a fanbase via shyt they had on youtube.

Will any of them ever go gold? No
Crack 100k in album sales? Probably not.

But they have their fanbase in place.

They're doing shows around the country and Europe. They have their own label where they have complete creative control and the deal allows them to sign solo contracts with other labels. They have their own store and a tv show on Adult Swim.

And Tyler just turned 21.

If people were predicting them to do outrageous numbers, they were wrong, but I don't think anyone was saying that.


All Star
May 11, 2012
What's funny is the people who swear Earl's material is going to mature. Touring for the next 5-8 years what is he going to live that's going to influence him to talk about anything than what he's been making money for? He's not going to try to fix what's "not broken".

Look at Eminem, he pretty much completely devolved and rhymes for the sake of the rhymes at 40


Jun 11, 2012
i stand by how i felt about them before. a lot of these dudes that are getting hyped up by folks off the internet are WACK AS F*CK. nowadays, if something is hyped up to the max, you gotta question that sh!t. in this case, the hype didn't match the music.
May 30, 2012
What OF fans don't get is that no one over the age of 23 checks for OF outside of Frank Ocean (mainly due to the R&B vibe). That alone will get them shut out by a lot of people. And their whole schtick has been before and done better. The music is flat out boring to anyone who sees through their style. They only got so much hype b/c this Youtube/Twitter generation overhypes anything with even just marginal talent.

Their time has come and passed. I know they're young, but nobody cares. They better save their tour money b/c it's back to regular life after 25 for all of them.

i'm over 25 and I think they are good. I like their stuff. i haven't anything other than Earl Sandwich, but that was great.

They are different and I like that.


All Star
May 1, 2012
their music and movement was meant to have an impact on young people that would have changed the game..... Thing is that kids under 20 have such an ADD mentality, good luck trying to create a sustaining market for yourself with those type of people, as they will dikkride one artist to the next underground, yet always come out to support what radio tells them to love

Long Live The Kane

Tyrant Titan
Apr 30, 2012

I think one guy made that Wu comparison and that was from a guy trying to sign them.

And any talk about them revolutionizing the game, didn't have much to do with their music, but the fact that it was a group of 16-18 year olds, writing, producing, directing videos and building a fanbase via shyt they had on youtube.

Will any of them ever go gold? No
Crack 100k in album sales? Probably not.

But they have their fanbase in place.

They're doing shows around the country and Europe. They have their own label where they have complete creative control and the deal allows them to sign solo contracts with other labels. They have their own store and a tv show on Adult Swim.

And Tyler just turned 21.

If people were predicting them to do outrageous numbers, they were wrong, but I don't think anyone was saying that.

People will pretend it didn't happen, but the hype was ridiculous to the point of being flat out hilarious...for like 2 months last year they were built up as "the new Wu-Tang that is gonna completely revolutionize the rap game"...the Peter Rosenbergs of the world were like 13 year girls at a Bieber concert over them...


I like these nyeeggas... They're like hypebeast/Hipster/Nerd Rap versions of the Wu...

Like I said before, they remind me of Wu-Tang when they first popped up in '93.


wu tang is the last time i've seen a grassroots movement take off soo fast......

There is shyt on that album that could have been on Midnight Maruaders or Supreme Clientele
because this whole camp can be likened to a wu tang type movement in the sense of talent + members in a group
I like their sh*t because it reminds me of Wu-Tang. Not the content really just the over all low budget kitchen sink approach to rapping and producing.

These are just from one thread on SOHH...thread titles from the great Odd Future Hype Orgy of '11 include:

Odd Future = NWA/Public Enemy/Cypress Hill/Wu Tang

This was an actual post

in 2011 i don't see anyone successfully going at odd future...its like goin at the full NWA camp in their prime.

wonder how the media was hyping them about some magazine named Rolling Stone...surely with their years in the music biz, they'd take a measured approach and not feed into the hype orgy

The New Wu-Tang Clan: Odd Future

This L.A. crew features the most talented kids in hip-hop — and the most demented

Read more: The New Wu-Tang Clan: Odd Future | Music News | Rolling Stone
The New Wu-Tang Clan: Odd Future | Music News | Rolling Stone

Can Tyler The Creator and Odd Future save music?
Can Tyler The Creator and Odd Future save music? > The Method > Bulletin | Purple Revolver

Fast forward one summer and we're supposed to pretend like the hype didn't reach absolutely laughably preposterous levels or that they lived up to it because they're doing shows like every other 2 bit mid level "underground" rap act on the planet


And that's not even accounting for how muh'fukkas was acting like Earl was the next incarnation of rap jesus or buddha or some shyt, an ascended master whose soul returned to earth in the form of a swagless 17 year old nerd to save the genre with his greatness
Jun 15, 2012
I fukked with them at the start was cause I always give artist a chance before writing them off. Then I heard Tylers Goblin album :scusthov: An entire album about hating god, smacking his mom, wanting to commit suicide, a devil reference here and there, how everyone hates him :trash:

hahah this. I have no problem with hype but without quality music its worthless. On the other hand I'll support someone like Kendrick because he's been releasing dope music long before the hype train started.